Thursday, November 5, 2015

Nutmeg and Clove Essential Oils and Herbs: Metaphysical Healing Abilities

Good evening readers! I a so happy that I have found time to blog more! I love spreading my knowledge of my spirituality and what I use to do so. My books are coming along well and I thank the Hay House publishing company for taking the time to help me out as I am a new writer and soon to be author! I am so excited that I will soon be part of the Hay House family! My dreams are coming together and I couldn't be happier or more blessed! So with that all said, let's move on!


Also known as Eugenia Carophyllus, Syzygium Aromaticum, Caryophyllus Aromaticus. Mykhet, or Carenfil.

Clove is used for protection, love, exorcism, and to attract money. Burn (incense or oil)clove to attract financial opportunities, ward off negative energies/ entities, to raise vibrations, and to purity and cleanse an area. It is said that with the right intention set upon Clove, you can help other's to quit gossiping about you. Also with the right intention set upon clove, wear it so you can attract the opposite sex.

Gender: Masculine
Planet: Jupiter
Element: Fire


Also known as Myristica Fragrans, Qoust, Sadhika, Wohpala, or Bicuiba Acu. Nutmeg can help to attract luck, financial success, good health, and fidelity. Wear Nutmeg to keep you from cold sores and sties. Used in many money/prosperity spiritual and metaphysical mixtures. Sprinkle ground Nutmeg on a green candle to attract financial luck and prosperity.

It is said that to ensure your lover's fidelity, cut the nutmeg into 4 pieces. Burry one part in the earth, throw the another off a cliff, burn the third part, then boil the last bit in water and sip the nutmeg water, take the last piece out of the water and place it under your pillow. Leave it there or carry it around with you so that no one will tempt your partner.

Gender: Masculine
Planet: Jupiter
Element: Fire

Well I hope that you enjoyed this post! Please share with others and give it a g+1! Hope to talk to you all soon! Have a great night or day!

Crystal Blessings & Namaste,
Image result for clove essential oil
(Not my own picture)
Image result for nutmeg essential oil
(Not my own picture)

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