Daily Reading
Good morning my spiritual friends! I know it has been a long while since I've posted anything on my blog, YouTube channel, and Facebook group! You know that I had just moved to NC ... BUT, then a few moths later, I moved again! I've just settled in and found myself a job and getting my son situated here too. Life has been super busy. Now that I have time again, I am back up on here! Readings will be posted here, as well as my Ascended Master of the Week, and anything else! Then, posted to my spiritual Facebook Group. If you haven't joined my Facebook Group, go ahead and do so now. There you can talk to those like you and in a safe environment with no judgement. You can post there too with your own readings and magical and spiritual pictures, and just make new friends! Keep it positive!
With that being said, lets begin with a weekly reading! In today's reading, I will be using the Flower Therapy and Angel Answers Oracle Decks by Doreen Virtue, Robert Reeves, and Radleigh Valentine!

As many of you know, past life's can influence your present life. For you today, the situation that you going through is responsible for the current circumstances. The only way to break free of this, is by learning the lessons involved. The Forget - me -not part of this card is telling you this as well. You are needing to go through the same cycle but, this time, learn your lessons. This way, in your next life (if you have one), you won't have to repeat this situation. Working with flowers can help heal past traumas and restore balance in your life. Try this: place the flower and this card together. Use a crystal which can help heal past traumas and restore balance as well. Then, meditate. You want to ask guidance from Archangel Raziel to help you remember your past lives. This can help you better understand what is going on, and help you to take your first steps into knowing how to heal. Here is a prayer by Doreen Virtue which can help you as well, " Archangel Raziel, please help me remember my past lives so that I may work through the lessons involved."
This card is also saying that, you have gotten stronger and learned to pull yourself away from a toxic/unhealthy situation or situations but, you haven't actually moved on and healed from it, for it still haunts your mind. This means that it is time to learn from those experiences. Don't hide from what haunts your mind, you have to learn from it in order to move past it. Understand that, we all have lessons to learn in order to grow and become better people. Take it as a lesson and be ok with that ( of course I know it is easier said than done). Try working on giving and receiving to help draw in the love you deserve. Give love, but also learn to receive love. Know that you deserve to be loved. Consider seeing a past life healer as well. Rose Quartz and Rhodonite are great stones to work with when needing help to love yourself and accepting loving energies.

What this card is telling you is that, we are all connected. The energy we give off will effect those around us. Being around positive and motivating people can help you in this situation. You are easily inspired. This unity and link we all share can be used to your advantage. Seek positive energy and leave the negative behind. Try wearing a Labradorite stone or stones to help shield yourself from any negative energy and from any psychic attack.
When you focus on healing yourself, you are also sharing that healing energy with those around you, which is great! Just like when you spread healing prayers to others, you are also sending healing prayers to yourself. This is the giving and receiving thing I was talking about before.
Pay attention to those you are closely connected to. If you sense negativity, shield yourself and/or walk away. Say a prayer for yourself asking that Archangel Michael protect you and shield you. Envision his bright gold or royal blue light surrounding you, as if your in his bubble.
Also spiritual love, never feel like it is selfish to want or feel love from other's. You have worked too hard to give and give. Now is time to focus on receiving. But because you have been so use to giving, it may be difficult to fully receive. Partly because you are not use to it, but the other part is that, you feel you don't deserve it. Well I'm here to tell you that, YOU DO and YOU MATTER. You are loved and your Angels and God love you no matter the situation you're in. They never judge and never not love you. THEY WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU. Seek their guidance now spiritual hottie!

It's no accident that this card was chosen for you by your Angels and God. First of all, you are their Sweet Pea ;) and second, Sweet Pea is a flower of manifestation, wishes and prayers. Simply buy Sweet Pea seed, and just like you would place an intention on your healing crystals, place them on the seeds. Then plant them! Allow mother earth and the nature angels to help you grow and manifest your desires. Using visualizations while placing the intentions on the seed or seeds can help you so much and make the intention more powerful. Spend more than 5 minutes... spend more like 10-15 minutes placing your intentions. Visualize you already have achieved this goal or goals. See yourself already having what you are asking for and see yourself at peace and happy. Once you have done that, see yourself placing those intentions and visualizations in your Angels hands and watching them fly away high into the sky and spreading your intentions into the universe! Remember to watch your thoughts daily. Make sure your thoughts are pure and positive. Any negative thoughts you feel coming on, imagine your angels taking them away from and placing a positive thought instead. Always remember to give thanks to your angels because, they do a lot for us! Try this, "Thank you, Amen, Aho, and So It Is!"

What this card is tell you is that, when thinking about your intentions, it's best to keep them positive and NOT negative. You never want to wish for bad things to happen to those who have hurt you. Otherwise, those negative energies that you send out, will come back around and effect you too. You can't move on that way. You will only get stuck in the situation that you're in and never learn the lessons. If you've learned the lessons, then it will feel right to wish the best for everyone involved. It's that giving and receiving thing again. What you give out, you will get back. Give yourself sometime to think about what is truly important to you. Also, be aware and take note of certain matters where you would be open to changing your position. You want to work toward a solution and agreement where everyone wins. Be respectful of everyone's point of view and still being true to your own. Hope this makes sense.

This plays into the last card. What you have envisioned for yourself will unlikely happen unless your intentions are good and positive. I see struggle. This will only hold you back from moving forward. It's ok to not be ready to forgive and come to peace with things. But just know that when you are, your intentions and manifestations of the good, love, light, and positivity will blossom like no other. Know that you have the support of your Angels and God. If you find yourself struggling, call upon them for guidance. I find that calling upon ancestors of the God's love and light to help you, is extremely powerful, so seek guidance from them as well.
If you are ready and it feels right to wish the best for everyone involved in this situation and move one, then you are ready to do your manifestation work! Good luck in everything you do and much love, light, and blessings!!
Angel, Flower, & Crystal Blessings,
~ Jennifer J Barlow