Good Evening Everyone!
Hope you all had a good and positive week last week. Did any of get any crystals? Share with me what they are!
So for the astrology report for this week:
We entered Gemini today (Tuesday) and then on Wednesday the moon will be entering Cancer! Same thing for Thursday!
Also on Wednesday, Mercury and Pluto will be in a trine. This means Mercury and Pluto's energies will be supportive of one another. When in a trine, that is a time of acceptance. Mercury has energies of speaking the truth's and of communicating openly. Pluto's energies are of change and creativity.
So when Mercury and Pluto are supporting each other, you are going to go through something, a change. Maybe you are going through it now! Wednesday is that day to express what is going on with you and you are going to accept this change or transformation. This could be a good or bad thing. If it is a negative thing, take a step back and evaluate what is going on, recognize what the negative thing is and change it. This will be the time to do that and shift from whatever is bringing you down and transform into something positive. This may be a bumpy day for some of you, as you are moving toward that something positive. Use the energies of Mercury and Pluto in a positive way so that it benefits you! Use your creativity to find a way to lift yourself up and succeed.
Mars will be in a semisextile with Uranus. These energies together will cause you to feel impatient and annoyed with people around you. Don't fall off your chair! Recognize your negativity and take a few seconds to calm yourself and to help you think clearly. Perhaps you can put up a crystal grid in your space to help you feel calm and patient. Try to slow down and be kind to others. Face your obstacles with a clear mind!
With whatever plans in your life that you have, this day will fill you with some fear and doubt. This is because of the energies of Saturn. The moon is in a trine with Saturn. You will feel nervous and have anxiety. Stay calm, relax, and find a way to ground yourself. And think positive! You may start to see the negative side of things, but stop yourself and also think about the positive side!! Don't dwell too much on the negative. (Tip: Cleanse yourself with sage, nag champa, or frankincense)
The Moon will be in a square with Mercury. Being is a square at this time means tension between the Moon and Mercury. This can be a time, however, to take action and push yourself to achieve something or make your way to achieving something. With Mercury, you are going to find yourself thinking a lot. Probably thinking about how you are going to achieve something and day dream about your ways of getting there, for example. Stay positive and don't space off too much! Lol! Although it could be a good day to make a good and positive plan on how you are going to get to where you want to be. It is going to be a day of deep thought.
So for the crystals to carry this week:
To help see and think clearly, staying positive, and ease through anxiety; Any crystal that has the same energies and healing properties as a Lithium Quartz or Ametrine
To help with creativity; Any crystals with the same energies and healing properties as Citrine, Orange Kyanite, or Botswana Agate
To help with confidence and acceptance; Any crystals with the same energies and healing properties as Carnelian or Clear Quartz
Well I hope that you enjoyed this post! If you did give it a thumbs up and share with others!! Hope you all had a great day and talk to you all soon!!
Crystal Blessings,