Sunday, January 10, 2016

Archangel of the week: Jophiel

Archangel of the Week: Jophiel
Image result for archangel jophiel
(Not my own photo)


Prayer 1
Dear Archangel Jophiel,
I pray to you now and seek guidance. I ask that you help me in transforming my negative thoughts into more positive ones, and help me to see the beauty in my life. Amen.
Prayer 2
Dear Archangel Jophiel,
I ask for your guidance now as I cleanse my bedroom of any negative energies. I ask that you help me in brining in more loving and passionate energies into mine and (your partners name) bedroom, so that our intimate and sacred space is full of love, light, protection, and passion. Amen.
Prayer 3
Dear Archangel Jophiel,
I pray to you now. I ask that you help me to fill my heart with love, beauty, and help me to feel see things in my life that I should be grateful for. Amen.
Prayer 4
Dear Archangel Jophiel,
As I work on decluttering my home, I ask that you too also help in decluttering my home by ridding of any energies that are not of God's light or beauty. I seek your help by bringing in warm, loving, relaxed, and calming energies into my home. Help me to see places that need to be cleared out, so that I am able to create a more meaningful environment. In Gods name we pray, Amen.
Prayer 5
Dear Archangel Jophiel,
I have an important day tomorrow (or today). I ask for guidance on what I should wear and how to beautify myself. I seek guidance from you now. Provide me with creative ideas. Thank you. Amen.
Prayer 6
Dear Archangel Jophiel,
I pray to you now. I ask that you healing this misunderstanding between me and (the person name). In Gods name we pray, Amen.
About Archangel Jophiel
Jophiel's name, also known as Lofiel, Lophiel, Zaphiel, and Zophiel, means "Beauty of God". Jophiel is part of the Celestial Hierarchy, and is one of the seven principal archangels. Jophiel is the angel of beauty and has high feminine energy, which is why others consider Jophiel female. Her duty is to help bring beauty and love into all areas of life. This includes your feelings, thoughts, your inner and outer self, any kind of relationship, and your spaces (home, sacred spaces, offices, etc.)
Believe it or not, this archangel is know to help beautify others. For example, you can call upon Jophiel to help you come up with creative ideas as to how you will do your make up, how you will dress, and how to do your hair. I've read in a book about archangels that Jophiel helped a women who was about to be interviewed. She had no idea what to wear and the wardrobe department did not have anything for her yet, and it was getting close to her time on set. She prayed to archangel Jophiel to help to come up with some creative solution as to what she could wear out of the wardrobe department. Still not having a clue, she prays again, down to the last minutes before airing when she saw in her minds eye a specific dress. She goes and finds it in the department and tries it on. It fits perfectly and she is ready to go with a couple minutes to spare.
Yes ladies, archangel Jophiel is that angel! Pray to her when you are looking for some creative ideas as well! I know I will! Angels love to be involved in our lives! Even if its just asking for advice on what to wear, they are there. Always looking to help and guide us. Never feel that the angel are too busy or too above that, they don't feel that your reason behind you asking for help is not good enough or important enough. We are important to them as they should be to us. They want to be involved in any way they can. We just have to ask.
Archangel Jophiel is also known as the Feng Shui angel. If you ask Jophiel to help bring out the beauty in your life and surroundings, you may find a sudden urge to declutter and organize your house or area. You may find yourself getting rid of stuff and clothing you no longer need. "Jophiel knows how much an organized environment affects our energy levels, moods, sleep patterns, and even health." (Virtue, Doreen (2010). Archangels 101).
After decluttering and feng shuiing, it is great to place in the corners of your rooms of your house, Rose Quartz and Selenite crystals, to bring in and attract loving and angelic energies into your spaces and even, your front and back doors.
Johpiel's color that she is associated with is hot pink or fuchsia color.
Well I hope that you enjoyed this post on Archangel Jophiel! Give it a g+1 and share with others! Remember to come join my Facebook group (link to the group in the comment area below). I hope you all have a great night or day! And I will talk to you all soon!
Angel & Crystal Blessings, & Namaste,
Image result for archangel jophiel
(Not my own photo)

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