Friday, January 30, 2015

Crystal For Children

Good evening crystal lovers!

So this post is about crystals that you can use for your children! To start let me just say, I do not recommend any of you giving any stones, crystals, or minerals to younger children 7 years and younger. I would not want them to choke if they got ahold of them.

Ok so if any of you have babies or toddlers at home, you know that around this time, they are very attached to you and get scared when you are away from them, it could be because they go to pre-school and do not like leaving you or maybe they just hate going to bed at night because that means they have to sleep alone. To calm the nerves of the little ones, I would suggest either making a grid for them or putting the chosen crystal in a pouch and storing it high where they cannot each at all in their room. Lets say your little one is off to daycare or pre-school, make a grid at home to help them feel lots of love and safety. Trying using in your grid amethyst in the center or do a combo with amethyst and rose quartz in the middle and then having clear quarts points around as the outside part of the grid.

If your little ones are having trouble being without you while trying to sleep or they are having trouble trying to fall asleep because they are feeling uncomfortable, try putting rose quartz for loving energies, amethyst for feeling protected and keeping away nightmares, and then a blue lace agate to help them feel calm in their mind and body. Blue lace agate can help them start to feel a little sleepy. Put that in a pouch and high up in their room where they can not reach.

Now if you have older kids then it is ok to tell them to put the crystal either on their side table to help them sleep or under their pillow. For helping them with school, you can still make a grid that can help give them energy and help with concentration, at home.

I hope this post was helpful for some of you! If any of you have any questions, please let me know and I will do my best to help! Hope you all have a great night!

Crystal Blessings,


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