Sunday, August 26, 2018

Reading For Week of August 27th, 2018!

Angel/ Fairy Reading for 
Week of August 27th, 2018
Hello spiritual friends! Hope you all had a great weekend! For some of you, school is starting tomorrow (Monday) for your kids. I wish them the best for this year. If your kids have already started, I wish them a good luck too! 
The way the readings are going to work for now on is, I'll pull one card for Monday and Tuesday, another card for Wednesday and Thursday, then another for the weekend. I pull and ask that we are given a message on the best way to work with the weeks energies in the most uplifting and positive way possible. So we can get through the week as smooth as possible. This evening when I pulled for one card for Monday and Tuesday, a second card spit itself out so, there are two cards for Monday and Tuesday. This will happen sometimes where, the angels really need to say more in order to help us. Now with that being said, lets begin!

Seems like there is a worry with a son, the angels are wanting you to know that he is loved, protected, and safe. Give your worries to God and allow him to ease your nerves and mind. You have had an intuitive feeling that you are needing to hep him, this card validates those gut feelings and the angels say it's ok to help and take action toward this situation. Also, for one, there is a son in heaven wanting to send word that he is happy and sends his love. Also, I there is a child coming into this world for some of you, a son. This could be pregnancy or adoption.
There is perfect timing for everything. We must trust that God and the Angel's know what they are doing. Trust that they are working hard behind the scenes to help you. Sometimes when someone passes away, we want to see them really bad because we miss them and are full of grief and heartache. For the person who lost their son, I'm so sorry for your loss but, you have to know that, you will be able to receive messages from your son (or son figure) when the time is right for him and for you. 
There is perfect time for having children as well. So please be patient with the process. 
These crystals will provide you with hope, faith, trusting in God, helping you to take the action needed, and to help bring patience. 

For these days, the angels are wanting to let you know that your question about how to accomplish something is by practice. You need to put in the time and effort. It will not just happen for you over night. Be patient with yourself and take time to build that confidence. Practice on a daily basis. You will get there! These two crystals will help you stay focused and keep you on track, providing grounding energies to keep you responsible for practicing. 

This card comes to you because you will worry about social acceptance. Or even perhaps worry of a date will accept who you truly are as a person. The angels tell you to stay true to who you are and people don't like it, that's their issue, not yours. No matter what, stay true to yourself Celebrate your uniqueness, you are perfect just the way you are. Pretending to be someone else just to fit in is no good and created a negative bubble anyway. Don't do that to yourself. You cant please everyone, and that's ok!! Instead, be your most authentic self and find like minded people to surround yourself with!! The crystal to help you to express your individuality and to help who your truly are to come out is Peacock Ore! This stone allows your true self to shine and brings out all of your natural and creative abilities. 

Healing Oils and Herbs:
Orange Peel

I hope you all have a great week and stay positive! Remember to check out my Etsy shop and come join my facebook group!! Feel like you need a one on one reading? No worries, I do that as well! message me after you join my facebook group or on my Instagram and we will schedule you in! 

Angel & Crystal Blessings,
Jennifer J Barlow

Picture by. Jennifer J Barlow

Grab a copy of my book on or Its a great guide and talk crystals, candles, herbs, oils, readings, and more. Great for beginners too! Grab yours today!

Instagram: thejenn_barlow , spiritual_queens_only
Facebook Group: The Divine Crown: A Spiritual Community ~ Metaphysical Healing

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Angel/Fairy Reading For August 23rd-26th!!

Angel/Fairy Reading For 
August 23rd - 26th
With The 
Magical Messages From The Fairies
 Oracle Deck

Good evening spiritual friends! Hope you are all doing well and working with your angels and crystals, one of God's many grand and magical creations. Today I wanted to work with the active and bubbly earth angels (as I like to call them), fairies. I have chosen one card for each day starting with tomorrow the 23rd and working our way to Sunday, the 26th. I'm going to start doing weekly readings as I am finding it hard to find time to pull in the evening each night. So each week on Sunday, I will pull to help you all for the week ahead. Now that school has started, my days are full! 

Now let's begin!
This week is all about embracing your life's purpose. Here, I am getting that there are some of you who's life purpose involves children. The angels and earth angels are taking this time to tell you to push forward with that. Don't give up on that! it will take time and practice for those who are just learning the roles in which involve helping children. Just study, practice, and build your confidence in this! Practicing will help in building that confidence. This is what you feel you are meant to do and you're right! You are meant to do this! So allow your true self to shine!This earth that we live in now is in dire need of your skills and the angels are needing your help with children. Helping them whether it would be through teaching or in the medical field. The Angels need you to take on this role. 
 I see that for some of you, the career change is coming sooner than you think. Either, you just started in new career which involves children, or your thinking about switching careers to work with children, that one thing that you actually are passionate about. The angles are here to tell you that the universe and God support these changes and are working hard to help you fulfill your purpose! This will be a successful direction for you all! I would like to take this time to thank you for giving your time to make this world a better place. 

A message also come to me for someone who is worried about her son. Your guides are wanting to take this opportunity to tell you that, your son is watched over and protected as he explores his world. Do not worry yourself so much that you get sick. I understand, I'm a parent too and I want what best for my child too. I worry about him. But, we must work together at giving those worries and fearful thoughts to God and Archangel Michael, so that we can put our focus on just being with our children. They grow so fast! We have to allow them to explore and learn new things on their own. And know that, they have their own path to take and needs to learn on their own. You can always envision God's golden light surrounding him like a protection bubble and ask God and the angels to surround him in their love, light, and protection as he goes through life. I hope this help!

Healing Crystals: To help with your confidence, expressing your true self, provide courage to move forward in your career, to help you trust in the process of this change and in yourself, and to help remove anything blocking your from achieving you purpose. 
Yellow Calcite
Blue Calcite
Blue Topaz

Healing Oils & Herbs: To help raise your vibration, keep you focused, and provide you confidence.
Frankincense (also a very protective oil and herb)

Angel & Crystal Blessings,
Jennifer J Barlow

Instagram: thejenn_barlow , spiritual_queens_only

ETSY Shop: TheDivineCrown

Facebook Group: The Divine Crown: A Spiritual Community ~ Metaphysical Healing

The Mystical World of Healing Crystals: A Metaphysical Guide - Available at or Barnes and Noble Online

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Angel Reading For 8/22/18

Angel Reading For 8/22/18
With The Romance Angels

Hello spiritual friends! Todays reading talks about trust.  The card reads, " This situation is calling for you to have faith." The way I saw this energy is by watching it go inside and out of your body and swirling around you, kind of forming a protection shield. To me this says that, not only does it ask you to have faith and trust in your relationship status but, trusting yourself and your intuition on a situation involving a relationship. Trust that gut feeling and go with it. Also, Trust that you are where you should be in this situation. Adding fear, negativity, and doubts about your love life can only harm you. It will attract fear and negativity which will surround you in this area of your life. Try
releasing your worries to your angles, or better yet, imagine giving those worries to Archangel Michael so that he may remove that block from your path. You have to understand that, you are in this situation for a reason, it is meant for personal growth and understanding. This will help and lead you to the most beautiful kind of love I know you deserve and desire. As you follow and go with the flow when it comes to this area in your life, and allow the universal flow to take its course, the more progress you make in this area. Work on accepting what is. Know it is for a reason, and know that this only means you are that closer to what you are looking for. You just need patience and trust. Trust that this flow is leading you in the right direction. You are where you are meant to be. When you have faith and trust in this situation, the more the universe will provide you with positive experiences and the more you attract positive people into your life, even your divine life partner. 

Healing Crystals For Trusting Your Intuition, Self, and Guidance:
Blue Lace Agate
Blue Calcite
Blue Chalcedony
Blue Topaz
Lapis Lazuli
Yellow Calcite
Smokey Quartz - To absorb the negativity

Healing Herbs & Oils:
Nut Meg

Angel & Crystal Blessings,
Jennifer J Barlow

Instagram: TheJenn_Barlow , spiritual_queens_only
ESTY Shop: TheDivineCrown

Monday, August 20, 2018

Angel Reading For 8/21/18

Angel Reading For 8/21/18
With The Romance Angels

Hello spiritual friends and readers! With Mercury in direct, I'm feeling an energy shift. Depending on how you choose to feel it out, it could be positive or negative. For me, I choose to see the positive side of this shift. Love is out into the universe. Thoughts, people feeling like something new is about to happen in that area of their life, they just can't put their finger on it, or you're dealing with the love of self. Which has faded for a little while and has now returned... perhaps even a love for a passion of yours...or both! Either way the theme is Love. For this I ask that you seek guidance from Archangel Ariel, as it is that archangel which help in love in all areas of your life (people, passions, studies, career paths, love of self, and so forth)…. Now lets get on to the card pull.

This card can mean a lot to different people but only a few stand out to me this night. I do see someone from your past coming back. It can be from a past life, someone you knew before in this life time and they are reentering your life, or a past lover will be returning. 

For other's this talks about love of self which links to your love of  a passion of yours. With this energy shift, it's like the fog has left and now we are able to see clearly again. Shaking off what the retrograde brought in a sort of negative way. Doubts slowly fading. Confidence slow rising. This is great! You should love yourself, you should continue doing what you love and what makes you happy. Knock 'em dead! Of course it is natural to have your moments of negativity. We all do. We are only human. But now its time to shake it Taylor Swift would say. Love yourself for we are unique in our own ways, spiritual or not. We are not perfect. We each have our flaws and it's ok. God created us this way for a reason. How dull would the world be if we were all the same? Embrace who you truly are, put your crown on for we are all Queens of our own kingdom, and reign well. Reconcile with yourself and your passions.

Healing Crystals:
Rose Quartz - For self love and love in general
Amethyst - Amethyst for Love and protection of your aura
Citrine - To maintain your confidence
Labradorite - Preferably in the shape of a heart to bring in that extra healing of the heart
Black Onyx - You need the stability (forgot to show it in my pictures)
Clear Quartz - For clarity

Healing Herbs & Oils:
Nut Meg

**If you would like a Love Manifesting Set complete with herbs, an essential oil bled created by myself, which you see in the picture, candle, and crystals, go to my ETY shop TheDivineCrown and purchase one today! 

Angel & Crystal Blessings,
Jennifer J Barlow

Monday, August 13, 2018

Retrograde Help & Angel Reading For 8/14/18!

Retrograde Help & Angel Reading 
For 8/14/18
With The Angels of Abundance

God (whom is omnipresent) is your source spiritual friends. Not your job. When you worry if you will get customers, if people will buy your product and so forth, you set yourself up for disappointments. Kind of like I said in yesterday's reading. When you put out worry and fear toward money flow and your job, you are blocking your flow of abundance and success. You need to rethink who your source is...that's God.  Whatever it is your worried about, don't dwell on it and make it a fear, instead, put it into a prayer. In a way you already see God helping you get a promotion, or selling your products and services, and so forth. Try, " God, I seek your help in my finances. Please bless and heal this situation. Thank you God for helping me with this situation and thank you for directing me down the path you see fit for me. Amen" Put you situation into a prayer. Already knowing God is helping you and guiding you. Please remember that opportunities arise in the most unique ways and we need to be open o God's guidance so that we can recognize those opportunities. Putting them into prayer also tends to give you faith and provide you with a better outlook on the situation. Whatever is God's will, we must honor and give thanks. He knows what is best and what will help us. This is what you need really, is that energy shift in order to allow abundance and success to flow with ease and grace into your life experiences. Just stay positive spiritual friends. Know that God and the angels are working very hard for you behind the scene, you just have to trust and give them the worries to take away from you.

So here's the stone to work with tomorrow: Citrine. This stone reminds me of the sun. How do you feel on a bright, sunny, and beautiful day? You are filled with love, joy, positivity, optimism, faith, and you have nothing worrying you. You feel good. These energies opens up the doors to a flow of abundance and success. This stone also provides you with all that. As well as confidence.

Herbs and Oils of the day:
Orange Peele
Bay Leaf

Candles to burn:

** You can add the herbs into your candle to make it extra powerful and energetic. You can add a few drops of the oils into there as well, or simply anoint the herbs with the oils and place them with your crystals. Either way, You are sure to enhance your intentions and prayers to God. **

**Want me to create this manifesting and prayer kit for you? Crystals, herbs, and all? Visit my ETSY shop, TheDivineCrown, and order one today! Message me with any questions there!**

Angel & Crystal Blessings,
Jennifer J Barlow

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Retrograde Help & Angel Reading For 8/13/18

Retrograde Help & Angel Reading for August 13th, 2018
Time for a celebration! 
Abundant rewards for hard work. 
Release yourself from burdensome situations.

Just like it reads in this card, It's time to take a break from your hard work and recognize how far you've come and how much you've accomplished! You've done a great job and yes, you are on the right path. you are where you're suppose to be and your progress is on point. Don't be too hard on yourself when it comes to the timeline of your hard work. Everything will come to you at the right time and when it is suppose to. So take your time, step by step, and focus on just you. The energies tomorrow are also about release. Some times we want to celebrate but, we end up self sabotaging ourselves with "well should I be happy? Should I have done it this way instead? Maybe I should be doing what this person is doing instead? Will I actually succeed in this?" Stop it spiritual friends. When we do that we are opening up the door way to disappointments and obstacles. Why do that? Don't let that negative energy get to you. Don't let little negative entities whisper in your ears and poison your mind with evil. Recognize with this happens, pray, and ask that God and his angels take that away and remove and release the negativity that is effecting you and to place positive and uplifting thoughts in your head. And to fill your spirit with peace, love, and joy. It's ok to celebrate your hard work! You deserve it! And remember, the energy and thoughts we put out into the universe, will only manifest negative situations into our lives. Why do that to yourself? It's time to nurture yourself and be recognized for your hard work. So, the ONE healing stone, known as the Manifest Stone, to help you with tomorrow's energies, is Labradorite. Labradorite is the stone to go to when you are working on your manifestations. It just makes your intentions extra powerful and your energies are more likely to change in the way that will help you to bring forth what you're looking for. I prefer you wear it or place it in your pocket. This stone is also great for seeing the light where there is dark. I like to think of it as the candle you light when the lights go out. It provides you with understanding, enhances your spiritual abilities, protects your aura from negativity, and helps you to see the positive side of situations. It is a very high vibrating stone. So that is why I prefer you where it. It will more easily Pearce through your energetic field and manipulate your energies into rising higher. It is also the stone of release, as it releases what doesn't serve you and your goals. 
#RetrogradeHelp #Metaphysics #Spirituality #Angels #ArchangelGabriel #HealingCrystals #Healing Oils #HealingHerbs #Tarot #AngelTarot #Intuitive #Medium #Labradorite #AngelGuidance #AscendedMasters #TheDivineCrown 
  • Essential Oils and Herbs To Work With:

  • Seek Guidance From Archangel Gabriel.
  • Color Candle To Burn: Yellow and Orange

I hope you enjoyed this post! If you did give it a thumbs up and share with others! And I will see you all tomorrow! 
If I do not post in my blog, always check for my Instagram page as I may not have been able to post a reading here. Instagram is just quicker sometimes and I may not always have time to post here. 

Angel & Crystal Blessings,
Jennifer J Barlow

Labradorite Stone

Book available at Barnes &

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Retrograde Help & Your Angel Reading For 8/9/18!!

Angel Reading For 
August 9th, 2018

Don't be deterred by challenges along the way. 
It's important to communicate clearly and accurately. 
Amazing new ideas that should be implemented. 
Hello spiritual friends! The angels are very straight forward in this card tonight. So here are the crystals to help for tomorrow. To help clear your path to help you get what you need to accomplished, and to stay focused on your goal, Fluorite! To help with your accurate and clear communication and also with your creativity, Lapis Lazuli. And last, Emerald. To help you put into action your ideas and to help move this creation and your hard work forward. To help make what your trying to achieve a success. What a powerful ,creative, and abundant group of gems! I wish you all the best and know that you all will be achieve what it is you're trying to accomplish! Job, career, whatever. Work with these together even on other days to help spark that creativity inside yourself and help to boost your motivation to keep going! Good luck to you all and Namaste!

Angel & Crystal Blessings,
Jennifer J Barlow

Image may contain: outdoor

Monday, August 6, 2018

The Divine Crown & Your Angel Reading For 8/7/18

Angel Reading For August 7th, 2018

Image may contain: 1 person, text

#RetrogradeHelp #AngelReading for 8/7/18 This Card again #spiritualfriends . Looks like there’s some #stagnantenergy that NEEDS to be released that needs to be focused on. So Ive brought out some intense #healingcrystals this time. #TibetanQuartz to purify your aura, opening up and clearing out your #chakras and helping you to release that stagnant energy that’s keeping you from #healing from a situation which has been bugging you. #Hematite to help you to focus on and not give up on your healing process. Don’t just let it go or make yourself think there’s nothing you can do. There is! You’re too low to see it, too bummed out. This stone helps you to #ground yourself and keeping you connected to #MotherEarth. You’re needing some earthly touches to help with this healing as well. Try standing outside barefoot with your stone and working on giving what isn’t serving you to her. See her absorbing it. The combination of #selenite and #blacktourmaline is to help you cut the #negativecords from your body. Time for some #spiritualcordcutting . The combination is very effective. You will have to do this at least twice a week until you’ve moved on. This will be a process friends. But you can do it! If you would like a cord cutting set, let me know and I’ll create one for you in my #Etsy shop. Just message me. #namaste #metaphysics #Angels #AscendedMasters #ArchangelMichael #tarot #angels #TheDivineCrown #DivineConnection #Archangels #Intuitive #Medium

Angel & Crystal Blessings,

Jennifer J Barlow

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Search TheDivineCrown at

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Retrograde Help, Angel Reading for 8/6/18

Angel Reading For

Hello #spiritualfriends ! Hope you all had a great weekend. Looks like though this week we will meet with some distractions. Now I would continue but, the Angels flung two more cards out at me so, as messenger, I must listen. These cards say everything you need to know. I pray you all keep your #positiveenergy up as much as possible. To help, work with a #fluorite crystal to help provide hope, optimism, faith, bring concentration, and with helping you to not only #speakthetruth but hear it as well and look at it in a positive way. Not as someone attacking you. For if they didn’t care, they would keep their mouth shut and not care. See your blessings instead of faults. See a successful process instead of complaining that it’s not going fast enough. Fluorite can help you with this and staying uplifted and positive. The future is bright! Look forward To that. #BlackTourmaline to #vanquishthenegativity and absorb what will not serve you. #Namste #metaphysics #healingcrystals #angels #archangels #ascendedmasters #angelreadings #tarot #intuitive

Image may contain: 1 person

Angel & Crystal Blessings,
Jennifer J Barlow