Friday, October 2, 2015

Astrology News: Oct. 2nd - Oct. 6th 2015

Good evening everyone! Here is your astrology news for the rest of the week!

Tomorrow (Saturday)

The moon will be in a few transits. The planets working that day are, Uranus, Venus, Saturn, and Mercury. You are going to try to get things done. It's a day of potential growth. As you get what you need to, done. You are going to need to push yourself a little more to get it done and, that's ok. That is how you can potentially grow and maybe learn something. Push yourself to do something that you wouldn't normally do. Thinking outside the box. Any stones or crystals that help you to feel some comfort during this time like, Rose Quartz, is great. Then also pair it with a Green Quartz to help bring in those ideas and help you to think outside of the box!


The Sun and Jupiter will be in a Semisextile. This day will help you to create ideas on how to get yourself and/ or talents and your work, out for people to see. You are going to find ways to market and advertise yourself. This is your time to shine and show other's what you can do! A great crystal to use to help bring out and nurture your talents and your abilities is Peacock Ore. Pair that with a Clear Quartz to help amplify those energies so that you can really show what you are capable of. This is also a good day to go after your dreams and taking effective steps in to accomplishing your goals. Don't be shy! Go for it!


Jupiter, Uranus, and Venus are going to working and sending their energies on this day. This day will have you dwelling on something that just happened or something from the past that happened and effected you in some way. It something that is not benefitting you and is hindering you from moving forward and moving on. This is an issue you seriously need to move on from for good. It is not benefitting you what so ever! In fact, it lowers your vibrations. You need to recognize this and decide to get rid of the old and start bringing in the new! You will see that in the future you would have benefitted from this positive change. Your vibrations will be high and you would have released those past negative energies. A Labradorite stone would work great for helping you with this!


The Sun will be in a square with Pluto early on in the day. Then, early in the evening Mercury will be in a Sextile with Saturn. And then late that evening, Mars will be in an opposition with Neptune. The energies are going to have you feeling like you really know everything. Your self esteem is going to be higher than usual which can be great! However, you want to be careful on how you talk and act around people. You don't want them to think you are all about yourself and a "know it all". It's ok and is great that you feel so powerful! Just be aware of this and watch yourself around others. The last thing you wanna do is hurt someone's feelings or ruin some kind of opportunity. Think before you talk and act. Jasper stones will help you on this day, to help balance and ground you energies.

Well I hope that you enjoyed this post! If you did please give it a g+1 and share with others! Remember to come join my spiritual Facebook group (link to the group will be down below in the comment area) called The Crystal Manor: A Spiritual Home ~ Healing Crystals. This is a safe place to share with other's how you practice your spirituality! Share with us your stones and crystals, or any other spiritual tools you use! We would love to see! I also provide free group readings and monthly card readings for us all! And if you wish to receive a personal reading, you are welcome to ask me at anytime! I am a certified Intuitive Psychic and medium and love providing messages from your guides and angels to you! So come on in and get readings done and meet other friends!

Have a great night or day!!

Crystal Blessings & Namaste,
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