Weekly Oracle Card Reading
With Doreen Virtue's Archangel Raphael and Michael
Oracle Cards
![]() This card comes to you about a situation you are confused about. This card is a sign that you should not rush into anything! There is more important information that you must know, and this information will soon reveal itself to you!! So hold on! Do not try to force anything to happen. Just allow thing to flow right now. You will be waited on, not to worry friend! At the end it will be your decision, but the way to go about making a decision, is to allow all the information to reveal itself to you, analyze everything, take your time, then make a decision. Don't jump into anything yet! Just wait! Friday ![]() Continue to look more into the situation discussed in card 1. Remember to wait. Get a second, third, fourth, or even fifth opinions. It's ok to take your time right now. The opportunity won't pass you by! It will wait for you! This card also comes to some of you to listen to your intuition about your health. If deep down your intuition/ The Divine is telling you to get another opinion, then do it! God and Archangel Raphael are guiding you toward a better healing process. Your "gut feeling" is them communicating with you. Please listen! Saturday ![]() This card comes to you to reassure you that God is taking care of everything and working hard, behind the scenes for you. He asks that you release and surrender any worries to him and to not push against the universal flow. Pushing to rush something or force something only brings disappointments. Allow everything to fall into place and always remember that God knows what is best for you. Everything will work out just fine, just don't struggle to push it. Leave it in gods hands. Sunday ![]() This card comes to you because your angels have been trying to tell you through your intuition and signs that you need to change something about your diet. Listen to that inner voice and make the change. If you are not sure where to start and what to change, ask a nutritionist for help and guidance. As well as your Guides and Angels. This card also comes to ...some of you to honor what your body is trying to tell you. Any aches, pains, fatigue, etc. that have been going on a lot, listen to those signs and do what you can to make it better. Again, seek help from a nutritionist to see how they can help you. Take care of your body and honor it with healthy changes to your diet.
Well I hope that you all enjoyed this post! If you did give a g+1 and share with others! I hope that you all have a great night or day and I will talk to you all soon!
Angel & Crystal
Blessings, & Namaste,
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(Not My Own Photography)
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