Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Weekly Oracle Card Reading: 4/20/16

Weekly Oracle Card Reading
With Doreen Virtue's Archangel Raphael and Michael
Oracle Cards

This card comes to you about a situation you are confused about. This card is a sign that you should not rush into anything! There is more important information that you must know, and this information will soon reveal itself to you!! So hold on! Do not try to force anything to happen. Just allow thing to flow right now. You will be waited on, not to worry friend! At the end it will be your decision, but the way to go about making a decision, is to allow all the information to reveal itself to you, analyze everything, take your time, then make a decision. Don't jump into anything yet! Just wait!


Continue to look more into the situation discussed in card 1. Remember to wait. Get a second, third, fourth, or even fifth opinions. It's ok to take your time right now. The opportunity won't pass you by! It will wait for you!

This card also comes to some of you to listen to your intuition about your health. If deep down your intuition/ The Divine is telling you to get another opinion, then do it! God and Archangel Raphael are guiding you toward a better healing process. Your "gut feeling" is them communicating with you. Please listen!


This card comes to you to reassure you that God is taking care of everything and working hard, behind the scenes for you. He asks that you release and surrender any worries to him and to not push against the universal flow. Pushing to rush something or force something only brings disappointments. Allow everything to fall into place and always remember that God knows what is best for you. Everything will work out just fine, just don't struggle to push it. Leave it in gods hands.


This card comes to you because your angels have been trying to tell you through your intuition and signs that you need to change something about your diet. Listen to that inner voice and make the change. If you are not sure where to start and what to change, ask a nutritionist for help and guidance. As well as your Guides and Angels.

This card also comes to ...some of you to honor what your body is trying to tell you. Any aches, pains, fatigue, etc. that have been going on a lot, listen to those signs and do what you can to make it better. Again, seek help from a nutritionist to see how they can help you. Take care of your body and honor it with healthy changes to your diet.

Well I hope that you all enjoyed this post! If you did give a g+1 and share with others! I hope that you all have a great night or day and I will talk to you all soon!
Angel & Crystal Blessings, & Namaste,
Facebook Group:   Come Join!
(Not My Own  Photography)


Saturday, April 16, 2016

Fluorite!! AND Information On Cleansing and Charging!!

Good evening readers!

I am happy to say that my YouTube channel is now up and running. I posted my first two videos today on the healing properties of Fluorite and on cleansing and charging metaphysical, divination, and any other spiritual tools! So go find me on YouTube, SUBSCRIBE, and just sit back and enjoy my videos (I promise I will loosen up and become more comfortable in front of the camera as time goes on haha!)

Go here to check out my videos!

Angel & Crystal Blessings, & Namaste,
(Not my own photography)
Don't forget to grab a copy of my new book
out now on, The Balboa
Press bookstore online, and at Barnes and Noble
online!! Link here:

Thursday, April 14, 2016

YouTube Channel Coming Soon!

Good evening readers!
So I am in a situation.....I am a pretty shy person. I am trying to get a video up for you guys but..... I'm shy....and there seems to be a lot of commotion here at the house lol. Which doesn't help me out. Any suggestions to getting over my shyness? I did a couple practice runs and I did pretty good....was myself but, when I know that my practice runs wont be practice runs anymore, I'll most likely get nervous! And I want to provide my readers and viewers with videos that won't waste anyone's time. I want to be sure to get to the point and don't want to ramble. So if I can get any advice...that would be great! My YouTube channel is going to be spiritual and motivational/ inspirational. What do you all think? Would you watch my videos? I will post weekly readings there too! Both here and there! And I'll post so much more.
Don't forget to check out my website as well at
Don't forget to join my spiritual group on Facebook here:
Ok, I will talk to you all soon!
Angel & Crystal Blessings, & Namaste,

Monday, April 11, 2016

This Weeks Tarot Card Reading: 4/11/16

Weekly Reading
With Doreen Virtue's Archangel Power Tarot Cards
Monday & Tuesday
Seek guidance from Archangel Gabriel on these days.
Crystals to have on these days can be: Moss Agate, Tree Agate, and Copper
Wednesday & Thursday
Seek guidance from Archangel Michael on theses days.
Crystals to have on these days an be: Labradorite, Azurite, and Moss Agate
The Weekend
Seek guidance from Archangel Chamuel these days.
Crystals to on these days can be: Ametrine, Carnelian, and Snakeskin Jasper
Well I hope that you all enjoyed this post! If you did, give it a g+1 and share with others! Remember to go check out and purchase my new book, "The Mystical World of Healing Crystals: A Metaphysical Guide"  out now on, and
Remember that our Spirit Guides, Guardian Angels, and our Ancestors are always around us; loving us, helping us (even though we may feel like they are not), and providing us protection. Remember that whenever you need guidance, to seek it from them! They are always around to help us and teach us. All you have to do is tune in, making that spiritual connection, by sitting quietly and just accepting their help and words.
Have a wonderful week, and I will talk to you all next week!
Angel & Crystal Blessings, & Namaste,
Follow me
Instagram @jennbarlow48
Twitter @TheJenn_Barlow
Pinterest @TheJennBarlow


Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Weekly Oracle Reading: Week of 4/5/16

Weekly Oracle Readings
With Doreen Virtue's Archangel Raphael Oracle Deck and More
This week I feel is about healing. I intuitively got that a lot of you are trying to heal past situation or relationships. In this reading I felt it was important to use the Archangel Raphael deck because, he is the angel of healing. I felt that it was also appropriate to pair that with chakra cards as well so that we may all focus on some chakra points to heal as well. You can open and clear out these chakra points with meditations and by using healing crystals. You can also call upon Raphael to help heal those areas as well! So, Let's get started!
Relationship and the Throat and Crown Chakras
This card comes to you as you are in need of some healing emotionally connected to some sort of relationship. Raphael asks that you communicate in a loving and healthy way with this person. This relationship can be romantic, professional, it can be family or friends. Call upon Archangel Raphael to assist in opening and clearing out your crown and throat chakras that you are able to clearly and lovingly communicate with this person. This will help with the overall tone of that conversation and allow the conversation to go smoothly FOR YOU. May not be as smooth for the other person but that ok! When asking for assistance from Raphael, I ask that you take the time to sit quietly and still. No distractions. Meditate. Call upon Raphael while holding either an emerald or an angelite stone. You may use both! Focus on your crown chakra and visualize your chakra point glowing and opening. Holding the stones, ask Raphael for help. Ask that he open and heal your crown and throat chakras, if they are in need of healing and opening. If they are not, the he will know. If they are, then he will know that as well and help. Visualize him placing his hands over your crown and throat as if healing them. When you feel you have done this long enough (about 15-30 minutes) then open your eyes and thank him for helping you.
Increased Energy and the Root Chakra
This card comes to you to let you know that your energy is increasing due to some positive changes happening in your life. You've made progress and you've worked on keeping things positive. Great! Just be careful that you don't over do it when it comes to raising that vibration. Its good to always stay balanced and grounded at the same time! Although the second card suggest stones for you, I am going to suggest something else for you. Try wearing or holding red jasper. The first card also comes to me because I feel that some of you are IN NEED of some energy healing. If this is the case for you, listen up. Energy level are very important to your health. Archangel Raphael can help in increasing vitality, motivation, and strength. Call upon him so that he may assist in your healing.
If you feel that you are being affected by electromagnetic frequencies or if you feel that you need to cut any etheric cords....or both, then call upon Archangel Raphael and Michael to help you with those issues. These issues can drain your energy or vitality. Great crystals to help with these situations are selenite for the cutting, and black tourmaline for the electromagnetic frequencies.

Acceptance and the Crown and Third eye chakras
This card comes to you to let you know that it is time to accept what is and what isn't. The angles ask that you take time in connecting with them and speaking your issues. Openly surrender the issue to them. Giving the issue to God and your angels can help you to find peace with the situation and within yourself. Surrender the entire situation to them and Archangel Raphael through the process of acceptance. Doing so through meditation can help. Pair your meditation with some healing crystals that are associated with the crown and third eye. The crown chakra for that connection to the divine and the angelic realm, and the third eye so that you are able to gain some insight. Again visualize God, your angels, archangels, and see yourself surrendering this issue or situation to them. Crystals to help open and enhance the connection for the crown and third eye are: selenite, amethyst, angelite, labradorite, and apophyllite. These are just suggestions. If you feel other crystals and stones work best for you for those chakras, then use those instead!

Call Upon Archangel Raphael For Help. The Crown and Root Chakras
This card comes to you to remind you that you have angels at your side and at your service sort of speak. Not to be disrespectful. Your angels are there to help you whenever you ask for it. Of course they never will violate your free will. So remember that when you feel you are in some sort of situation that's sticky or not, you can always call upon your angels, God, and the archangels, for guidance, and don't forget your spirit guides as well. Raphael is an unlimited being whos main goal and purpose is to bring and provide God's will of peace through physical and emotional health. So he is more than willing to be there for you whenever you call. He wants to hear from you and he wants to help.  When asking for help, be open to receiving the messages. You can notice a message from above in many ways. But it has to stand out to you! You can receive a message by browsing the web, tv channels, by reading a book, listening to the radio, or just by using your own oracle or tarot cards. Even through meditation and opening yourself up to receiving information that way. Just be open.
For that communication, again there is the crown chakra. The crown chakra is the open door to communication. The root chakra is mentioned in this because it is important that you are focused and connected to your body at this time. Feeling and listening to your body during this communication is important. But stay grounded enough. You don't want to float away because your vibration is way to high. Keep yourself balanced. Some of you may have a hard time connecting and I'm getting that you need to be careful with what you are putting into your body, as it is part of the reason why you are having trouble connecting. Eat right and healthy! Drink a lot of water. That way you are able to receive your messages from your guides, sources, and angels, clearly.

Second Opinion. Labradorite.
This card comes to you to let you know that if your intuition is telling you to seek another opinion, even if it's your third or sixth doctors visit, then do so. Explain why you are back and don't hold anything back. You are concerned and you feel that way for a good reason. Listen to that intuition, as it is your guides and angels way of letting you know that there is more you need to know. You may need to speak to more than one health professional working in conjunction with each other. You do not need to change doctors unless you feel the need to. Take charge of this situation.
The third eye comes to you to let you know that you need to listen to your intuition and you need to speak what you are feeling. Don't hold anything back. Whatever you are receiving from above regarding this issue, follow it and listen to it. You are not wrong. Inside, you already know. The card did a good job and choosing a crystal for you to help you in listening to your intuition. Labradorite helps you to trust what it is you are getting intuitively and psychically. Work with this stone, setting the intention that it is going to help remove anything that is getting in the way of you trusting your intuition and psychic vision. 


Diet is Important Here. Throat Chakra
This card comes to you to validate what your angels have been intuitively telling you. They are using this opportunity to get your attention and let you know that it is time to make those healthy changes. It does not have to happen over night. But make some changes already for the better. You can slowly work on this. You do not have to completely remove caffeine from your diet, maybe cutting the coffee or tea down to once a day or twice a day. Depending on how much you normally take in. But pay attention to your health and the foods you put into your body. Now is the time to make a change so that you can become more healthy inside and out.  
The throat chakra comes to you as well, as a reminder to clearly and calmly communicate with yourself on how you are going to be making these healthy changes. Clearly right down what you want and what you don't want in terms of diet. Do this for you though. The stone listed above in the picture is a stone that helps you to release fear of judgment. Make sure you are making these changes for you and no one else. If you find that you are making these changes because you are trying to "fit in" or because someone is putting you down for your weight, then you wont manifest this weight loss, because your putting some negative energies into it. Your vibrations are low. Change that. Find reasons WHY YOU need to change you diet and lose weight. Write them down! Find some positive motivation to get you going and on the right track! work with blue lace agate to help release your fear of judgment. Set the intention into the stone, wear it and hold it for a few days. Sleep with it. Really work with it. You do what you want to do because you want to. 

Well I hope that you enjoyed this post! If you did give it a g+1 and share with others! Remember my book has finally been released so, go purchase yourself one now (information in the comment area below!) , or you can wait till it's out in a Barnes and Nobles near you! I hope you all have a great night or day, and I will talk to you all soon!

Angel & Crystal Blessings, & Namaste,

A Crystal Surprise For Everyone!

Hello readers!!

I am pleased to announce that my book "The Mystical World of Healing Crystals: A Metaphysical Guide" is now available for purchase on the Balboa Press/ Hay House store here: Soon to be available in Barnes and Noble stores near you!

This is a huge accomplishment for me! And I am so happy that I am able to FINALLY embrace who I am and my life's purpose! I am so honored to be a part of the Hay House family! I have so much more to write and publish so, I am not done yet! There will be more books in the future for you all to read and learn from!

I couldn't have done this without my hard working team provided to me by Balboa Press and of course my loving and supportive family (this includes my co-workers at Kindred Journeys). You've helped me to accept and embrace who I am. You've helped me to never give up and always reminded me that with just a little or a lot of manifesting lol, I can achieve anything.

Thank you readers for staying by my side through all this! I greatly appreciate you all!

Crystal Blessings & Namaste,