I apologize if this post may have jumbles up words but I am writing this last minute before I have to head out the door! lol! So today's post is the astrology report for this week! Hope you enjoy! <3
This week will be a tough week. It will bring up emotions and you may consider this week as a very bad week if you are not working with the energies in a positive way.
Thursday- Mars and Pluto will be in a square. This will cause you to feel like nothing is good enough. You will feel unsatisfied with whatever or whoever. You will need to recognize your behavior and replace that negative energy with positive energy. Look on the bright side of things. Stay calm and focus on other positive things to keep you going.
With this mars and Pluto energy, old patterns may come back up again. Your old ways will be whispering in your ears. Because we are in Pisces, Pisces behavior is an addictive one. This energy will contribute to those feelings of the past (old behaviors or addictions). Don't let it get tot you! Stay focused on the now, your positive transitions that took you away from those old behaviors or patterns, and pick you head back up!!
Saturday- Mercury and Pluto will be throwing energies of... being busy and you will want to go and get things done fast that you may have slacked on before, done! Calm down, organize yourself, be patient, and take your time getting what you need to, done. Stay calm.
Monday- Uranus and Pluto will be in a square. What this energy will do is give you time reflection. What do you need to change about your life that has been putting you on hold and preventing you from moving forward? Think about it and fix it because this is that time to do so!! Uranus an Pluto energies are about changes so use their energy to you benefit! This can bring positive things into your life and perhaps open up some doors for you!
So for the crystals to carry on you this week:
Any crystal that will ground you and work with your higher self and that will help you to release any stresses will be best!! Example: Amethyst
Any crystal that will help you to control the rush and craziness in your life and yourself, and also around you will be most beneficial! Example: Snow Flake Obsidian
Any crystal that will help to control any anger and bring focus and motivation will be a great one as well! Example: Any Tiger Eye stones. I'll have a blue tigers eye with me.

Crystal Blessings,
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