Monday, March 21, 2016

Archangel of the Week: Raziel

Archangel Raziel
Prayer 1
Dear Archangel Raziel,
I seek your guidance now. I ask that you help me turn this new knowledge into practical wisdom. Help me to use this knowledge in way so that it help other's as well as myself.  Amen.
Prayer 2
Dear Archangel Raziel,
I seek your guidance now. I ask that you help heal me from negative past life experiences which still affect me in this life time. Please heal these fears so that I may continue my life's mission or begin my life's mission. In God's name we pray, Amen.
Prayer 3
Dear Archangel Raziel,
Any vow's that do not benefit me in this life time, which were made in a previous life time, I ask that you undo these troublesome vows in all directions of time, so that they no longer effect me and anyone else it may have also effected in this life time. In God's name we pray, Amen.
Prayer 4 (Prayer Created by Doreen Virtue. I had to share it!)
Dear Archangel Raziel,
I ask that you teach me about God, universal wisdom, and the secrets of the universe, especially as they apply to living a more peaceful life."
About Archangel Raziel
Raziel's name (also known as Ratziel) means "The Secrets of God". Raziel is said to be the closest to the throne of God that, he is able to hear everything God says and writes everything he hears down. Because of this, Raziel created his first book called "The Book of Raziel The Archangel". In this book, holds universal wisdom. It is also said that Raziel gave a copy of this book to Adam, the very first man. Legend has it that, this book provided Noah with the wisdom to create his ark. This book has been passed down through generations and was eventually given to King Solomon.
"Raziel (as Ratziel) is the archangel of the Chokmah, second sephirah (aspect of God) of the Kabalah's Tree of Life. There Raziel presides over the action of turning knowledge into practical wisdom." - Virtue, Doreen. Archangels 101 (2010).
Archangel Raziel helps us to use what we learned and what we already know in a way that is spiritualized and heals ourselves and other's. He helps us to understand that in order to do this, we have to be connected to the Divine wisdom. This also means connecting with our higher selves.
Think of Archangel Raziel as that wise old man, that you can ask anything and he knows exactly what to say. He knows everything. He is that mentor you ask anything to.  He is also known as the record keeper, holding ancient wisdom. He holds your Akashic records (a persons book of their life's). He holds knowledge of your soul contract and your past lives. If you need any past life healing, he is the archangel to seek guidance from.
When I was in my first past life regression session, I did see rainbow colors. The rainbow colors are the colors of Raziel's halo. From that point on, I was taken through a past life which was triggered by a simple word "Royal". Turned out in one of my past lives, I was either born into royalty or was married into it, either way, it looked around the 1500's and I was more drawn to helping people in a spiritual and metaphysical way, than keeping focused on my duties as a royal. What I did was a secret. Only a couple of close friends from the lower class knew and they helped me to help other's through what I do. The gifts I have today, I had then as well but, no one knew. I worked "behind the curtain" sort of speak. Unfortunately, I wasn't sure on why I died so soon then, but I got a glimpse of how; I was imprisoned and then killed. Which means that someone found out about my abilities and told. That is just one of my past lives. I believe that I was able to see this through the help of archangel Raziel. I am sure he can help you as well! He helped me get over the fear of "coming out of the intuitive psychic closet".
Well I hope that you enjoyed this post, if you did give it a g+1 and share with other's! I hope this post was able to help some of you! I hope you all have a great night or day, and I will talk to you all later!
Angel & Crystal Blessings, & Namaste,
(Not My Own Photo)

(Not My Own Photo)


Sunday, March 20, 2016

Weekly Reading 3/21/16 - 3/27/16

Weekly Oracle Reading
With Doreen Virtue's Angel Answer's and Ascended Masters Decks
Week of 3/21/16 - 3/27/16
Monday &Tuesday
The decision you made is the right one! You can stop worrying and looking. You have a plan and you should move forward with it! This does not mean this will be easy however. Everyone has challenges to go through! Keep positive and keep the faith! Seek guidance from your angels if you need to! Even from friends and family if you need to as well!! Just keep pushing through!
Wednesday & Thursday
Don't be afraid to ask help from family and friends. You don't have to go through this alone! By allowing yourself the extra help, you increase your chances of success! Your plans will start to move forward as well! Those you seek help from may have more knowledge to help you.

Know that if we carry too much, our energy and creativity decreases. It's ok to get help every once in a while!
The Weekend
Yes! This is for you!
Yes! You may proceed!
Extra Pick From The Ascended Masters Oracle

I find it only fit to pull an extra card from this deck since the 27th is Easter and that is the day Jesus Christ ascended as well. You may disregard this card if you don't believe in my Lord Jesus Christ, but for those that do, please read on. :)
This card of Greek Ascended Master; Pan, signifies its a very fertile time for you. This is an ideal time ...for the conception of the baby or new projects. All the doors are open for you right now. Your mind is fertile with many wonderful new ideas, and abundance easily flows to you. Since everything is in its infancy stage, have patience with the growth process. Just nurture yourself and your projects so that you stay strong and fertile!!
Well I hope that you all enjoyed this post. If you did remember to give it a g+1 and share with other's! I am happy to be back and sharing with all of you again! My book is going smoothly right now which allows me more time for you guys! Doing this makes my heart sing.
 If any of you would like, come and join my Facebook Group if you have not already done so! Here is the link to that:
Come and join and meet new friends, get readings, and learn! As always it was a pleasure giving you this reading! I will talk to you all later!
Angel & Crystal Blessings, & Namaste,
(Not My Own Picture)

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Weekend Tarot Reading: 3/18/16 - 3/20/16

Weekend Reading
With Doreen Virtue's Fairy Tarot Deck
3/18/16 - 3/20/16
Good evening readers! So sorry I've been gone for suuuuper long! Life has taken over! lol I'm busy with my team creating and putting together my book. I've been working and being mum. Life has been busy!
I hope you all had a great St. Patrick's Day! I wore my green today at work lol! So no pinches here! So, let's get on with the weekend reading!
I hope to keep posting more card readings for you all as much as I did before! As well as the Archangel of the week posts!! I will plan to have that back up and running this Sunday night. Feels good to be back and hope to see everyone back! Remember, if you haven't already, come join my spiritual facebook group where I am most active! Here is the link to join: Come join and meet new friends!! I am also on instagram and twitter! Come find me!
Instagram: JENNBARLOW48
Twitter: @TheJenn_Barlow
Angel & Crystal Blessings, & Namaste,