Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Mercury Retrograde: Here's What You Need To Know


Mercury is about communication, time, and travel, spiritual friends. During this time, watch what you say. Misunderstandings are highly popular during Mercury retrograde. Which can cause arguments and disappointments. So be specific with your words and try to really think before you speak.
Also with Mercury RE-trograde, Is the " re" in retrograde. Now is the time to REview, REevaluate, RE think, and REvise, anythin...g when it comes to planning, projects you may be working on, and anything paper work. Now ISNT the time to make commitments or to sign any contracts. So if you are able to put those important stuff off until the retrograde is over, that would be most beneficial for you. If you must make them now, remember to REview them more than 2 times so you don't miss anything. If you can spiritual friends, try to take this time to REst and RElax. Don't let this post bring up fears!!! Give your fears and doubts to Archangel Michael and God (who are non denominational) and just relax and let them do their job. Allow the universal flow to take its course. All you need to do spiritual friends, is try to to relax and retreat.
How You Can Work With Mercury Retrograde:
The energies of Mercury retrograde are positive as well!! As it can help with procrastination and can help you to move forward to get some goals achieved. Or to help you move forward in your life purpose or path. Need to go stuff around the house? Do it!! Need to organize for school or work? Do it!! Mercury retrograde is not to be feared. Just work with it in the most uplifting and positive way spiritual hotties!
****ALSO!! New Moon is on August 31st!!****
Mercury Retrograde:
Work with Archangle Michael, Metatron, and Gabriel during this time.
Crystals you can work with:
Emerald, Fluorite, Aquamarine, Blue Lace Agate, and Amazonite. All great for clear and calm communication. As well as. Providing mental clarity (fluorite, clear quartz).
As for your grounding and absorbing negativity: Black Tourmaline and Hematite!

Hope this helps you!!
Jennifer J Barlow

Ascended Master of The Week: Goddess Cordelia of England, Wales, & Ireland

Goddess Cordelia 

 Cordelia is the goddess of flower fairies, and the spring and summer flowers. Born a sea goddess, Cordelia  is the daughter of the sea god; Lir. People celebrate her during Beltane. The ancient celebration marks the beginning  of summer. When the warm weather sets in and ranchers can allow cattle out of their pins and roam the fields. Her playful summer and fairy energy can help you with creating and feeling the joy of your own or other celebrations. She can provide courage when needed, and also to help be your true authentic self. To be free.

She was written into the Shakespeare play 'King Lear' where Shakespeare writes that she is the daughter of King Lear (Not Lir).

You can also call upon her to help you with your gardening and flowers. Having a sacred space out in your sacred garden dedicated to her and her help with the growth and health of your garden and flowers.

Although Cordelia has a fun energy, she also has a calming/nurturing energy as well. She is said to be great at helping those who are stressing. She can help you to manage your stress in a healthy and positive way. So call upon her for this as well.

If you are preparing or going through any life changes, she is said to help with the changes as well.

I hope that you enjoyed this post! if you did give a share and thumbs up!! Talk to you all soon!

Angel & Crystal Blessings,
& Namaste
~ Jennifer J Barlow

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Ascended Master Of The Week: Roman/ Teutonic Goddess ~ Abundantia

Abundantia is the goddess of prosperity, success, and abundance. She is also the protector of your money and savings. So call upon her to protect you financially! You can also call upon her while trying to manifest a positive abundant flow in your life. This does not mean only money, it can mean abundance of family, friends, material needs (not wants), love, and more.
Abundantia is also known as Fulla in Norse mythology. It has been said that Fulla Abundantia) was called upon by Frigg ( the Norse goddess of the clouds and atmosphere). Frigg called help from Fulla to carry and protect her valuables when needed. Mortals that called upon and asked Fulla for help, she would help them and perform favors for them.
Her face had been on Roman coins for centuries. Makes sense!
She's a loving and patient energy. She is happy to actively help those who call upon her.
To call upon her, try making a sacred space dedicated to her.
I send you all so much love, light, and blessings!
Angel & Crystal Blessings,
& Namaste
~ Jennifer J Barlow

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Follow Me On Social Media!!

Here is where you can find me , my book, and my new Etsy Shop!
Jennifer J Barlow
Link one of my videos:

The Jenn Barlow


The Crystal Manor: A Spiritual Home ~ Metaphysical Healing

AncestralEnergy on Etsy

Ancestral Energy on Instagram


I'm Back And Ready To Get Back With The Spiritual Blogging!!!

Good Morning from (not so the moment) California! So sorry readers for being MIA for a long while. I have been taking on multiple things and just haven't exactly found a balance. But, I think I have now. Life has been busy and very distracting. But I'm back now with my spiritual posts.

What's New:

So in less than a month, I'll be moving to NC where I will hopefully start working from home doing my spiritual work; my purpose here on this earth plane. I am thinking about taking phone calls, emails through a specific work email for readings and spiritual counseling, and also skype. And, anyone living near by can come to my own home to get a personal face to face reading...maybe. Still thinking about that one. But I hope that, that business starts soon because, when I go a long time with out helping people spiritually, I get low. I love helping people and helping them expand their own spirituality. It's just something I very much enjoy doing. I think of my self as a messenger for God/Source here on this earth plane. I feel so blessed to be working for him and passing along his teachings and so forth. So I hope that, I start right away when I get to NC.

New & Not So New Posts:

So I will be continuing to be post about herbs, crystals, and oils. I will also be doing more weekly card readings, and talking about Archangel's but ALSO (here is the something new) I will also be doing  Ascended Master of The Week posts as well! So you will hear about Buddha, Aphrodite, Cordellia, Artemis, Forseti, Egyptian Goddess Isis, St. Francis, Saint John of God, Saint Padre Pio, and so many more!! So look forward to learning about them and many more Ascended Master's! All this coming your way, starting today!

I hope you all enjoy your day or night (depending where on earth you are located)! I send you so much love and light! And remember that you angles and spirit guides are always around looking to help you in any way they can so, never be afraid to ask for their guidance, and God's and the Archangel's! They are non-denominational and can bein many places at once! So never feel like you do not deserve their help! They WANT to help you and hear from you every day!

Many Angel & Crystal Blessings,
& Namaste!