Francis Bernardone was born in Assisi, Italy in 1181. He found himself imprisoned as a young adult soldier in a Perugia jail. It was in that jail that he had a spiritual experience that would change his life forever. Jesus had come to him while imprisoned saying that he needs to put the life he's living now, aside. When released, he began a path of spirituality and devotion.
Francis began a life of an acetic. Pretty much like a monk but, of catholic faith. Born into a rich family, Francis put that behind and began acting and dressing like a poor man, a beggar, while spreading Jesus's teaching and spreading peace. He volunteered to help the sick and helped out in hospitals. He later formed a spiritual order called The Franciscans in 1212.
Most remembered for his Dr. Doolittle ways with animals, it was said during a walk, he saw a group of birds. Francis then, walked up to them and began preaching to them, the ways of Jesus and peace. It was said that the birds actually gathered around, and sat up, and listened to him. Looking at him. Afterwards, he spent time with them, petting them. They did not move from him. After that, he began preaching to more and more animals. Teaching them about God and Jesus. They were at ease around him. Not acting like wild animals. They listened. Even a Wolf in the middle of its wild behavior, stopped and became calm, close, and loving.
He was a writer as well. Writing prayers and meditations. His most famous prayer was Prayer of Saint Francis:
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace;
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
when there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master, grant that I may not so
much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood, as to understand,
to be loved as to love;
for it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we're pardoned,
and it's in dying [to ourselves] that we're born to eternal life.
Francis passed away October 4th, 1226. Two days later, he was canonized as Saint Francis of Assisi.
Reader's I have an incredible story to tell you which has to deal with Saint Francis. Today October 3rd, I stopped traffic (we were all at a red light so, I guess the red light helped with that lol) as it came to my attention that, there was poor and scared little kitten, couldn't have been more that a few weeks old, in the middle of the road. I got out of my car because I felt compelled to help. I went to the car in front of me and told the driver there was a scared kitten under their car. They told me they would not move until I got the kitten. Two other wonderful people came out to help me as they could see the kitten was giving me a hard time. It wanted to attack. I was able to shoo it in the direction of the two people and they finally were able to grab it. I told them I could not take it as I had my toddler in the car with me and I did not know if this cat was safe around my son. So a woman said she would take it to the nearest animal hospital. I was so thankful to them.
Not knowing which ascended master I was going to do today, my mind just went to Saint Francis. I did not know much about him until now! The fact that the anniversary of his death is tomorrow, and myself and a couple other people felt the need to help an animal. There is no doubt in my mind that, Saint Francis was around today. Reminding us to care for God's animals. To care for each other. To help out one another and show peace in a time where the world is struggling to show true peace.
Seek guidance from Saint Francis if you are a healer yourself, or do any kind of animal healing and rescue.
He can also help in finding a meaningful career.
Seek guidance from him when wanting to help out the environment.
I hope that you enjoyed this post! If you did give a g+1 and share with other's!
Angel & Crystal Blessings,
& Namaste!
Jennifer J Barlow
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