Thursday, August 27, 2015

Astrology News 8/27/15 - 9/1/15 & A CRYSTAL SALE!

Good evening everyone!! Hope you are all had a great day! Or if your day is getting started then, I hope that you have a wonderful blessed day! Toda's post if the astrology news for this week so, let's get started!


The moon will be in a few transits throughout the day with Mars, Pluto, Venus, and Uranus. These energies are going to bring in a lot of action taking energies. Wanting to quickly get things done and at a fast pace. You are not really going to take time to think about a plan. Be careful! You really do need to take the time to evaluate what you will be doing. It really isn't a day of planning and just doing. However, if you can realize that, and take some time to evaluate everything, it may save you from a few disappointments. Keep calm and grounded on this day. Carry or wear Hematite, Black Agate, or Black Tourmaline. You may also wear a calming stone or crystal such as Blue Lace Agate or Angelite.

Saturday -

Mars and Pluto are going to be in a Quincunx. The Moon will also be in a few transits as well. These energies are gong to make you feel like you need to be in control or take the lead. Keep in mind that these energies will be affecting other's, not just you! This can cause people and yourself to butt heads with other's. You and other's are going to feel as though other's will be too dominating. Don't be pushy! Everyone should have an opportunity to have a say! Realize this! Work together! Don't be too aggressive. Be understanding of other's thoughts. On this day wear or carry Moonstone to help bring in calm energies and help you to listen. You should also wear Orange Calcite with your Moonstone as well to bring in calming and creative energies. It also helps to clear out negativity from a space or room.

Tuesday -

Venus will be in a conjunction with Mars. They won't be working against each other this time! They will actually be working together! They will be working as a team. It is a great day for manifesting what you desire. This makes it the perfect day to wear or carry a Labradorite stone. This stone is the stone for manifesting, new beginnings, and transformation.

The energies of this day will have you go after what it is you're passionate about. Mars energy will be the spark that fires up your dreams, passions, and whatever you really like. It will have you go after those passions an dreams and start the process in turning them into a reality. Passions will be high. You won't be shy about going after what it is you desire. On this day, wear or carry either a Labradorite or Garnet.

Well I hope that you enjoyed this post! If you did give it a g+1 and share with others! Don't forget to come join my group on facebook called The Crystal Manor: A Spiritual Home ~ Healing Crystals The link to the group will be in the comment area below! I also give free readings there so come join!  Also there is a CRYSTAL SALE going on at my friends ETSY store at crystalshipcreations. Use code TINYCRYSTALSTAR for you 10% off your order! Ok, Namaste!

Crystal Blessings,
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Thursday, August 20, 2015

Astrology News 8/20/15 - 8/25/15

Good evening readers!

Tonight's post is of this weeks astrology news! Its been a few weeks since I've posted one!! Let's find out what's going on this week!

Friday 8/21/15 -

The Sun is going to be in a square with Saturn. Throughout the day, the Moon is going to be in a few transits as well. This day is going to bring in some frustrating energies, as you will be going through some obstacles. Don't sit and dwell on the fact that something's are in your way and annoying you. Instead, recognize that, where there are obstacles, there are also positive opportunities. You have to be calm and positive in order to see those opportunities. Have an open mind and have some confidence. Use these opportunities to your benefit! On this day, carry or wear either Citrine or a Carnelian crystal to help bring out and support your confidence. These energies generating from the crystal can also help you to recognize opportunities!

Saturday -

Mars will be in a quincunx with Neptune. Again, throughout the day, the Moon will be in a few transits with other planets. These energies are going to make you feel like people don't understand you, and you may be put in situations where you will be forced to compromise or agree to disagree. Mars and Neptune energies are different as it is. You have fire and water elements already not working together. This is how it's going to feel. Different energies butting heads and not getting each other. Please stay grounded on this day! Carry or wear Black Tourmaline to help with that. Also carry something like a Rose Quartz or Blue Lace Agate to help bring in some comfortable energies throughout the day as well.

Sunday -

The Sun would have transitioned from Leo and into Virgo. Your energies will be changing as well! Leo was all about having fun or wanting to have fun. Now, Virgo energy is going to make you focus more on work and getting things done. Nothing wrong with that! Work is very important! Use this energy to your benefit! Its a great day to accomplish any goals or get through your day's schedule. On this day carry Fluorite to help bring in  and support focused energies. Fluorite can also help with taking action and planning things with a clear mind. It also brings in motivating energies.

Monday and Tuesday -

The Moon's energies is taking over on both days. It will be in many transits. These days are going to continue to bring in motivating and action taking energies. I suggest Fluorite on these days a well. Use these energies to your benefit and use your time wisely! Whatever you need to get done, do it on these days!

Well I hope that you enjoyed this post! If you did give it a g+1 and share with others!! Have a wonderful day or night and much love and light your way!! Talk to you all soon!

Crystal Blessings,

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Amazonite: Metaphysical Healing Abilities

Hello Readers!!

I am sorry I have been away for a very long while!! Life has kinda of just taken over and I have been very busy. I have finished and graduated from the Intuitive class I mentioned in one of my posts and about to start my next class which is Mediumship  Development. I am very excited to start that next chapter!! I've been giving readings and helping anyone who asks and I am loving it! I have gained new spiritual friends and I am very happy about that. I love being around those who know and understand and best of all, we talk about everything spiritual and we don't look at each other like we are crazy lol. I have also been writing my second book and about done with that as well. So again, sorry for being away!

So tonight's post is on the crystal; Amazonite. You can find this crystal in two colors; blue and green. It can be found in the United States, Russia, Canada, Brazil, India, Mozambique. Namibia, and Austria.

Amazonite brings in soothing and calming energies. It can calm your nerves and mind. It balances the feminine and masculine energies. It helps you realize both sides of a situation so that you see the different points of view. It rids of negative energies and aggravation. Making an elixir with Amazonite can be very beneficial. With the correct intention, it can allow you to feel and manifest all kinds of love (friendship, relationship, partnership, etc.), or to help your guides to communicate clearly to you and you being able to hear them more loudly.

This crystal opens and heals your throat and heart chakras. It can also open up the third eye and connect you to your intuition. The elixir can also be beneficial to your health if you set the right intention for it, for example an elixir with Amazonite can calm your muscle spams.

Well I hope that you enjoyed this post! If you did give it a g+1 and share with others! I will be sure to catch up and provide you all with more helpful posts! I will also be doing posts on herbs and oils and their metaphysical healing abilities as well!! So come back check those out as well! Don't forget to join and check out my Facebook Group: The Crystal Manor: A Spiritual Home ~ Healing Crystals Here is the link if you need it: Come join and show me your crystals, stones, and ways you practice your spirituality! It's a safe place to do so. I also do free group card readings as well!

Hope you all have a wonderful day or night!

Crystal Blessings,