Thursday, March 26, 2015

Spiritual And Religious Day Behind Easter Sunday Along With Some Crystals!!!

So for those of you that celebrate easter just because or for those of you that see this as a religious/spiritual day like me, this post can be for the both of you!

For Roman Catholics like myself, Easter is an important day to us because that is a day that we celebrate the resurrection of our lord and savior; Jesus Christ. It is also the mark of the end of our 40 day's of lent. On Easter, it is like our spirit rises again with Jesus and we come into a new life. In the days before Good Friday (the day Jesus was crucified), we are to go through life and our spiritual struggles and prepare to spiritually pass away with Jesus. We are to spiritually go through everything with him. We...or at least I still celebrate Easter with bright colors and bunnies and colorful eggs but, I always have Jesus in my thoughts.

This day is spiritual, fill of healing and new beginnings and lots of love! It is a day of rebirth and joy. So for the crystals that are great to bring out during this time!

Citrine: This crystal I feel helps to bring in the spring time. It is a warm and sunny crystal and fills you with joy and happiness!

Chalcedony: Helps to bring in the loving energies

Rose Quarts: This stone is another good one as it not only sends out loving energies but it also is a crystal of peace and joy. Jesus dies because he loved us so this crystal is great to wear, place out around the house, and to give to others as easter gifts!

Charoite: Opens the crown chakra and helps to center your faith and become one with it.

Chrysocolla: Bring in and sends out loving and peaceful energies!

Emerald: Perfect crystal for Easter!!! As it is a crystal of love, rebirth, and joy!! Great to place out around the house and wear as well.

Blood Stone: Crystal for family. It is also a crystal of healing and new beginnings!

So I hope that this post was interesting to those of other faiths and also great to for those of you of the dame faith as me! How do you celebrate Easter? I would love to hear it! Does not have to be religious !! I hope to hear from you!

Hope you all have a great night!

 Crystal Blessings,


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