I know it has been such a long time since I've posted anything! I have come back and forth a few times too in the past which, I apologize for. Here is the truth, I have been going through a separation and now divorce (no, no. Don't feel bad for me! It's what's best.). I no longer live in NC. I am back home with family in Texas with my son. I was a military wife and literally had to start all over again here. I was a stay at home mom before, and before NC, I was in California working as an intuitive psychic/medium ( miss that job!). One of the best jobs I have ever had and is why I'm here on this earth, to help and teach other's spiritually. Coming back here to Texas to be with family, I have been going through some up's and down's and trying to fit into this materialistic world... which I have found to be very difficult. I've always lived in the spiritual world since I was a child and not so much this earthly world. I couldn't seem to find my place here....my place is in the spiritual world, always has been and always will be. It is my job here to help people and those from the other side. That's what I'm good at and that is what my heart wants. I've tried being that money hungry person that I felt I should be in order to be a successful and independent woman and good parent but, I soon started to realize that, I wasn't meant to be successful in that. I'm meant to be successful spiritually. Trying to be in the business world... I was hypnotized by money and found myself thinking greedy and just thinking " money! money! money!" I soon lost track as to what my goal was to getting a job and making some money, it was to help build my own spiritual business and to keep self publishing. I had forgotten all about that! My thoughts went to " I want a Mercedes! I want new bags and shoes!". Ugh...
I'm not saying that those who are in business and making good money that, it's bad. It is not bad at all. It's just not for me! It's just not my lifes purpose. All I want is to be a good mom and good teacher and spiritual messenger.
All this has kept me busy and eventually, I started getting signs from my angels and God that, I need to come back up to the spiritual world and that I'm drifting too far from them. They helped me to clearly see why I needed to take a glimps into the material and money hungry world. They literally gave me a kick on my behind! Showing me signs here and there. I ignored some of them thinking no, I need to be wealthy. I rarely ever ignored and said no to my intuition and signs.
In the end, I learned a lot about being in that world and I feel like it was definitely a lesson that I needed to learn in order to continue on my spiritual path and lifes purpose. I ask that you all be your most authentic self and to stay true to yourself and do what you feel you need to!
At the moment, I'm reorganizing myself and my spiritual work. Because of all this, a block has been added and I'm working at unblocking what's holding me back. I'll be working with two favorites for that, Ganesha and Archangel Michael. I'll also be working with the healing crystals, selenite and amethyst.
I also ask for your help and good energy. What spiritual tools do you find to be very affective in removing and clearing away blocks? Herbs? Oils? Ascended Masters? Please let me know! I would love help from my readers!
Thank you!
Many Blessings
& Namaste
Jennifer J Barlow