Sunday, November 29, 2015

Weekly Tarot Reading: Week of 11/30/15

Weekly Angel Tarot reading
With Doreen Virtue's Angel Tarot Cards
Week of 11/30/15
Monday and Tuesday
Wednesday and Thursday
The Weekend (2 Cards for the weekend)
Well I hope that you enjoyed this reading! If you did give it a g+1 and share with other's! Remember to come join my spiritual/ healing crystal facebook group (link down below in the comment area) and I will talk to you all soon!
Angel & Crystal Blessings, & Namaste,

Archangel of the Week: Chamuel

Archangel Chamuel
Also known as Khamael, KMAL, Kamael, Camael,Camiul, Camiel, Camniel, or Chamael. His name means " He who sees God". A teacher of the celestial hierarchy. He is often confused with Samael, an "angel" who has a dark and destructive reputation. Archangel Chamuel is 100% of God's light. One of the seraphim to Kabbalists, he is the top level of the choirs of the angels.
With the ability to literally see the connection between everything and everyone, he is able to help those who seek what they are really looking for. His mission is to help other's manifest universal love and peace, by helping them find inner peace and love within themselves, even during the most difficult of times. You pray to Chamuel if you wish to seek this.
With the ability to find what is lost and knowing the solution to every problem, Archangel Chamuel is the Archangel you pray to when you have lost something and need to find it, and when you are looking for a solution to a problem. He may be an Archangel, but he is one of the most down to earth and humble archangel there is.
Simple Prayer ( Just an example, mix it up if you like):
Archangel Chamuel,
I seek your guidance now. I ask that you help me in locating my (missing item)...
Prayer 2:
Archangel Chamuel,
Thank you for guiding me towards what it was I was looking for...
Chamuel is also that Archangel of finding your life's purpose, a better career, home, or right relationship. So if you are in need of finding those thing, pray to Chamuel and ask him to guide you toward it. And always remember to thank him in the closing of your prayer.
Remember when praying and asking the Archangel's for guidance, be open in receiving their answers and help. They work in mysterious ways. So keep your mind, heart, eyes, and ears open. Listen and pay attention. They communicate to us through thoughts, dreams, little signs here or there. Keep an open mind. And know that there is no such thing as coincidences.
Well I hope that you enjoyed this post! Share with other's and give it a g+1. Remember to come and join my spiritual group on Facebook (Link below in the comment area) ! I recently reached 200 members! Woohoo! So come join the group and share with us your ways of practicing your spirituality! I would love to hear and see!! There I (a certified intuitive psychic and medium) also give personal and group readings. Hope to see you there!

Angel & Crystal Blessings, & Namaste,
Archangel Chamuel
(Not my own image)

Monday, November 23, 2015

Weekly Tarot Reading: Week of 11/23/15

Weekly Tarot Reading
With Doreen Virtue's Angel Tarot Cards
week of 11/23/15
Monday and Tuesday
Wednesday and Thursday
The Weekend
I hope that you enjoyed this post! If you did, you know what to do! g+1 and share with others! Have a wonderful day or night and much love and light your way!
Angel & Crystal Blessings, & Namaste

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Archangel of the Week: Uriel

Archangel Uriel
Also known as Aretziel, Auriel, Nuriel, and Phanuel, He is known as the patron saint of the Sacrament of Confirmation. His name means "The Light of God". He is the Archangel you pray to when you are in need of some insight and ideas. He helps with providing you with epiphanies and knowledge. When you feel you are stuck and in need of some solution, he is the Archangel you pray to. It can be if you need help with finding solutions for work, while studying, when writing, or taking some test or exam.
A Simple prayer to Uriel:
Archangel Uriel, I seek your guidance now. I ask that you provide me with the appropriate information I need. Amen.
Simple Prayer 2:
Archangel Uriel, I am in need of help, I pray to you now and ask that you help me, by providing me some insight and ideas about (whatever topic you need help with). In Gods name we pray, Amen.
In the Bible, he taught and provided the prophet Ezra with information on metaphysics, which helped Ezra to have a deeper connection with God, she was able to have a meaningful conversation with him.  
Well I hope that you enjoyed this post on Archangel Uriel! f you did give it a g+1 and share with other's! Remember to come join my spiritual Facebook group (link listed down below in the comment area). I hope you all have a great night or day and many blessings and love your way!
Angel & Crystal Blessings, & Namaste,
Archangel/ Saint Uriel
(Not my own picture)

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Astrology News 11/19/15 - 11/24/15

Good evening everyone! Hope you all had a great day or are having a great day! Tonight I have the astrology news for you and at the end, some information on how you can send a little special someone a unique gift for the Holidays. Now let's get started.


Venus will be in a square wit Pluto. These energies are going to make you feel like ... you do not want to hold back on your thoughts. It is going to be difficult for you to think before saying and expressing yourself. It is going to be a day where it's hard to keep away from negative situations or thoughts. Try to realize these energies and shift your energy toward positivity. Careful not to get caught up in sticky situations going on around you. Do  not add fuel to the fire. Don't create the fire either! Because you wont be able to control what is coming out of your mouth! Take a step back, breath, cleanse, and start with a positive thought or affirmation to go by that day. Stop and think before you say and act! Ask yourself "how can this benefit me in a positive way?". If you realize something can harm you or disrupt you in a negative way, stand back and redirect yourself.

Recommended Crystals to wear this day are:
-Grounding Stones like,
Any Jaspers
Black Tourmaline
Black Onyx
Black Agate

The Moon will be in many transits. The planets working that day are Pluto ( Energy from Friday still surfacing), the Sun, Mercury, and Mars, just to name a few. This day is going to make you feel like you need to take control. It can be taking control when it comes to you spiritually, relationships, work, whatever. You are going to want to take control due to discomfort with some change that is goin on. The change can be small or big. But it is going to affect you. My advice to you is to just let it go. Let it happen (of course, as long as you are not harming yourself or others physically and putting yourself fin danger in any way). Instead of wasting time and your breath in trying to prevent this change from happening, take a step back and evaluate everything from head to toe. Try to see the positivity that could come from this change. In what ways can this change benefit you? And go from there.

Recommended Crystals:
-To help with change
Rose Quartz


The Moon is going to be in a lot of transits again. This is also that day that Scorpio moves out of the Sun and Sagittarius moves in. Because of the Sagittarius energies coming in, you will find that Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday will be better days. Take Sunday to reevaluate where you are in your life. Personally, career, relationship, whatever. You are going to find that where you are at now, Is where you should be....for right now!


Although we know that this day is going to be much better than the previous days, I still want to share with you the energies surrounding Tuesday.  Mars, the Moon, and Mercury are going to be in a few transits. Not together, but separately. To keep it short, here is the overall gist of the energies surfacing this day:

Mars- It's all about being assertive. It's about expressing yourself and fighting for what you believe in.

The Moon- It's about reaction and emotionally responding.

Mercury- It's about communication and saying everything that comes to mind.

With all that said, as short as possible. The only think you want to watch out for this day, which can bring your mood and vibration down, is how you talk and react towards people. Think before you react and speak. If you can do that, this day could be a pretty good day!

Recommended Crystals For Sunday, Monday, Tuesday:
- Having Faith, Clarity, and Keeping Positive
Clear Quartz
Black Tourmaline, Onyx, Agate, or Obsidian

Well I hope that you enjoyed this post! If you did give it a g+1 and share with other's I also wanted to let you know that I took down my Go Fund Me page because my intuition was telling that it wasn't the way to make my self publishing happen. But thank you to those who shared my story! Also if you are interested in giving a unique gift to friends or family who are spiritual themselves and are open to it, purchase them a reading and send them a gift card! Given by me; a certified intuitive psychic and medium. Message me through my Facebook Group by joining first, to get the details! Link to my Facebook group in the comment area below! Come join!

Crystal Blessings & Namaste,


Sunday, November 15, 2015

Weekly Tarot Card Reading! Week of 11/16/15

Weekly Tarot Card Reading
With Doreen Virtue's NEW Fairy Tarot Cards
Week of 11/16/15
Monday and Tuesday
Wednesday and Thursday
The Weekend
I hope you all enjoyed this post! If you did give it a g+1 and share with other's! Remember to come join my Facebook Group called The Crystal Manor: A Spiritual Home ~ Healing Crystals (Link will be down below in the comment area as well as my Go Fund Me link! Go check them out! Have a blessed day or night!
Crystal Blessings & Namaste,

Archangel of the Week: Gabriel

Archangel Gabriel
Archangel Gabriel is the angel you pray to when you are seeking guidance for delivering or receiving clear messages. This matters to people who are teachers, artists, actors, writers, and even if you are wanting to receive clear messages from your guides and angels. Meditate and visualize Archangel Gabriel clearly giving you a message in any form, from your guides or angels. Perhaps you see Gabriel with your angels and guides. Listen and open yourself up to what they need to tell you. You can also visualize yourself with Gabriel where, you are the one giving a message to whomever. Pairing the prayer with a blue crystal or stone such as Blue Kyanite is great! Blue is the color associated with the throat chakra which is the area of which we communicate to others. However, psychics and mediums, such as myself, our crown and third eye is how we communicate as well! Simply pray with the stone or crystal in your hand. Infusing it with the intention that it too will help with your clear communication!
Gabriel is the Archangel you pray to when you are seeking guidance for anything to do with children. Whether it is just parenting as a whole, trying to conceive, during birth, or adoption. Stone's that you can hold in your hand while praying for or about your children would be Rose Quartz, Bloodstone, and many more. You can learn more about them in my other blog posts. Just look for them!
Simple Prayer's to Say (Change them up if you like!)
Dear Archangel Gabriel,
I pray to you now. I ask that you shine your bright golden light upon me now and surround me in your love and positive energies. I ask that you help me to become a better parent (you can word it however you like). Help me in teaching my kids (fill in the blank). Amen
Dear Archangel Gabriel,
I seek your guidance now. I ask that you help me in delivering my message across as clear and understandable as possible. Help me in my (fill in the blank). Amen
Dear Archangel Gabriel,
I ask that you help me in receiving and giving  messages more clearly to and from my guides and angels. Help me to open up my crown, third eye, and throat chakra, so that communication is much clearer. Amen
And so on...
I hope that you enjoyed this post! If you did give it a g+1 and share with others! Have a wonderful day or night!
Angel & Crystal Blessings, and Namaste,
Archangel Gabriel
Not my own photo

Monday, November 9, 2015

Weekly Tarot Card Reading: Week of 11/9/15

Weekly Tarot Card Reading
With Doreen Virtue's Archangel Power Tarot Cards
Week of 11/9/15
Card One: Monday and Tuesday
Card Two: Wednesday and Thursday
Card Three: The Weekend

Angel & Crystal Blessings, & Namaste

Monthly Tarot Card Reading: November

Monthly Tarot Reading
With Doreen Virtue's Archangel Power Tarot Cards
November 2015

Good evening readers! Hope this post finds you well! Here is the monthly card reading! This reading is to inform you of the energies surrounding this month and how you can make this month a better one! Have a wonderful night or day!

Angel & Crystal Blessings, & Namaste,

Archangel of the Week: Raphael

Archangel Raphael
Raphael is the Archangel you pray to when you are seeking guidance for the healing of other's, yourself, and even animals. Raphael is the Archangel of earth healers, such as myself and anyone else who is a healer or a student of healing. It can be spiritually based of not.
Raphael is also the Archangel to call to when you are praying for safe travel. For you or someone else. I always say a prayer before taking off on an air plane. This would be the Archangel I pray to, to help me to arrive at my destination safely.....and in one peace! Lol.
Raphael is also the Angel you pray to when you are asking to be united with your soul mate. :)
Simple Prayer's to go by ( Change it up if you like!)
Dear Archangel Raphael,
I ask for your guidance now. I ask that you help me in my mission to heal other's as they should be. I ask that you surround me in your angelic light and guide me to those who need my healing. Help me to change their life for the better. In Gods name we pray, Amen.
Dear Archangel Raphael,
I seek your guidance now. I ask that you please show me and light the way toward uniting myself with my soul mate. Thank you. In Gods name we pray, Amen.
Dear Archangel Raphael,
I pray to you now. I ask that you and my Lord watch over me as I travel. I ask that you protect me from any harm and keep me safe. In Gods name we pray, Amen.
And so on....
I hope that you enjoyed this post! if you did give it a g+1 and share with others! Remember to come join my spiritual group on Facebook called The Crystal Manor: A Spiritual Home ~ Healing Crystals (link will be down below in the comment area). There I ( a certified intuitive psychic and medium) give personal readings and also provide group readings as well! I also share with you my sacred spaces and my crystals and stones! So come and join and show me your crystals and stones! Or your ways of practicing your spirituality! Have a great night or day!
Angel & Crystal Blessings, & Namaste,
Archangel Raphael
Not my own photo
Archangel Raphael
Not my own photo

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Nutmeg and Clove Essential Oils and Herbs: Metaphysical Healing Abilities

Good evening readers! I a so happy that I have found time to blog more! I love spreading my knowledge of my spirituality and what I use to do so. My books are coming along well and I thank the Hay House publishing company for taking the time to help me out as I am a new writer and soon to be author! I am so excited that I will soon be part of the Hay House family! My dreams are coming together and I couldn't be happier or more blessed! So with that all said, let's move on!


Also known as Eugenia Carophyllus, Syzygium Aromaticum, Caryophyllus Aromaticus. Mykhet, or Carenfil.

Clove is used for protection, love, exorcism, and to attract money. Burn (incense or oil)clove to attract financial opportunities, ward off negative energies/ entities, to raise vibrations, and to purity and cleanse an area. It is said that with the right intention set upon Clove, you can help other's to quit gossiping about you. Also with the right intention set upon clove, wear it so you can attract the opposite sex.

Gender: Masculine
Planet: Jupiter
Element: Fire


Also known as Myristica Fragrans, Qoust, Sadhika, Wohpala, or Bicuiba Acu. Nutmeg can help to attract luck, financial success, good health, and fidelity. Wear Nutmeg to keep you from cold sores and sties. Used in many money/prosperity spiritual and metaphysical mixtures. Sprinkle ground Nutmeg on a green candle to attract financial luck and prosperity.

It is said that to ensure your lover's fidelity, cut the nutmeg into 4 pieces. Burry one part in the earth, throw the another off a cliff, burn the third part, then boil the last bit in water and sip the nutmeg water, take the last piece out of the water and place it under your pillow. Leave it there or carry it around with you so that no one will tempt your partner.

Gender: Masculine
Planet: Jupiter
Element: Fire

Well I hope that you enjoyed this post! Please share with others and give it a g+1! Hope to talk to you all soon! Have a great night or day!

Crystal Blessings & Namaste,
Image result for clove essential oil
(Not my own picture)
Image result for nutmeg essential oil
(Not my own picture)

Astrology News 11/5/15 - 11/10/15

Good evening readers! Hope you all had a safe and fun Halloween! It is now time to get ready for Thanksgiving time and really getting into the fall mood! I love this time of year! I love the fall themed candles that come out and all those lovely fragrances! I love seeing the leaves change! One of the best things I love to do is wake up in the morning, start my pot of water for my hot tea and then go outside while its breezy and chilly, sage it up in the back of my house, bring out my stones and crystals that I am drawn to that morning and cleanse myself. Then, I create an affirmation that I go by that day. I just feel that it is the best to time to do that every morning while its fall time....I don't know. I feel that when seasons change, the energies change as well and the energies of fall are just so lovely to me! What about you all? I know I feel it!

Ok, now for the astrology news for this week!


Mercury will be in a trine with Neptune. These energies are going to make you feel good and you are gonna wanna just go, go, go. Use these active energies to your benefit and allow them to help you with something! Any situation at work, family, friends, a project, whatever. These energies can help bring in and create new ideas and therefore, can create new opportunities.


The Moon is going to be in a few transits. These energies are going to have you feeling really good. You are going to want to go out or invite people over and just have nice conversations and have a good time. You are going to want to socialize. It is going to feel really good to just chit chat with you friends or family.


The Sun is going to be in a quincunx with Uranus. These energies are going to make you feel a little annoyed. You are going to feel like your inner strengths are weak and you're going to lack inspiration. I wouldn't recommend starting anything new on this day because, you may not put in your best effort. In fact, Friday and Saturday would be days that you would do that, if you needed to get anything done and be focused and clear minded and not bothered. If you could realize these annoying energies on  Monday, stand back, and take a deep breath and find patience, you could make Monday a lot better. You would have to work at staying positive.


Mercury and Pluto are going to be in a sextile, and then later on, the Sun and Jupiter are going to be in a sextile as well. These energies are going to have you being active and like you wanna go, go, go! It is going to be a fast pacing day for you. It will be all about taking action, however, you are not exactly going to be thinking too clearly. You're going to feel like you don't have a lot of time to stop and think. Be careful! Try to be as clear minded as possible. And try not to over look or miss anything important.

Crystals to wear or carry with you this week are:

To help with brining in patience and positivity: Rose Quartz, Watermelon Tourmaline, Green Tourmaline, Silver Sheen Obsidian, Orbicular Jasper, or Emerald

To help find clarity and to help lead you in the right direction: Clear Quartz, Fluorite, or Dioptase

To help balance your emotions and listen to your intuition: Moonstone, Sodalite, Serpentine, Rhyolite, Rhyolite, or Rhodonite.

To help you stay focused and organized: Sapphire, Fluorite, or Chrysoprase

Well I hope that you enjoyed the astrology news! If you did give a g+1 and share with others! Remember to come join my Facebook Group called The Crystal Manor: A Spiritual Home ~ Healing Crystals (Link to it down below in the comment area). There I share with you my crystals, sacred spaces, spiritual information, and more! Other's share their crystals, sacred spaces, and other ways of their spirituality. I (a certified intuitive psychic and medium) also give free group readings and also provide personal readings to anyone who asks for one! Prices are listed there in the group as well! So come on by and join! Ok, have a great night or day and talk to you all soon!

Crystal Blessings & Namaste,
My Own Pictures
Jenn Barlow
My Own Pictures
Jenn Barlow

Monday, November 2, 2015

Archangel of the Week: Michael

Archangel Michael
Michael is the Archangel that you pray to in times of need. For example, when you feel you need a protection prayer to help with the protection of your home, family, friends, or whomever. Perhaps yourself! Michael is the Archangel to pray to.
If you feel you need a little courage or if someone else does, Michael is the one to pray to, to ask for the courage that you feel you need. He is also the Archangel you pray to for guidance when it comes to seeking more confidence, safety, seeking or finding out your life purpose, and even in times of need when it comes to mechanical or electronic issues.
I pray to Michael asking that he surround myself, family, and friends in his love and protection. That he please keep anything evil, negative, or anything that is not of God, away from us all. When I do this I like to hold my Black Tourmaline crystal in my hand, as it is a powerful crystal which provides protective energies.
Simple Prayer to Follow (Feel free to switch it up if you like!)
Dear Archangel Michael,
I ask for your guidance now. I ask that you please surround myself, family, and friends in your love, blessing light, and protection. Keep us safe and healthy always. And keep anything that is not of God or the light of Heaven, away from us. In Gods name we pray, Amen.
Angel & Crystal Blessings,& Namaste,
Archangel/Saint Michael
Not my own photo

Archangel of the Day or Week (New Daily or Weekly Post)

Hello readers,

I thought that I would add something else to my blog. I would like to add information about the Archangels sent to us from God. They can help us in our everyday lives if we ask for their guidance. I really wanted to share this and spread the word with you because, I find that when I ask for guidance from them, they send me what I need to know in different ways. They send me signs that only I would recognize to help me with my issues. I want you to know which Archangel you can pray to for guidance when it comes to specific situations. Of course, you may feel that you can pray to any of these Archangels for anything. You can! You can pray to Michael to help you with the health of your pet. It is up to you and how you feel! What I provide is just a guide to help other's who just don't know where to start! I hope that you enjoy this new daily or weekly post!

Angel & Crystal Blessings, & Namaste,
Not my own photo

Card Reading for the Week of 11/2/15

Archangel Michael Oracle Card Reading
Week of 11/2/15
Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue
Monday and Tuesday

The first card suggest that to resolve your situation, you must believe that everything is healed and whole right now. As your faith grows stronger, the doorway to divine solutions will open. Your trust enables your mind and body to relax, which increases your creative energy and strength, two qualities that will prove especially helpful to you.

The second card suggests that ...prayer improves every situation, while worry does the opposite. Praying works because it allows God and the angels to offer assistance, since they cannot violate your free will. They can only intercede with your permission and at your request, which is what prayer is. Although your prayers may be answered differently from your expectations, rest assured that you're being heard. The divine mind knows the perfect solution for everyone involved, so your role is to ask for help and then follow the guidance as it is given. God and the angels are in charge of how your prayers are answered, which is usually in ingenious ways beyond the scope of human Imagination.
Wednesday and Thursday
The first card suggest that Archangel Michael wants you to know that he's paying particular attention to your children. He's guiding them to stay safe, Develop their spiritual gifts, and discover and follow their divine life purpose. Michael is also ensuring that their peers are trustworthy and good influences. This card can mean many things. It could be that your life purpose involves children, a... healthy pregnancy is expected, an adoption will be successful, you should take care of your inner child by playing and having fun, a child in heaven is happy and sending love, or Michael is reassuring you that your children are OK.

The second card suggests that Archangel Michael has been working with you during dream time to help you release all fears and reach new heights of happiness and peace. He's been teaching you while you sleep, providing answers to your prayers and building the foundation of your life's purpose. Although you may not remember the dreams, the information resides in your subconscious and helps you in many ways. I recommend that you keep a dream journal and write down all of the dreams that you remember, or the dreams you feel are more than dreams and are messages from your angels.
The Weekend
The first card suggest that the situation you are in calls for uplifting thoughts, which are the magic ingredients you've been looking for. Although you may protest that you already have a positive mindset, Archangel Michael advises you to purge those thoughts and speech of any worries or other negativity that could diminish your manifestations. Michael says that you can tell how constructive your... thoughts are by paying attention to recent events in your life, as there is a direct correlation between positive thoughts and positive results. He'll help buoy your spirits to a truly beneficial level so that your experiences are happy and welcome.

The second card suggests that you're confused by conflicted feelings and are unsure of which direction to go in. Archangel Michael will help you delve into your emotions, peeling away the layers in order to reach your inner core of truth. He guides you to write down everything you're thinking and feeling without editing or censoring your words. Keeping a private journal will enable you to gain insights into the nature of what you genuinely desire. This clarity will illuminate the steps you need to take next.

The last card suggest that you're especially sensitive to energies and emotions right now. Arc angel Michael is shielding you from harsh energy, but it's also important for you to take action steps to help with this endeavor. For example, avoid situations where anger and/or competition are expressed. And stay away from bars, pubs, and other places what chemicals are abused, which can attract lower energies. Follow your natural inclinations, such as keeping to yourself or spending time with soft-spoken, gentle people.
I hope that you enjoyed this post! If you did give it a g+1 and share with others and I'll see you when I post the Astrology News for this week! Have a blessed day or night!
Crystal Blessings & Namaste,