Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Astrology News 5/20/2015 - 5/26/2015

Good evening crystal loves! Here is your astrology news for this week!

Thursday 5/21st -
Pluto and Jupiter will be in a transit. These energies will help you to see what is really there. Sometimes we try so hard to make something happen that, we cant see the reality. We cant do that! You have to know that everything will work out all on its own, you have to trust that! These energies will allow you to see clearly and understand what is reality. Don't play with your mind and thoughts! Keep it real! And these energies will help you to see that clearly. Let things fall into place like its suppose to.

The Venus will come into play later on towards the evening I believe and those energies are energies of freely expressing your feelings. You know the energies of Venus already if you have read my other posts! You have to be careful with this energy because as you are just starting to see things clearly, you do not want to say something that people will be like, "What on earth are you talking about?!" Be careful with what you say and be aware of those things that you really don't want people to know!! Zip the lip is what i'm trying to tell you. Think before you speak. You need to balance yourself and your emotions.

Saturday -
Venus and Saturn will be working together. You are going to find it difficult to put your faith and hope in others. You are going to have some trust issues with other's and that's ok. Recognize that and if you feel you need to be the person to get something done or started, go for it. It may not be the best day to try new things however, as the energies will make you feel like you wont have fun. It's just asking for your day to be ruined. Work with these energies in a way that you can make positive things happen. Be careful not to "take a leap of faith" on this day.

Sunday -
The Moon and Mars will be working together. You will be feeling good energies! This day will be the day to try that new thing you have been wanting to and take that "leap of faith".  On this day you are also going to feel motivated to go forth with passions and you are going to want to work on those passions. That is great!! Great day for commitment!

Monday -
Uranus will be in a square with Venus. You are going to be feelings excited and hyper and want to go out and do something to release this excited energies. Be careful with this! Don't be annoyingly excited and get carried away! Keep yourself clear minded and grounded.

When Uranus and Venus work together in a square, on those days people tend to have some sort of financial difficulties. Whether you accidentally over spent or you just do not have enough to do something you really want, those disappointments may cause some frustrations with you or between you and someone else. Stay calm and recognize those frustrations and just remember that next time around, you will be sure to not get yourself stuck financially  and be more aware of what you can spend and what your cant.

Crystals to help with your energies this week!

For personal and emotional balance - Any of the Moonstone's

For attracting abundance - Anything like a Citrine, Green Quartz, or Smokey Quartz

For keeping yourself grounded - Any black or brown crystal like a Smokey Quartz, Black Tourmaline, Black Onyx, Black Agate, Black Obsidian, etc.

Well I hope that you enjoyed this post! If you did please give it a g+1 and share with others!! Have a fantastic week and talk to you all soon!!
Crystal Blessings,

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