Sunday, February 22, 2015

Angels and Spirit Guides

Good evening everyone,

I found some time to spare before bed to do a post for you. I thought this time I would talk about communicating with angles, your guardian angels, spirit guides, etc. First of all, I think that it is a lot easier than everyone thinks because what we do not realize is that, angles want to communicate with us when we are in need of some guidance and help. When you are praying at night before bed and asking your guardian angle to listen and help you, they are. Same if you pray to spirit guides and arch angles. They are there and they are listening.

So ways that you can communicate with them besides praying is by using pendulums. This is a good way if you really want to know the details of your angel. You can ask their name and allow the pendulum to spell out the name of your guardian angle or spirit guides. If you decide to do this ad you know how to use a pendulum then, please make sure that you ask for them to spell out their name giving you the letters in order. Otherwise they can be giving you the letters but all mixed up.

Another way of communication are dreams. I do this! I bring to bed the crystal that attract angles like amethyst, angelite, celestite, selenite, or seraphinite. I do not use them all at once. I'll use a couple and either place them under my pillow or by my bed side. I set their intention of asking them to help me communicate with my spirit guides through my dreams. Then that's it. I'll sit with them for a while in bed just closing my eyes and over again asking the crystals to please do what I ask. You can do it this way as well.

Another way of communication is by meditation. I have a heard time meditating for a long period of time so, dreams help me more but if you are good at meditating then by all means try it this way and using the crystals that I mentioned to help with your communication. You can add any other crystals that you feel help with this too.

I know that some people want to communicate with arc angles. This is great! One thing that I like to do in my bed room or whatever space you feel is sacred to you is, make a grid. Let's say I want to communicate with the Arch Angle Michael. Then I would look up his information. For example, the color that is associated with him and find a candle that is that color. I would place that in the center of my grid or just by my grid. Then I would use about 2 or 3 crystal that are that color along with the crystals that attract angles and place them in my grid. Then I would add the clear quartz points in as well to amplify the intentions and communication. Try even looking up what oils and incense that are associated with that arch angel as well. That could help!  Do what you feel is best to you and the way you feel that you get better communication.

I hope that this post was helpful to some of you. If you liked it share it and like it! If you have questions, ask! Hope you all have a wonderful night and Crystal Blessings!!


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