Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Let's Get MetaPHYSICAL ;)

Ok listen, just a heads up, this blog post might get a little X-rated so, if you have little ones around you as you're reading this, just turn your laptop or phone away from them. There is something that I have been wanting to share about sex and energy. When I hear clients talk to me about their sex lives, there was always one thing that I knew for sure to share with them because of experience and also through what I've learned from one of my Priestess teachers, it is this, now listen up:

You need to know that before you get involved with anyone sexually, you need to know that sex does bind you to the other person and vise versa. During the intimate moment, you two are exchanging energies.... literally! You now have part of their life force for good and same for them, with you. Before you get involved you need to think, " who are they really inside? do they carry anything you know for a fact, you would not want to carry too? Who do I want to carry around forever?" The energy sticks. It is literally within you and you within them. So make sure that this person really means something to you and has something good to offer you energetically. Especially if you are still working through trauma of your heart, solar, and sacral chakras. Some people don't understand this, but sex is a ritual. It's a holistic practice. You are actually having a sacred moment. So remember this before you get into exchanging energy with someone.

On another note, there is this thing that society has brought us up to believe that, having sex is something bad unless done with your husband or wife and I have come to find through connection with God that, this is not true. You should care who you allow close to your body, a sacred space in itself, however, you do not need to be married. So, you can relax and feel safe when having sex with your partner. Sex is such a blessing to us, people don't realize. At the moment of climax, you would have had to surrender your breath in order to orgasm. There are only two ways to feel orgasm through surrendering of your breath, sex and the moment of death lol, the moment of transition. There have been many stories that I have read and have heard from someone that when they had their near death experience, they tried holding their breath only to feel like they needed to surrender their breath and the minute they did, they felt orgasm and they then saw the other side and God and their angels. This tells me that God wants us and needs us to practice this everyday if you can. You can have a serious connection with the Divine after orgasming and then going into mediation for the connection. It's something powerful and something I want you to try, whether its with a partner or by yourself. It's healthy to achieve this alone by the way. You need to be intimate with yourself because you practice acceptance and self love by doing so. Be in love with yourself, it is not selfish. And don't  let anyone tell you different. It is a ritual too.

On the subject of orgasm, did you know that you achieve total alignment in that moment? But, unfortunately, it doesn't last lol.  Your chakras go back to being out of alignment. But, in that moment of orgasm, it makes it the perfect time to manifest and push out intentions of something that you're trying to manifest and bring into reality. Talk about doing your work lol, you can achieve a lot spiritually and energetically at the moment of orgasm.

I will say make sure you are getting involved with some that means something to you. Someone you actually love and appreciate because, the last thing you want to do is exchange energy with someone whos sending energies of "eh, whatever, this means nothing to me, I just need a pick me up" etc. Why? because you will feel that, you will carry that, and the energy is actually extremely low vibrational. It's negative. It is a transfer of their inner problems to you. You don't want that.

So with that being said, if you are looking to create a love/ kundalini sacred space in your bed room, listen up:

1) Declutter, clean, sage, your entire home. open your windows and let the sage smoke go out the window, carrying any obstacles, negativity, and any stagnant energy from your home and yourself.
2) Get yourself a pendulum. Why? You need to figure out if you are in need of some deep healing in your heart chakra and sexual areas of your body. There may be past issues that you haven't dealt with yet and can be the root cause of you not being able to manifest the partner you are looking for. For more on understanding how to use a pendulum, my book here: (Book) goes into detail, how to use one. Also, I want you to watch my YouTube video about the truth in manifesting love here: (video) Because you need to know everything.
3) Set up your sacred space on the northwest corner of your bedroom and/or home. The gemstones you need are, Rose Quartz for attracting love of any kind. Pink Opal for a change in relationship. Whether you need a sexual and connection change in your present relationship, or you know you  need to be attracting a different type of love other than the ones in your past which, didn't work out for you. Garnet if your sexuality is asleep and you're really reading this because you need to know how to wake up the kundalini within you. You can also use fire agate, carnelian, and sunstone for that. And last but not least, Chrysoprase for the healing of the heart and past trauma. Also, Rhodochrosite for deep healing of the heart.  
4) On your sacred space, place any symbols such as hearts, which symbolize love and sex, there. Any God's or Goddesses and deities that you will be seeking healing and guidance from to help you on your journey. And Remember to always give thanks and leave offerings to any Gods, Goddesses, and deities that you seek guidance and wisdom from.

Here are some Affirmation I Wanted to share with you to help you with aligning your chakras and creating equilibrium which is very important to your mind, body, and soul.

1) Root - I am safe
2) Sacral - I'm empowered around my sexual self
3) Solar - I know who I am sexually and have confidence.
4) Heart - I unite sex and love, and open my heart space.
5)Throat - I openly communicate what I need sexually.
6) Third Eye- I know my sexual needs.
7) Crown - I am connected to the Divine Source as a sexual being.

Here's what I think about relationships and intimacy, and this is just according to Jennifer. I am not saying this is THE WAY to do things but, here is what I feel I know.

1) I think people complicate things when it comes to sex and relationships. It became clear to me while in connection to my Divine Source, that sex is a sacred ritual which should only be shared with someone you have a real and pure connection to because it is a spiritual ritual, a ritual done to create life and also to achieve spiritual connection to higher realms , you can actually receive messages during the moment of orgasm. You gain powerful and potent manifesting abilities while at that state of being too. It creates a flow of energy and it can unblock stagnant energy which can actually cause disease, cancer, and other ailments and illnesses..... so basically have sex because its good for you spiritually, sexually, physically, and mentally. lol!! And it's ok if you are not marries. Just don't use anyone.

2) When it comes to relationships. Men and women as a couple. I really do think men NEED to feel masculine. I see too many relationships where the woman wears the pants and is the masculine... everything and leaves no room for the man to … well be the man. And that can cause upset. Women make the mistake of not supporting their man's masculinity. And now you have create an unbalance in the relationship and with the man. Which actually isn't healthy.

3) What women need from men, is to feel safe enough to be feminine. Men make the mistake of not supporting their woman's femininity.

4) Now this can be a heterosexual model to follow too. One can be more feminine than the other and balance can be created still.

5) To me, as I sat and learned and listened, is that an ideal sexual relationship  is where I can say to my partner "I'm coming to you as a women who knows who she is, knows what she wants, is all grown up, and knows what she needs. Now I want you to come to me completely as a man." To me this is the perfect union. The connection is equal and in respect to both. And the man can say to me or to their partner, the same thing but, in masculine. He needs to say and understand that you (woman) needs to be the divine feminine to his divine masculine.

6) You have to feel safe enough to have this kind of balanced experience and to go on this journey with each other. You both have to take responsibility for this experience and SHOW UP and DO THE WORK together.

7) Now don't make the mistake in thinking that you need someone to complete you. You can complete yourself and you have to know that and believe that before getting into this experience with any one. And so does the other person. But go on the journey to completion together. There is a trust dynamic there that you really want to establish in your relationship before getting intimate.

So I really wanted to share this information with you. relationships is something that comes up always in readings for me and as a mystic and soul path reader, I have made it so that I explain this to my clients. It is my purpose to redirect someone on their souls path and that even includes relationships. So there you have it. My spiritual guided take on all this. Hope you enjoyed this post! If you did give it a like and share with others.


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