Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Let's Get MetaPHYSICAL ;)

Ok listen, just a heads up, this blog post might get a little X-rated so, if you have little ones around you as you're reading this, just turn your laptop or phone away from them. There is something that I have been wanting to share about sex and energy. When I hear clients talk to me about their sex lives, there was always one thing that I knew for sure to share with them because of experience and also through what I've learned from one of my Priestess teachers, it is this, now listen up:

You need to know that before you get involved with anyone sexually, you need to know that sex does bind you to the other person and vise versa. During the intimate moment, you two are exchanging energies.... literally! You now have part of their life force for good and same for them, with you. Before you get involved you need to think, " who are they really inside? do they carry anything you know for a fact, you would not want to carry too? Who do I want to carry around forever?" The energy sticks. It is literally within you and you within them. So make sure that this person really means something to you and has something good to offer you energetically. Especially if you are still working through trauma of your heart, solar, and sacral chakras. Some people don't understand this, but sex is a ritual. It's a holistic practice. You are actually having a sacred moment. So remember this before you get into exchanging energy with someone.

On another note, there is this thing that society has brought us up to believe that, having sex is something bad unless done with your husband or wife and I have come to find through connection with God that, this is not true. You should care who you allow close to your body, a sacred space in itself, however, you do not need to be married. So, you can relax and feel safe when having sex with your partner. Sex is such a blessing to us, people don't realize. At the moment of climax, you would have had to surrender your breath in order to orgasm. There are only two ways to feel orgasm through surrendering of your breath, sex and the moment of death lol, the moment of transition. There have been many stories that I have read and have heard from someone that when they had their near death experience, they tried holding their breath only to feel like they needed to surrender their breath and the minute they did, they felt orgasm and they then saw the other side and God and their angels. This tells me that God wants us and needs us to practice this everyday if you can. You can have a serious connection with the Divine after orgasming and then going into mediation for the connection. It's something powerful and something I want you to try, whether its with a partner or by yourself. It's healthy to achieve this alone by the way. You need to be intimate with yourself because you practice acceptance and self love by doing so. Be in love with yourself, it is not selfish. And don't  let anyone tell you different. It is a ritual too.

On the subject of orgasm, did you know that you achieve total alignment in that moment? But, unfortunately, it doesn't last lol.  Your chakras go back to being out of alignment. But, in that moment of orgasm, it makes it the perfect time to manifest and push out intentions of something that you're trying to manifest and bring into reality. Talk about doing your work lol, you can achieve a lot spiritually and energetically at the moment of orgasm.

I will say make sure you are getting involved with some that means something to you. Someone you actually love and appreciate because, the last thing you want to do is exchange energy with someone whos sending energies of "eh, whatever, this means nothing to me, I just need a pick me up" etc. Why? because you will feel that, you will carry that, and the energy is actually extremely low vibrational. It's negative. It is a transfer of their inner problems to you. You don't want that.

So with that being said, if you are looking to create a love/ kundalini sacred space in your bed room, listen up:

1) Declutter, clean, sage, your entire home. open your windows and let the sage smoke go out the window, carrying any obstacles, negativity, and any stagnant energy from your home and yourself.
2) Get yourself a pendulum. Why? You need to figure out if you are in need of some deep healing in your heart chakra and sexual areas of your body. There may be past issues that you haven't dealt with yet and can be the root cause of you not being able to manifest the partner you are looking for. For more on understanding how to use a pendulum, my book here: (Book) goes into detail, how to use one. Also, I want you to watch my YouTube video about the truth in manifesting love here: (video) Because you need to know everything.
3) Set up your sacred space on the northwest corner of your bedroom and/or home. The gemstones you need are, Rose Quartz for attracting love of any kind. Pink Opal for a change in relationship. Whether you need a sexual and connection change in your present relationship, or you know you  need to be attracting a different type of love other than the ones in your past which, didn't work out for you. Garnet if your sexuality is asleep and you're really reading this because you need to know how to wake up the kundalini within you. You can also use fire agate, carnelian, and sunstone for that. And last but not least, Chrysoprase for the healing of the heart and past trauma. Also, Rhodochrosite for deep healing of the heart.  
4) On your sacred space, place any symbols such as hearts, which symbolize love and sex, there. Any God's or Goddesses and deities that you will be seeking healing and guidance from to help you on your journey. And Remember to always give thanks and leave offerings to any Gods, Goddesses, and deities that you seek guidance and wisdom from.

Here are some Affirmation I Wanted to share with you to help you with aligning your chakras and creating equilibrium which is very important to your mind, body, and soul.

1) Root - I am safe
2) Sacral - I'm empowered around my sexual self
3) Solar - I know who I am sexually and have confidence.
4) Heart - I unite sex and love, and open my heart space.
5)Throat - I openly communicate what I need sexually.
6) Third Eye- I know my sexual needs.
7) Crown - I am connected to the Divine Source as a sexual being.

Here's what I think about relationships and intimacy, and this is just according to Jennifer. I am not saying this is THE WAY to do things but, here is what I feel I know.

1) I think people complicate things when it comes to sex and relationships. It became clear to me while in connection to my Divine Source, that sex is a sacred ritual which should only be shared with someone you have a real and pure connection to because it is a spiritual ritual, a ritual done to create life and also to achieve spiritual connection to higher realms , you can actually receive messages during the moment of orgasm. You gain powerful and potent manifesting abilities while at that state of being too. It creates a flow of energy and it can unblock stagnant energy which can actually cause disease, cancer, and other ailments and illnesses..... so basically have sex because its good for you spiritually, sexually, physically, and mentally. lol!! And it's ok if you are not marries. Just don't use anyone.

2) When it comes to relationships. Men and women as a couple. I really do think men NEED to feel masculine. I see too many relationships where the woman wears the pants and is the masculine... everything and leaves no room for the man to … well be the man. And that can cause upset. Women make the mistake of not supporting their man's masculinity. And now you have create an unbalance in the relationship and with the man. Which actually isn't healthy.

3) What women need from men, is to feel safe enough to be feminine. Men make the mistake of not supporting their woman's femininity.

4) Now this can be a heterosexual model to follow too. One can be more feminine than the other and balance can be created still.

5) To me, as I sat and learned and listened, is that an ideal sexual relationship  is where I can say to my partner "I'm coming to you as a women who knows who she is, knows what she wants, is all grown up, and knows what she needs. Now I want you to come to me completely as a man." To me this is the perfect union. The connection is equal and in respect to both. And the man can say to me or to their partner, the same thing but, in masculine. He needs to say and understand that you (woman) needs to be the divine feminine to his divine masculine.

6) You have to feel safe enough to have this kind of balanced experience and to go on this journey with each other. You both have to take responsibility for this experience and SHOW UP and DO THE WORK together.

7) Now don't make the mistake in thinking that you need someone to complete you. You can complete yourself and you have to know that and believe that before getting into this experience with any one. And so does the other person. But go on the journey to completion together. There is a trust dynamic there that you really want to establish in your relationship before getting intimate.

So I really wanted to share this information with you. relationships is something that comes up always in readings for me and as a mystic and soul path reader, I have made it so that I explain this to my clients. It is my purpose to redirect someone on their souls path and that even includes relationships. So there you have it. My spiritual guided take on all this. Hope you enjoyed this post! If you did give it a like and share with others.


Sunday, September 22, 2019

Mabon: Everything You Need To Know About The High Holiday

Mabon: Everything You Need To Know About The High Holiday

So many different history stories are told about Mabon. How it became and what it symbolizes. My favorite story about how Mabon began is the ancient Greek history story of Persephone and Hades. The story mirrors what the time of year is all about; your shadow and light self, seeking equilibrium between the two. Mabon (aka the second harvest and the autumn equiox) is the day that the northern and the southern hemisphere have the exact same amount of sunlight because of the tilt that the earth is at. It is at a right angle to the sun. 

So why else is Mabon such a big deal to Pagans, Wiccans, Mystics, and anyone who considers themselves witches? Because it's a time which marks the beginning of some serious shadow work. It is a time to harvest light. Light, if you think about it, is the key to life. You need light to see through the shadows, your shadows. (For information on shadow work, watch this video: Shadow Work Video

At this time we say good bye to our father, The Sun, say good bye to the South as we turn the wheel once again to the West, (the west holds Fall in the wheel), and it's time to bid farewell for all we learned about ourselves because of the spirits which hold the fiery Southern gateway for us, who helped us understand the lighter part of ourselves, all the lessons we learned within the light. It's a time to give thanks to them. " South represents Summer and is a time of great abundance. The summer holds fertility, passion, growth, joy and peace. The color is white. The animals of the South hold the lesson of strength, courage and pride. The eagle with her keen sight and the wolf, proud to be part of the tribe." - https://www.gaia.com/article/four-directions-ceremony 
We thank all who hold and host the south as we begin to turn to the west.

The western gateway, "to the winds of the west, Mother Jaguar, protects our medicine space, teaches us the way of peace, to live impeccably, and shows us the way beyond death." - Sacred-Wisdom.co.uk

The harvest is coming to an end. The crops have been picked and gathered to be stored for the winter. We take this time to honor the changing of the seasons and celebrate the second harvest on September 21st. We give thanks for what we have in abundance and blessings. We turn to mother ocean when we turn to the west too. This is the time where the work you did has come to an end for now, and now is the time for celebrating your souls harvest. A time to allow mother ocean to wash away your burdens and worries you no longer need to carry. You need to take this time to rest, release, receive messages from through the veil as the veil thins. A time to prepare for a rebirth, a time for manifestation and creation, with the help of mother ocean. 

Here's what I want you to understand about Mabon that, as you rest and release, you need to know. Like I said before, this is shadow season so, this is the time to understand that part of yourself. To get into your shadow self, you want to allow yourself permission to BE YOUR TRUE AUTHENTIC SELF. This is a time for stillness, creating equilibrium between your light and shadow, and acceptance. We have been anxious and tense as if we have been waiting for something to come a long that may have made something better for you. Let that go. Surrender that to mother ocean. 

This is where my favorite Mabon story comes in. The day that marked the beginning of Mabon, the wedding and union of Hades and Persephone. Here's a short version which I will just get to the point so, will not tell the entire story, just the main points. These amazing vows written in the book of Handfasting and Wedding Rituals: The Story of Hades and Persephone (115-119), by Raven Kaldera, Tannin Schwartzstein. I want you to read this for a detailed look at this history. 

So Demeter had only one daughter, Persephone, and Persephone was a curious creature. She would wonder out in the meadows and explore. She would play with the flowers and wonder about mother earth and her creations. She, however, could feel an intense vibration from underneath the grass and dirt. She wondered what lay beneath. Something within her wanted to learn and explore the underworld. A natural attraction. One day as she played in the meadows, she stumbled upon a man. This man was the God of the Underworld; Hades. Hades had been watching her and thought that she was just the most light and beautiful woman she had ever seen. He felt her light, something he knew he needed, something he was drawn to. So, he lured her into his arms and took her into the underworld. Hades is one of three sons to the great God of the Greek Pantheon. The great God, who when he died,  divided this earth into three realms amongst his three sons. The oceans belong to Poseidon, Neptune got the skies, and Hades got the underworld. None is better than the other. Here's what I need you all to understand about the underworld, IT IS NOT AN EVIL PLACE, THIS IS NOT HELL. Everyone goes there because we all have a shadow, a dark yet deep and egotistical place within ourselves. There is no way we can skip this realm. Here's the thing, if you did good things, you're going to a good place, if you did evil things, you're going to an evil place, however, Hades, the underworld is not an evil place, this is not hell. You need to delete this made up story that hades is bad. It (unfortunately) has become Christianized and as myself having Christian roots, I do not appreciate this. They have attempted to rewrite history. A history that was written in stone since before the "good book". And this rewritten work doesn't even make sense. No, Hades, the underworld is not a bad place, it is not hell. delete that right now everyone!

On to the story, So Persephone says to Hades, that she is afraid and wants to leave, but Hades gifts her 6 pomegranate seeds and it seals her in the underworld. One for each month she has to be with him. So, she is afraid because Hades stirs things up in her that are dark and deep. Hades explains that he too is afraid because Persephone stirs things up within him that show him the light, that she brings light where there is darkness and he feels he needs that. They balance each other out and they create this destined union. They fell in love.

They didn't know it, but those desires that made them curious about what lay above and beneath, they unknowingly summoned and manifested each other. Their hearts desires lead them to their souls path, their destiny, their union created Mabon because it is the day that light and shadow reunite as one. 
We honor the union between Hades and Persephone.

So the 6 pomegranet seeds represent that 6 months that Persephone stays with Hades. September 21st, she returns to the Underworld to rule with Hades and then when March comes along, her mother Demeter calls her home and she returns to the surface. 

In the story, Demeter worries about her daughter and alerts all the other God's and Goddesses of her disappearance and they go on a search for her. When they locate her, they see her in the underworld but, she cannot come up until March. So when march comes around, her mother is always there waiting for her return. Funny thing, when she returns, it happens to be the time of rebirth, the spring equinox! Talk about a very cool history story. 

It's a sweet story and one we can learn from. Mabon is a time to learn about our shadow self. What about our shadow do we need to face? The shadow is the typically the things that shame us. What we are afraid for others to see. It's our ego. Again for more on shadow work watch this video here: Shadow Work Video This is the time to sit there but not live there as Persephone couldn't not live there herself. It is not a place to live, but to visit from time to time to learn about the aspects of us that are authentic. To come to terms with out true authenticity. And each time we come up for air in March, we are a lot happier, we are more balanced, we are more free, and more accepting of ourselves. I ask this Mabon, you go visit Hades in the underworld. Allow him to teach some things about yourself. To release what needs to be released. What needs to come up. What needs to be given a voice and be heard. 

So I am sure your wondering how you can begin your shadow work this shadow season. Well watching the video can give you a good head start and also, having tools to help. Here are tools you will need this Mabon, Samhain, and for Dea De Los Muertos (when the veil is completely open to receive guidance and messages from your loved ones who have passed, your ancestors). 

1- Smudging kit which consists of a sage bundle, feather, and a shell for safe burning of the sage
2- Get into the mood select a calming space in your home and make it your shadow season altar. Decorate it with fall colors.
3- 1 Light blue candle to represent your light
4- 1 black candle to represent your shadow self
5- Shadow work blend available here:Blend
6- Veil Crossing blend available here:Blend
7- Herbs/Oils - cinnamon, clove, blood orange, dragons blood, sandalwood, basil, bergamot, amber, pumpkin seed, rosehip, passionfruit, safflower, rose, grapefruit, marigold, and mandarin. Place them and decorate your altar with them.
8- Gemstones - black, sheen, or snowflake obsidian (for shadow work), and labradorite (for the light). To get the set, it is available here: www.etsy.com/shop/TheDivineCrown Use discount code SHADOW5 for 10% off your set.

Here's a recent video for you as well: Welcome Fall & Welcome Shadow Season!

Please, if you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask away in the comment area below this blog or on in my etsy shop. Many blessings to you all! Good luck on your journey into your shadow self and look to a video showing how to use the set hopefully this week. Although Mabon passed, you still have to practice. The shadow season only just began and it ends in march. So let's get you set up. 

Jennifer J Barlow

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Daily psychic reading for 9/15/19

Your Daily Psychic Reading

Seems like we have some remembering to do. There is a lesson that still needs to be learned and It is coming for you (the issue) again and again, and this time, again lol. That's ok, we are here to learn and grow and spiritually expand until it's our time to ascend. What do you find coming for you that reminds you of a past issue? Maybe something comes up that is directly link to a past life or ancestral. Whatever it is, it's time to sit and work on it. Face it. Visit with it for a while and try to understand it. Write about it. whatever this may be. I advise you to re-read this card.

Earth Star Chakra: I bet you didn't think you had another chakra past your base/root chakra! Well you do! It's called your earth star chakra. " The Earth Star Chakra, also known as Subpersonal chakra and Super Root, is connected to Foot chakra. It is located at the bottom of the feet approximately about 12-18 below the feet. The Earth Star Chakra is the grounding point of the whole chakra system."

Black Kyanite: As you see in this picture, I do not have a black kyanite, however, there are other stones you can use as a substitute for black kyanite. So what I have shown in the picture is black onyx and petrified wood! When combined, can do what black kyanite can! What can this kyanite do for you? " I consider black kyanite a Top 10 stone for healing, space clearing, and energetic protection. It wards off any and all energies that aren’t for your highest good and calls in white light to replace them. Black kyanite can also help you access past lives and clearly see what areas within your soul need healing and retrieval. It’s a great stone to work with during shamanic journeying.
Meditate with your large black kyanite blade, allowing its essence to clear and replenish your energetic bodies. Take it with you during sacred journey to serve as a guide that helps you access other dimensions while staying grounded to Earth. May these large black kyanite blades serve you well as you clear all that no longer serves you."
Myrrh Resin: " Myrrh is one of the most ancient resins and has healing properties that protect, balance, and bring peace to you and your space. Myrrh also lifts stagnant vibrations and warms the spirit. "
I hope that you enjoyed this blog post! If you did, like it, share it, and don't forget to check out my YouTube channel where we explore sacred ways together!
Here's a link to my channel: https://youtu.be/8YQq3hyZeyc

Friday, August 2, 2019

Oracle Reading For 8/2/19 - This is a good one!

Good evening everyone! Today I pulled from 2 of Doreen Virtues oracle decks for you. One to show you your souls path, and the other to point you in the direction to go to start working toward your souls path an divine purpose. We always wonder why we are here. Why did the Divine above place us here. We are all here for a reason. We are all important to this planets in some shape or form. If you are reading this now, it means this reading is mean for you. No matter if you are reading this now or 5 years from now, you are meant to be reading this as it pertains to you or someone that you know. Maybe you just had a conversation with a close friend of yours and they told you that they themselves are wondering why they on this planet. Sometimes our friends receive messages for us when they cannot seem to notice their guides, angels, and the Divine and the signs that they are trying to show them, so they go to the person that they know can help them notice these signs and synchronicities. Here is your reading for today!

Card 1: You have a strong bond with fairies,
 or the energies of the fairies,
 and your life purpose involves 
helping Mother Nature.

Card 2 (your action card): You are safe and supported while you change your career.
Seems the first step in beginning your souls path to help mother nature, is to shift your focus when it comes to your career.
If you have been thinking about changing your career path, then this is confirmation
that you need to honor and trust that intuition and make that change. 
You are spiritually supported. Now is the right time to do so. This will lead you to your souls path which is to 
help mother nature in your own unique way. You have a desire to help her. Those desires are placed in our hearts
for a reason, it is placed there to guide us to where we need to go. So start now!
 I hope that you enjoyed this reading! I have left a couple of YouTube links that can also help in guiding you when it comes to your souls path and the importance in following your hearts desires! Good luck in your journey! Namaste!


Friday, July 19, 2019

Daily Oracle Reading For 7-19-19

Daily Oracle Reading

This card comes to you to reassure you that you are safe to do what you are being guided to pursue. You are also reassured that you are always protected, no matter what, spiritually. Remember to be patient with yourself and others during this process. It will take time, but everything happens in divine timing. Remember not to rush things and not to resist what the Divine is trying to show and tell you. The Divine is leading you to where you are meant to be. All obstacles will pass smoothly if you only remember to ask the Divine for assistance. If there are any patterns that do not serve you for the better, physically, mentally, and spiritually, then ask the Divine to help you break those addictions for good. 

A stone that this card suggests to use is Amethyst, however more specifically for you, Banded Amethyst is a great gemstone to work with when needing metaphysical assistance in breaking any bad habits. Carry with you always and place the intention within the stone that it will help you during this process and transitions. It heals all layers of addiction and brings focus, balance, and unity to the bearer. It also helps you to open, clear out, and protect your crown chakra, your connection to your Divine Source, angels, and guides. 

The card also asks that you work with the herb, Gotu Kola. This herb is used for fatigue, anxiety, depression, psychiatric disorders, Alzheimer's disease, and improving memory and intelligence. Other uses include wound healing, trauma, and circulation problems (venous insufficiency) including varicose veins, and blood clots in the legs.

The metaphysical properties of this herb are that it can help you with your connection to your divine source, opens the crown and third eye chakras, speaking the truth, trusting in your intuition, confidence, inner strength, and protection.

In your medicine bag:
  1. Dried Gotu Kola herb
  2. Banded Amethyst
  3. Patchouli essential oil (anoint the herbs and gemstone)
  4. Place your intentions
I hope that you enjoyed this reading and helpful post! If you did give it a thumbs up and share with like minded people! Until next time friends, I'll talk to you all soon!

For more spiritual and metaphysical tips, subscribe to The Divine Crown's YouTube Channel for free here: The Divine Crown LLC YouTube Channel "Exploring Sacred Ways Together"

Banded Amethyst


Jennifer J Barlow

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Daily Oracle Reading For 7/9/19

Daily Oracle Reading

This card calls for you to open your soul star chakra, the chakra above your crown chakra. Typically what happens is, when you are open there, your crown and third eye chakras are enhanced and your psychic abilities do as well. This is a very important chakra to cleanse, protect, and open to be able to accomplish being in alignment. This card suggest that you work with a herkimer diamond gemstone, one the ultimate gemstones for soul star access. If you do not have this stone or wonder about other stones that can benefit you here too, try moldavite (green meteorite mineral), beryllonite, indigo or blue kyanite, datolite, white or angel wing selenite, lithium quartz, charoite, clear quartz, danburite, and so many more. Most of these are blue, white, violet, and indigo colors.  All these are excellent at opening, clearing out, and protecting your soul star chakra. Perfect for reaching heighten energies of divine love, enlightenment, and transcends you into the much higher realms. Drink plenty of water while working with any of these gemstones. 

This card calls for you to work with the Elemi. Which I love! I use this in pure oil form in my Buddha blend. If you do not have access to Elemi, then try these herbs or essential oils which are more easy to find: Palo Santo, Frankincense, Myrrh, and Angelica.

I hope that you all enjoyed this post! If you did give it a thumbs up and share with like minded people. And do not forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel where we explore sacred ways together and learn more about herbs, essential oils and their history and properties, spiritual holidays, more metaphysics, and soon filming on ancient civilizations and how they incorporated metaphysics into their rituals. It's free to subscribe!


Jennifer J Barlow

Monday, July 8, 2019

What Are Twin Flames and Soulmates?

What Are Twin Flames & Soulmates?

For a full picture of the video, go to The Divine Crown's YouTube Channel (a protected and safe site) to get a better view.
Subscribe Here! It's Free! The Divine Crown YouTube Channel

Jennifer J Barlow

Daily Oracle Reading For 7/8/19

Daily Oracle Reading

The Solar Plexus is the area of your abdomen. This is the chakra which holds your inner will, personal power; solar power, and your energy center. The color which your solar plexus radiates is yellow and the element which it is associated with is fire. Which is why this card talks of the Sun. I do love Pyrite (shown above, silver mineral) for the solar plexus, but there are many other gemstones you can try using, such as: Citrine, Golden or Red Tiger Eye, Sunstone, Yellow Tourmaline, Yellow Fluorite, Yellow Apatite, Yellow Aventurine, … pretty much any yellow stone. Pyrite is not yellow, however the vibrational frequencies which it holds tends to open and activate the solar plexus. There are gemstones that are not yellow and are great for your solar, such as: Lapis Lazuli (royal blue with has pyrite inside), Orange Calcite, Carnelian, and many more. Choose the one or ones that you are called to. 

Anise (shown above, brown herb in shape of a star) is a great herb and oil to work with when it comes to your solar plexus, but so are many others, such as: Cedar Wood, Chamomile, Bergamot, and Rosemary, and more.

Good luck when working with your solar plexus today and tomorrow! Look for another reading tomorrow around this time. 

If you like my blog, please like and share with like minded friends and family, and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE for free to my YOUTUBE channel to see videos similar to this post and explore sacred ways together!

Blessings and Namaste,

Jennifer J Barlow

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Tools To Manifest Prosperity

Tools To Manifest Prosperity
(Gemstones, Essential Oils, and Candles)

This Prosperity set is NOT focused on one area of prosperity. We all would like to be prosperous in different areas of our lives. This set can help you to manifest prosperity in just about any area. I will be filming a YouTube video to show you how to use this set. I only will show you one example, I believe that if your intuition is telling you to use this set in another way, then I encourage you to follow that message.

In this set you will get:
- One medium sized prosperity candle filled with prosperity herbs.
(Glass candle holder may vary in shape but not size.)

- A sample of my Prosperity ritual perfume. Which you can use to add more scent to you candle and to anoint your stones with. My prosperity perfume has notes of sandalwood, bergamot, cinquefoil, and more potent prosperity essential oils.

- Cinquefoil ( aka Five Finger Grass herbs) the herb of ultimate prosperity. You can burn it if you like as you send your intentions out into the universe, or you can sprinkle them over your set on your plate as you set your intentions. It is up to you.

- 2 Clear Quartz crystal points for center of crystal grid and for activating gemstones and grid, and for directing energy and intentions. (Look for my YouTube video on how to use July 8, 2019)

- Green Aventurine stone to summon the necessary resources and opportunities you need to be prosperous. This gemstone is also the stone of abundance, fertility, growth, plant/garden health and growth, birth (healthy pregnancy or giving birth to new ideas)

- Lapis Lazuli stone for structure, organization, stability as a ruler ( it is known as the King or Queen stone as it helps in ruling what your trying to manage), strategy, speaking your truth, creativity, and courage.

- Pyrite stone to bring forth confidence, abundance, self worth, and power.

- Natural Citrine from Brazil, known as the prosperity stone. As it summons prosperity of any kind, confident decision making, abundance, and successful ventures.

- To finish this set off, you will get a surprise plate. You may not get the same plate as you see here in the pictures. The plate is to add decoration to your ritual space and it makes it easier to move your prosperity set from place to place in your home. You then will get a print out of the flower of life symbol in the color green. Color of abundance, prosperity, and success.
I'm so happy I get to share this with you! As I put it together, I knew I had to share this with you! Manifest away friends! And I'll do the same!

Grab Your Prosperity Set Here: The Divine Crown LLC Shop

Subscribe For Free Here:  The Divine Crown LLC YouTube Channel

Blessings & Namaste,


How To Discover Your Souls Purpose

How To Discover Your Souls Purpose
(Gemstones and Essentail Oils That Uncover Your Souls Path)

If you enjoyed this video and want more like it, subscribe to my YouTube channel and Let's Explore Sacred Ways Together for free here:

Blessings & Namaste!

Jennifer J Barlow