Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Retrograde Help Here! Angel Tarot Reading For 8/1/18

Angel Card Reading For 
August 1st, 2018

It's time to take action! Be fearless and happily pursue your most treasured dreams. Amazing career opportunities.

Here’s what to focus on to help you get through tomorrow. Just like the card says, it’s time to take action toward your dreams. You’ve taken some in the past, now let’s revisit it and focus on it more. Do what needs to be done. Doing this and having a positive mind set will open up doors to #opportunities for you financially. So here are the #healingcrystals to work with: #Flourite known as the #pathstone, it reveals what your purpose is and aligns you with your #intentions. This stone helps to clear away #obstacles from your dreams. #Citrine is a great #successstone. Brings forth #luck, #abundance, #prosperity, #success, and helps to bring forth opportunities to you. #Emerald the work hard play hard stone for those looking to focus on getting your work done in regard to your career. This is a #royal stone. It brings out the inner #Queen and #King in you, helping you to be more determined to get things done and provides structure. I also want to include #Epidote which brings INTENSE #manifestation power. This stone also helps in removing obstacles and push you toward success and wealth. It rids of energetic and physical blockages. Very #grounding and #protective. Last I want to add #NephriteJade known as a great #talisman of prosperity, #renewal, #strength, and #endurance. It vanquishes the #negativeenergy from your path and in your #aura. It encourages #self-reflection, #balance, and makes obvious what you NEED to manifest, in order to manifest abundance and success.
Ascended Master, Ganesha. 

 #Namaste 🙏🏼 #metaphysics #AngelReadings #RetrogradeHelp #TarotCards #Ganesha ⚔️ #AscendedMasterOfObstacleRemoving #RedCandleForGanesha 🕯#TooManyDamnHashtags 😆😆🤷‍♀️

Angel and Crystal Blessings,
Jennifer J Barlow

Monday, July 30, 2018

Angel Tarot Readings Are Back! Here's Your Reading For 7/31/18

Angel Tarot Reading For 7/31/18

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Because I know that the energies of the retrogrades are affecting us all, I thought to help out, I would pull a card each night to prepare us for the energies of the next day. So with that being said spiritual friends, here’s your one card pull from one of the most powerful tarot decks I’ve ever worked with.
Here’s how to deal with tomorrow’s energies and the healing crystals that can help.

To help with acceptance, patience with yourself, a process , and others, Ruby In Fuchsite.  For self acceptance use Rose Quartz , to absorb the negative thoughts use Smokey Quartz . Don’t over work yourself or be too hard on yourself. You’ve done the best you can. To release any kind of guilt, doubts, and fears, use Moonstone , Clear Quartz , and again the Smokey Quartz . The Blue Lace Agate is to help to relax. To remind us to take care of ourselves. Put the pen down. Close your laptop, put the lists away and nurture yourself relax . The number #9 is significant in the fact that 9 means completion. Your work is done for now. Wait another day to continue. 🙏🏼 #Namaste #metaphysics #spirituality 

Angel & Crystal Blessings,
Jennifer J Barlow

Spiritual Contracts

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A Spiritual Contract

Good evening to everyone!!

I thought I would share with you all a new spiritual set I've recently posted in my ETSY shop. It's a Spiritual Contract set to help rewrite our spiritual boundaries…. if you have any.

A Spiritual Contract is different from a soul contract. So don't get them confused. A soul contract is a contract made for you before source and your soul family. Which tells in detail what your purpose is on this earth and what your life will be like in this life time. All based on your purpose.
A spiritual contract is created based on your connection to source. It is a contract of your spiritual boundaries. For example,  for those who have embraced their spiritual abilities such as "the Clair's" : Clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairsentient, and so forth, we sometimes start to realize, as much as our heightened gifts are a blessing, it can often feel like a curse when we cannot control what we see, feel, and hear. For some, seeing ghosts can be scary and may not want to see them. Other's may find that they sense and see not so good entities and demons. I understand. As a mother, I prefer to set spiritual boundaries such as: I choose not to deal with ghosts who haven't crossed over yet, passed 7pm. No ghosts or spirits are allowed in my son's room, if they must grab someone's attention, grab mine. Any situations involving demons or harmful evil spirits, won't find it's way into my life and must be directed to those who welcome those situations because they want to help. (Not that I don't want to help, but right now I choose to stay away from such cases because I have a son and want to be careful.) Unless, of course, it is Gods will that I must act on such a case, then of course I will not deny the mission (this has only happened twice). You can also add or remove what you will and will not do. Having to create an updated contract. You will write, connect to source, your spirit guides, and any other important angels you wish to be present and present your new spiritual contract to them. I like to include my ancestors and archangel's. 

It takes time, it takes concentration, and meditation. Set out your spiritual tools, find a peaceful place to do your meditation, have it in your mind the boundaries you want to set, or anything you want to add, do your meditation and visualization, connect to source and your angels and other angelic beings, present and discuss with them the changes, and be thankful, and open minded to what they say. Once that is done and you feel everything has reached an agreement, visualize source signing the contract and any other angelic beings you feel need to sign, then open your eyes and you then sign. Then seal back by making the wax a little sticky with a match and seal it back. To help with all this, I will provide you with a candle, papers with space to write out your contract, and a space below for you to sign. I will provide you with a selenite crystal, said to be the crystal of the angelic realm, herbs intuitively chosen for you, and essential oil blend to help you with your connection to source and the angelic realm (WARNING: If you are sensitive to oils, please let me know in the notes and I will replace the essential oil blend with an extra herb instead).  If you would like a rosary added to your set, you can order it separate.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask here, on ETSY or on my Instagram.
Have a great time doing this! I did. What a magical experience!


Instagram: thejenn_barlow
ETSY: https://www.etsy.com/shop/TheDivineCrown