Angel Card Reading For
August 1st, 2018
It's time to take action! Be fearless and happily pursue your most treasured dreams. Amazing career opportunities.
Here’s what to focus on to help you get through tomorrow. Just like the card says, it’s time to take action toward your dreams. You’ve taken some in the past, now let’s revisit it and focus on it more. Do what needs to be done. Doing this and having a positive mind set will open up doors to #opportunities for you financially. So here are the #healingcrystals to work with: #Flourite known as the #pathstone, it reveals what your purpose is and aligns you with your #intentions. This stone helps to clear away #obstacles from your dreams. #Citrine is a great #successstone. Brings forth #luck, #abundance, #prosperity, #success, and helps to bring forth opportunities to you. #Emerald the work hard play hard stone for those looking to focus on getting your work done in regard to your career. This is a #royal stone. It brings out the inner #Queen and #King in you, helping you to be more determined to get things done and provides structure. I also want to include #Epidote which brings INTENSE #manifestation power. This stone also helps in removing obstacles and push you toward success and wealth. It rids of energetic and physical blockages. Very #grounding and #protective. Last I want to add #NephriteJade known as a great #talisman of prosperity, #renewal, #strength, and #endurance. It vanquishes the #negativeenergy from your path and in your #aura. It encourages #self-reflection, #balance, and makes obvious what you NEED to manifest, in order to manifest abundance and success.
Ascended Master, Ganesha.
🏼 #metaphysics #AngelReadings #RetrogradeHelp #TarotCards #Ganesha ⚔️ # AscendedMasterOfObstacleRemovi ng #RedCandleForGanesha
Angel and Crystal Blessings,
Jennifer J Barlow