Friday, July 24, 2015

Astrology News! 724/15 - 7/28/15 *Sorry for the late post!*

Good evening everyone! Hope you are all doing well! Any new crystals, stones, or minerals? Please show them! Anyways, let's get this post going!

So there have been lots of motivation "go getting" and confidence energies flying around this week. This is due to the sign Leo shifting into the Sun. Leo energies are just like that! and then when you mix it with the Sun energies which are highly similar.

Saturday -

Mars and Uranus will be working together and will be sending out energies of confusion and you will be feeling like you're out of sorts. Be careful. Stay calm and focused!

Sunday -

Mars and Chiron will be working together. These energies are much more uplifting and they will allow you the opportunity to see the brighter side of things and also allow you to see what area in your life may need some evaluation and improvement. This could be your life as a whole, it could be about your work environment, friends, family, plans and goals, anything! Pay attention! Take this time to arrange a few things in your life to make it better.

Tuesday -

Chiron and the Sun will be working together. These energies may be a little scary and nerving. These energies will be pushing your fears (whatever they may be) to surface. You will have some doubts about some plans that are steps into achieving goals and dreams. Don't let these energies get to you! Realize what it's doing to you and your thoughts and take some control! Make sure you are staying grounded! Cleanse yourself to rid of any negativity and practice positive thinking and actions. Meditate on positivity. Do something to bring yourself some positive energies. Sage it up! Haha!

So here are the crystals that can help you for this week! (Remember that you do not have to use these crystals! Use what you feel will work best for you for this week!)

For confidence and bringing in some uplifting energies - Blue Goldstone

For bringing in some comfort and positivity - Malachite (because this tone absorbs like a vacuum cleaner, negative energies and anything that does not serve you, it is important to cleanse this stone every other day with either sage, palo santo, nag champa, or sandalwood incense or sticks.

For pushing yourself to putting your goals and plans into action and making those actions happen - Golden Tigers Eye

Well I hope that you enjoyed this post! If you did please share and give it a g+1. Remember to check out my Pinterest to see my crystals, sacred spaces, and etc. @TheJennBarlow and come join my Facebook Group: The Crystal Manor: A Spiritual Home ~ Healing Crystals . The link will be posted down below in the comment area! Come join me and my other crystal and spiritual friends and share with us your crystals and stones and your ways of practicing you spirituality! Its a safe place to do so! Hope you all have a wonderful day or night! Talk to you all soon! Love and blessings your way!

Crystal Blessings,

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Crystal Update And A Crystal/Stone Sale!

Good Morning everyone!

I had to share my new stones with you that I got from an Etsy shop! Below is a picture of my new

Opalite stones. I'm loving them! Right now on Etsy from crystalshipcreations, you can get some fun

crystals, stones, and crystal jewelry for 25% off by using code: crystal25. Go check out the store and

share with me in the comment area below what you got or by sharing with me in my Facebook group:

The Crystal Manor: A Spiritual Home ~ Healing Crystals. The link to my group will be down below

in the comments! Come join me and share with me your stones and crystals and of course I would

love to hear about how you practice your spirituality as well! Sage it up and bring out those stones

and crystals!! Love and light your way friends!!

Crystal Blessings,

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Astrology News 7/16/15 - 7/21/15

Good evening everyone! Hope you are all having a great week! Today's post is the astrology news so, let's get started!

Friday (Tomorrow)

The Sun and Jupiter are going to be in a semisextile. These energies are going to be very nice and uplifting. It is going to make you feel good and the energies are going to make you realize how far you've come and what you have achieved. You are going to feel blessed.


The Moon is going to be in a lot of transits throughout the day however, later in the evening, Mercury is going to be in a square with Uranus. These energies are going to make you feel a little annoyed due to the unexpected changes in your day/evening. That's ok! Take a deep breath, relax, and go with the flow. Go on with your day/evening with the intention that you are open to receiving change and that you will take something away from it; learn from it. Changes are sometimes necessary.


The Moon is going to be in an opposition with Neptune. These energies are going to bring in some emotions and feelings of being sensitive to others thoughts, actions, and opinions.  These emotions may get the best of you. If you can stop and realize this, this will provide you the opportunity to stop, listen, and think before speaking and reacting. Stay calm and get yourself together. Do not let these energies overwhelm you.

These energies will also cause your imagination to run. There is nothing wrong with that! Your imagination can create some great ideas. Some changes are entering people's lives at the moment, they or you can use these ideas brought from the imagination, and use them to their and your benefit. Sometimes changes can seem a little scary, but they can turn out to be great door openers!

Spiritually, this day will be wonderful to practice, exercise, and enhance any psychic or intuitive abilities. Take some time to stop and listen to your Angel's and Spirit Guides. Great crystals to hold and pray or meditate with are Selenite, Celestite, Amethyst, Prehnite, Angelite, Rose Quartz, Desert Rose, and Clear Quartz, just to name a few. These I am mentioning are not the crystal that I want you to wear or carry with you this week, although you may wear or carry any crystals and stones that you like and that work best for you! These are just ideas to help hear your Angles and Spirit Guides a little louder.


Mercury and Jupiter are going to be in a semisextile. These energies on this day will help to express some creativity and help to come up with more ideas. Because of the other transits throughout the day, you will feel the urge to use your ideas to go after what it is you feel you need or to achieve a goal, or to use these ideas as first steps into accomplishing your goal or goals. You are definitely going to be motivated.

Here are the crystals to carry or wear with you this week:

For staying positive and uplifted - Citrine or Tiger's Eye

For safely expressing and trusting your emotions - Blue Lace Agate or Larimar

For the day you practice your spirituality- Amethyst

For creative ideas and attracting abundance - Citrine or Green Aventurine

I hope that you enjoyed this post! Give it a g+1 and share with other's and thank you for taking the time to read my blog! I hope that you all have a blessed day or night!! Love and light to you all!!

Crystal Blessings,


Thursday, July 9, 2015

Astrology News 7/8/15 - 7/14/15

Good evening everyone! Hope that you are all doing very well! This evenings post is on the astrology news for the week so, let's get started.

So yesterday (Wednesday) Mars and Neptune were in a trine. These energies would have had you thinking a lot about any plans or actions that you may have been wanting to make or put into action. You would have had some doubts about them. Hopefully you followed your gut feelings and instincts on those plans or actions. As long as id does not or did not harm anyone physically like yourself or others, I hope you listened to you true feelings on the situation. There may have been some things in the way! I hope you were able to push through those obstacles and work around them to get what is was you needed. During yesterday and carrying on through today (Thursday) try wearing or carrying Aqua marine or Angelite.

Saturday- The Sun and Uranus are going to be in a square. These energies are going to bring some unexpected situations. This will throw you off balance a little bit. Try to ground yourself and stay in control. Don't let these energies take over you! Carry or wear a grounding crystal such as a Black Onyx or Agate.

Monday- Mercury will be in a trine with Neptune. These energies are going to bring some creative ideas to whatever your working on or going through; any challenges. There is going to be lots of communication going on, be careful not to fall for anything that may seem to good to be true. Examine the information or issue at hand before making any decisions. Like I said before, these energies will bring creative thinking and ideas. Use that to your advantage!! A crystal or stone to carry or wear are either a Red Jasper or Labradorite.

Tuesday- Saturn and Venus are going to be in a square. These energies are going to bring in more doubts about whatever you are trying to accomplish. Don't lose faith, hope, and positivity in the things that you know you need to accomplish. This could also be a good time to re-evaluate your goals and plans and maybe make some changes, make those into positive changes! Do not put yourself down and start doubting your abilities! Stay positive and focused. Try to carry or wear either a Carnelian, Sun Stone, or Citrine to bring in that bright and uplifted energies!

Well I hope that you enjoyed this post! Give it a g+1 and share with others! Remember to come join my Facebook group The Crystal Manor: A Spiritual Home ~ Healing Crystals . Come show me your crystals, stones, and minerals as well as share your ways of practicing your spirituality! I also do card readings for free so, come join the fun!

Crystal Blessings,

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Aqua Aura: Metaphysical Healing Abilities (With some science information)

Good evening everyone! I am very excited to share with you one of my newest healing crystals; Aqua Aura!! They are so beautiful! So if you want to know about this crystals healing abilities, please keep reading!

There are many types of the crystals. There are Angel Aura (more clearer coating with lots of rainbows), Siberian (blue coating), Red or Ruby Aura (red coating), then Sunshine Aura (yellow coating). They are all quartz but the coatings were manufactured. However, this does not mean that they do not have any abilities. Any crystal man made can still work the same as any other crystal that was grown from the earth. They are still crystals and still have their own unique crystalline structure. They carry their own vibrations and energies. The reason why we rely on crystals is because of their crystalline structure; they never change. The structure stays the same and constantly shoots out the same vibrations and energies. We as humans have our systems but, we are constantly changing and cells are constantly breaking down and reproducing. We do not have a crystalline structure. We feed off the energies of crystals based on their own individual abilities. If we are too emotional, we need a crystal that can keep us balanced and grounded, so we go for crystals that provide those energies. So the manufactured coating does not keep the crystals from working, they work just the same! And we can use their vibrations and energies to out benefit.

With that being said, let move on.

Aqua Aura repairs, heals, and cleanses your aura. It releases stress or tension that you may be carrying. It can also activate you chakra systems. This crystal can remove negative energies from you spiritually and physically (cord cutting). When you have negative cords attached to you from another person, those cords can drain your energy, causing you to feel many things depending on the reason why those cords are there.

Aqua Aura is great to use when trying to channel. It can boosts the communication between you and the spiritual world. Like Amethyst, it can help in protecting you from psychic attack. It can help you to be more at peace and quiet the mind for meditations.

Physically, this crystal can help to strengthen the immune system.

Well I hope that you enjoyed this post! Give it a g+1 and share with others!! Hope you all have a great day or night and I will talk to you all later!!

Crystal Blessings,
Facebook Group: The Crystal Manor: A Spiritual Home ~ Healing Crystals
Pinterest: @TheJennBarlow

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Astrology News for 7/1/15 - 7/7/15

Good evening everyone! Hope you are all doing well where ever you are and if you are in the USA like I am, I hope you are enjoying the full Moon in Capricorn energy!! Whether you are able to see it or not, the energy of the moon can still reach you and your crystals! So place those babies out right now!

Now on to the astrology news!!

Tomorrow (Thursday)-

The moon is going to be in a few transits. Uranus, Mercury, Pluto, Jupiter, and Venus.Lots od emotions coming out. It can be emotions about the past or present. You're going to be reacting and responding to situations with a lot of emotions. So, take it easy and stay balanced and grounded during this time. Try wearing or carrying any Agate stone. I will have my black agate with me for sure.


The moon is going to be in a transit with mercury then later with Jupiter. These energies are going to provide you with understanding and help you to see clearly. Use this to your benefit, however annoying it may seem. This is the time to see things how they really are and plan around that to help better yourself, a situation, or both, to help you move forward and have a better future. Try wearing or carrying a Clear Quartz for clarity, removing negative energy, and bringing in positive energy.


The moon is going to be in a few transits with Saturn and then later, Mars, and Neptune. With these energies, you are going to want or need to take some control and action and you're going to be communicating out loud, about whatever it is you need to do and need to get done. But because of the aggressive energies of Mars, you want to be careful with how you communicate to others. You may come off too strong and straight forward. However, if you are a leader of some kind, this could help show your leadership! Try not to come off too mean and overreact. Try carrying or wearing Bloodstone. This is to help ground your energy and reduce aggressiveness, irritability, and impatience. It also helps to calm the mind.


Mercury and Saturn will be working together. These energies are going to make you feel like your plans are not working out the way you hoped. It's ok! Go with it and have faith that everything happens for a reason! When you open yourself up to the fact that, you should just let the day flow, you will find some excitement in this. Let it go and enjoy the excitement of the unexpected. Try to carry or wear Garnet to help bring into you some hope, courage, and making the best out of what seems to be a sticky situation.

Hope that you enjoyed this astrology news tonight and hope that you are all enjoying the full moon and allowing your crystals to absorb the lunar energy!! Please give this post a g+1 and share it with others!! Have a fabulous night and many blessings and love to you all!!

*Facebook Group: The Crystal Manor: A Spiritual Home ~ Healing Crystals
* Pinterest: @TheJennBarlow

Crystal Blessings,