Weekend Reading
With Doreen Virtue's Fairy Tarot Deck
3/18/16 - 3/20/16
Good evening readers! So sorry I've been gone for suuuuper long! Life has taken over! lol I'm busy with my team creating and putting together my book. I've been working and being mum. Life has been busy!
I hope you all had a great St. Patrick's Day! I wore my green today at work lol! So no pinches here! So, let's get on with the weekend reading!



I hope to keep posting more card readings for you all as much as I did before! As well as the Archangel of the week posts!! I will plan to have that back up and running this Sunday night. Feels good to be back and hope to see everyone back! Remember, if you haven't already, come join my spiritual facebook group where I am most active! Here is the link to join: https://www.facebook.com/groups/807123032703559/ Come join and meet new friends!! I am also on instagram and twitter! Come find me!
Instagram: JENNBARLOW48
Twitter: @TheJenn_Barlow
Angel & Crystal
Blessings, & Namaste,

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