Friday, July 19, 2019

Daily Oracle Reading For 7-19-19

Daily Oracle Reading

This card comes to you to reassure you that you are safe to do what you are being guided to pursue. You are also reassured that you are always protected, no matter what, spiritually. Remember to be patient with yourself and others during this process. It will take time, but everything happens in divine timing. Remember not to rush things and not to resist what the Divine is trying to show and tell you. The Divine is leading you to where you are meant to be. All obstacles will pass smoothly if you only remember to ask the Divine for assistance. If there are any patterns that do not serve you for the better, physically, mentally, and spiritually, then ask the Divine to help you break those addictions for good. 

A stone that this card suggests to use is Amethyst, however more specifically for you, Banded Amethyst is a great gemstone to work with when needing metaphysical assistance in breaking any bad habits. Carry with you always and place the intention within the stone that it will help you during this process and transitions. It heals all layers of addiction and brings focus, balance, and unity to the bearer. It also helps you to open, clear out, and protect your crown chakra, your connection to your Divine Source, angels, and guides. 

The card also asks that you work with the herb, Gotu Kola. This herb is used for fatigue, anxiety, depression, psychiatric disorders, Alzheimer's disease, and improving memory and intelligence. Other uses include wound healing, trauma, and circulation problems (venous insufficiency) including varicose veins, and blood clots in the legs.

The metaphysical properties of this herb are that it can help you with your connection to your divine source, opens the crown and third eye chakras, speaking the truth, trusting in your intuition, confidence, inner strength, and protection.

In your medicine bag:
  1. Dried Gotu Kola herb
  2. Banded Amethyst
  3. Patchouli essential oil (anoint the herbs and gemstone)
  4. Place your intentions
I hope that you enjoyed this reading and helpful post! If you did give it a thumbs up and share with like minded people! Until next time friends, I'll talk to you all soon!

For more spiritual and metaphysical tips, subscribe to The Divine Crown's YouTube Channel for free here: The Divine Crown LLC YouTube Channel "Exploring Sacred Ways Together"

Banded Amethyst


Jennifer J Barlow

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Daily Oracle Reading For 7/9/19

Daily Oracle Reading

This card calls for you to open your soul star chakra, the chakra above your crown chakra. Typically what happens is, when you are open there, your crown and third eye chakras are enhanced and your psychic abilities do as well. This is a very important chakra to cleanse, protect, and open to be able to accomplish being in alignment. This card suggest that you work with a herkimer diamond gemstone, one the ultimate gemstones for soul star access. If you do not have this stone or wonder about other stones that can benefit you here too, try moldavite (green meteorite mineral), beryllonite, indigo or blue kyanite, datolite, white or angel wing selenite, lithium quartz, charoite, clear quartz, danburite, and so many more. Most of these are blue, white, violet, and indigo colors.  All these are excellent at opening, clearing out, and protecting your soul star chakra. Perfect for reaching heighten energies of divine love, enlightenment, and transcends you into the much higher realms. Drink plenty of water while working with any of these gemstones. 

This card calls for you to work with the Elemi. Which I love! I use this in pure oil form in my Buddha blend. If you do not have access to Elemi, then try these herbs or essential oils which are more easy to find: Palo Santo, Frankincense, Myrrh, and Angelica.

I hope that you all enjoyed this post! If you did give it a thumbs up and share with like minded people. And do not forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel where we explore sacred ways together and learn more about herbs, essential oils and their history and properties, spiritual holidays, more metaphysics, and soon filming on ancient civilizations and how they incorporated metaphysics into their rituals. It's free to subscribe!


Jennifer J Barlow

Monday, July 8, 2019

What Are Twin Flames and Soulmates?

What Are Twin Flames & Soulmates?

For a full picture of the video, go to The Divine Crown's YouTube Channel (a protected and safe site) to get a better view.
Subscribe Here! It's Free! The Divine Crown YouTube Channel

Jennifer J Barlow

Daily Oracle Reading For 7/8/19

Daily Oracle Reading

The Solar Plexus is the area of your abdomen. This is the chakra which holds your inner will, personal power; solar power, and your energy center. The color which your solar plexus radiates is yellow and the element which it is associated with is fire. Which is why this card talks of the Sun. I do love Pyrite (shown above, silver mineral) for the solar plexus, but there are many other gemstones you can try using, such as: Citrine, Golden or Red Tiger Eye, Sunstone, Yellow Tourmaline, Yellow Fluorite, Yellow Apatite, Yellow Aventurine, … pretty much any yellow stone. Pyrite is not yellow, however the vibrational frequencies which it holds tends to open and activate the solar plexus. There are gemstones that are not yellow and are great for your solar, such as: Lapis Lazuli (royal blue with has pyrite inside), Orange Calcite, Carnelian, and many more. Choose the one or ones that you are called to. 

Anise (shown above, brown herb in shape of a star) is a great herb and oil to work with when it comes to your solar plexus, but so are many others, such as: Cedar Wood, Chamomile, Bergamot, and Rosemary, and more.

Good luck when working with your solar plexus today and tomorrow! Look for another reading tomorrow around this time. 

If you like my blog, please like and share with like minded friends and family, and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE for free to my YOUTUBE channel to see videos similar to this post and explore sacred ways together!

Blessings and Namaste,

Jennifer J Barlow

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Tools To Manifest Prosperity

Tools To Manifest Prosperity
(Gemstones, Essential Oils, and Candles)

This Prosperity set is NOT focused on one area of prosperity. We all would like to be prosperous in different areas of our lives. This set can help you to manifest prosperity in just about any area. I will be filming a YouTube video to show you how to use this set. I only will show you one example, I believe that if your intuition is telling you to use this set in another way, then I encourage you to follow that message.

In this set you will get:
- One medium sized prosperity candle filled with prosperity herbs.
(Glass candle holder may vary in shape but not size.)

- A sample of my Prosperity ritual perfume. Which you can use to add more scent to you candle and to anoint your stones with. My prosperity perfume has notes of sandalwood, bergamot, cinquefoil, and more potent prosperity essential oils.

- Cinquefoil ( aka Five Finger Grass herbs) the herb of ultimate prosperity. You can burn it if you like as you send your intentions out into the universe, or you can sprinkle them over your set on your plate as you set your intentions. It is up to you.

- 2 Clear Quartz crystal points for center of crystal grid and for activating gemstones and grid, and for directing energy and intentions. (Look for my YouTube video on how to use July 8, 2019)

- Green Aventurine stone to summon the necessary resources and opportunities you need to be prosperous. This gemstone is also the stone of abundance, fertility, growth, plant/garden health and growth, birth (healthy pregnancy or giving birth to new ideas)

- Lapis Lazuli stone for structure, organization, stability as a ruler ( it is known as the King or Queen stone as it helps in ruling what your trying to manage), strategy, speaking your truth, creativity, and courage.

- Pyrite stone to bring forth confidence, abundance, self worth, and power.

- Natural Citrine from Brazil, known as the prosperity stone. As it summons prosperity of any kind, confident decision making, abundance, and successful ventures.

- To finish this set off, you will get a surprise plate. You may not get the same plate as you see here in the pictures. The plate is to add decoration to your ritual space and it makes it easier to move your prosperity set from place to place in your home. You then will get a print out of the flower of life symbol in the color green. Color of abundance, prosperity, and success.
I'm so happy I get to share this with you! As I put it together, I knew I had to share this with you! Manifest away friends! And I'll do the same!

Grab Your Prosperity Set Here: The Divine Crown LLC Shop

Subscribe For Free Here:  The Divine Crown LLC YouTube Channel

Blessings & Namaste,


How To Discover Your Souls Purpose

How To Discover Your Souls Purpose
(Gemstones and Essentail Oils That Uncover Your Souls Path)

If you enjoyed this video and want more like it, subscribe to my YouTube channel and Let's Explore Sacred Ways Together for free here:

Blessings & Namaste!

Jennifer J Barlow

San Antonio, Texas Small Local Business Support (The Spiritual and Metaphysical Community)

The Divine Crown
Opening & Connecting You To A Higher Power LLC

Help a small local business out and subscribe to The Divine Crown LLC YouTube channel!! Here we talk about life’s struggles and our best ways to work through them. We talk metaphysics, spirituality, gemstones, plants, flowers, essential oils, and soon adding ancient civilization talk, and how they incorporated metaphysics into their spiritual routines! Come learn!! Subscribe free below. YouTube Doesn't charge for you to subscribe or create a profile to save your favorite videos. Thank you thank you thank you in advance!! 
The Divine Crown LLC YouTube Channel


Spiritual and Metaphysical Tips To Help With Your Spiritual Expansion and Everyday Life (It can be a struggle)

The Divine Crown
Opening & Connecting You To A Higher Power LLC

Help a small local business out and subscribe to The Divine Crown LLC YouTube channel!! Here we talk about life’s struggles and our best ways to work through them. We talk metaphysics, spirituality, gemstones, plants, flowers, essential oils, and soon adding ancient civilization talk, and how they incorporated metaphysics into their spiritual routines! Come learn!! Thank you thank you thank you in advance!! 🙏🏼❤️

How To Stop Judging Yourself and Others (is this even possible?)

How To Stop Judging Yourself & Others

Chakra Healing Card Reading for 7/6/19 and Gemstones and Herbal Learning

Chakra Healing Card Reading

Black Tourmaline - One of go to grounding stones of today however, if you do not have black tourmaline, just about any black, brown, or deep red gemstone will do to help ground and anchor you. Jasper, aka Shaman stones and favorite of the Native American's are stones where the color doesnt really matter. They ground no matter the color and connect you deep within mother earth. Black tourmaline is shown in the picture above the card. This stone is also one of the most powerful when needing physical and spiritual protection. Place one at the front door and back door of your home to prevent vandalism and break ins. 

Burdock - Although this is a great herb to use, and in oil form for grounding, if you do not have any, there are many other herbs (and essential oils) to use for grounding, such as sage, patchouli, vetiver, Palo Santo, and many more.

For more tips on grounding your energy here's a video!

Many Blessings & Namaste!

Jennifer J Barlow

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

The Divine Feminine: What is it and how to unlock the divine feminine power with in you

Hello readers!

I have been busy working and creating and I am excited to show you my new videos up on my YouTube channel and what I have new in shop! Here will be used for videos more than anything. Here are my latest videos. I took to social media to ask an very important question and to my surprise, the feed blew up. I asked, " In your spiritual development, what is it that you are struggling with?" And man did people have questions and boy do I have ideas and great things to help. Now, I don't know everything about all the things, however, I like to study the questions because giving an answer to help is important to me and the person asking the question. So the top questions were about anger, judgement, finding their soul path/ divine purpose, the planet as a whole and society's 2D way of thinking, and much more that were popular. Now that I am kid free this week, I am taking up this week to post videos for everyone. I also encourage people here on Google to tell me what they seem to be struggling with. We are all human and we are here to learn and grow. Spiritual teachers who choose to film and blog, know that this does not mean that they are saying that they know everything, teachers are students too, we just like to share what we know in hopes that it can help others in their spiritual development and the healing of this planet.

I hope that you enjoy these videos and more to come this week! Enjoy!

How to work through and release anger

Hello readers!

I have been busy working and creating and I am excited to show you my new videos up on my YouTube channel and what I have new in shop! Here will be used for videos more than anything. Here are my latest videos. I took to social media to ask an very important question and to my surprise, the feed blew up. I asked, " In your spiritual development, what is it that you are struggling with?" And man did people have questions and boy do I have ideas and great things to help. Now, I don't know everything about all the things, however, I like to study the questions because giving an answer to help is important to me and the person asking the question. So the top questions were about anger, judgement, finding their soul path/ divine purpose, the planet as a whole and society's 2D way of thinking, and much more that were popular. Now that I am kid free this week, I am taking up this week to post videos for everyone. I also encourage people here on Google to tell me what they seem to be struggling with. We are all human and we are here to learn and grow. Spiritual teachers who choose to film and blog, know that this does not mean that they are saying that they know everything, teachers are students too, we just like to share what we know in hopes that it can help others in their spiritual development and the healing of this planet.

I hope that you enjoy these videos and more to come this week! Enjoy!