Sunday, May 31, 2015

Herkimer Diamond: Metaphysical Healing Abilities

Hello everyone! Have some down time before I get ready for my day, so I decided to share a post on the Herkimer Diamond quickly and what it can do for you. Hope you enjoy!
The Herkimer Diamond is mostly clear but some times can be found with smoky occlusions. The one that I had recently bought is small because they are some what expensive but, I can see a rainbow and smoky inside. I love it! A Herkimer can also have rainbows inside. You are lucky to own one with both because they just look so mystical! The Herkimer is available in the United States, Tanzania, Mexico, and Spain. It usually always double terminated, like mine is. Mine is also considered a "twin" because there was another Herkimer growing out of it. I feel lucky to own one even though it is very small. I hope to be able to buy a large one sometime in the near future as it helps with my creative thinking while writing my second book. I also find that I get motivated when having it around me and I am all about writing my posts, posting in my facebook group (you should join by the way) and when adding to my book. This crystal also helps with remembering your dreams and allows you to see some hidden messages like from you guides and loved ones for example. It also helps to cleanse and open your chakra points allowing for spiritual energy to flow. Herkimer also helps with remember your past lives and giving some insight into why you may have any blockages or illnesses that may have followed you from your past lives and into your present life. This can allow you to understand how you could get better and unblock anything you need to, and also allowing you to grow spiritually. The Herkimer is also great to use when going through any sort of transitions in your life. It allows you to slowly transition and in a smooth manner. This crystal is also great for clearing any electro magnetic pollution or  radioactivity. They are great for blocking any stresses that could arise if you keep larger pieces by you. Great for placing around the 4 corners of a room or bed to ensure a peaceful and calm mind. Pair it with Blue Lace Agate in your room in the same 4 corners of the bed so that not only would you have a peaceful mind but, it can really help you to relax and get into that sleepy state so that you have a great night sleep.
Well I hope that you enjoyed learning and the Herkimer Diamond. Please give this post a g+1 and share with others!! Remember to come join my facebook group called The Crystal Manor: A Spiritual Home ~ Healing Crystals (Here is the link: and come share your crystals and spiritual growth and practices with me!! I would love to share mine with you as well!! Hope to see you there!!I am also on Pinterest if you would like to come see more of my crystals @TheJennBarlow.

Crystal Blessings,
Herkimer Diamond

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Moss Agate: Metaphysical Healing Abilities

Good evening readers! Hope all is well and you are staying grounded this week. Tonight's crystal is on Moss Agate, so let's get started.

Moss Agate comes in a few colors; green brown, red, blue, and yellow. It literally looks like moss is inside the crystal and is also translucent and markings of the "moss". This crystal is very common and available. It can be found in the United States, India, and Australia.

Moss Agate is a crystal of new beginnings and great for balancing you emotionally, spiritually and physically and helps to connect and have respect  towards mother earth. It is able to give off energies and vibrations which comes together with yours if you wear it, hold it, or put it in your pocket and have you recognize  the beauty of nature. It is also said to help and assist midwives and helps to reduce discomfort, pain, and to help have a smooth delivery. Moss Agate is a great crystal for helping with the life of your plants. simply place it in your garden, individual plants, and place it in the soil. Moss Agate is also a crystal of abundance and wealth, and helps to attract it. This crystal helps reduce stresses and helps you to see and understand a hard situation that you may be in with someone. It will provide you with positive energies which is what helps with the positive thinking and have that clarity.

Well I hope that you take time to work with Moss Agate. I am always around mine and place it in my plant's that may need a little more help. I also love it when I'm out on a walk as it helps me to become one with the nature spirits as my ancestors once practiced. It also helps me to feel more closer to them.

Hope you enjoyed this post! Give it the g+1 if you did and share it with others! Have a blessed day or night and I will talk to you all soon!!

**Don't forget to come join my facebook group as it is a safe place to express your spirituality and your love for crystals, cards, and your abilities! Here is the link: Some people just message me personally because the links sometimes don't work and I have to send it in a personal message in order for it to work for some reason!! But try this link and I hope to see you and your crystals soon!!

Crystal Blessings,

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Astrology News 5/29/15 - 6/2/15

Good evening everyone! Sorry I did not get this up yesterday! I was busy (as usual) and then today my little one came down with a fever. So here is your astrology news. for the rest of the week.

Friday (tomorrow) - The moon will be in opposition with Uranus. Then later on in the day, the moon will be in a square with Venus. The energies of the moon and Uranus in opposition will make you feel a little stressed and you may have a hard time figuring out why. Is it money? Are you bored? Figure it out. On this day you may even feel a little jumpy. Be careful because this energy can also make it easy to clash with others. You are just a little off on this day. Keep it together. Later in the evening, you will feel like you are in a battle with your emotions. You may over react at times with a friend, family member, or partner. Like I said, keep it together! Watch what you say!

Sunday - Neptune will be coming in. You want to be careful. Although it is going to be a much better day than your previous days, you are going to be feeling... a little excited and the energies will allow you to be feeling like you believe anything you hear as if you are a kid again. Neptune has the ability to let you hear what you want to hear. Don't allow that to trick you! It may not be what it seems to be whatever it may be. It may seem to good to be true. So, be cautious! Other than that, you are going to be feeling much better Sunday.

Monday - The moon and Mercury are going to be working together and you are going to want to mingle with friends and make new friends. You are going to want to socialize. It is a great day to be there for your friends, family member, or your partner who may be going through some sort of rough time.

Tuesday - Mars and Pluto will be coming in. Not a great day to be giving any sort of advice to others. If you do decide to, be cautious!! Do not look for a fight! Or be careful because the other person may be looking for a fight! Mars and Pluto can bring in energies of confrontation and expressing anger. Do not get into any arguments unless you feel it is worth it! Do you need to put your foot down? Do you need to stand up for yourself? Pick your battles wisely and stay grounded!!

Crystals to carry or wear on you this week:

For grounding - Carry either a black tourmaline, black onyx, or a smoky quartz.

For calmer communication - Carry either blue kyanite, turquoise, or blue lace agate.

For positivity - Carry a clear quarts to see the light where there is darkness. It brings in clarity.

Well I hope that you enjoyed this post! Give a g+1  and share with others!! Hope you all have a great rest of your day or night and I will talk to you all later!!!

Crystal Blessings,

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Orange Calcite: Metaphysical Healing Properties

Hi readers!

Tonight's crystal is Orange Calcite!!! Hope you enjoy!

Orange Calcite is great when working with the Sacral Chakra. It Provides energies of being energized and balanced. It is a great cleansing tool for yourself or a sacred place such as, your home. Simply place the crystal in each room with the intention that it will remove and keep any unwanted negative energies or intentions placed on you. It also works great with removing any karma rods that may be connected between you and someone else. When you and someone else are not seeing eye to eye and you both give and send negative energies to each other (you wont realize it), you create a "rod" or "string" that you share with that other person and unknowingly send the energies through that "rod" or "string".  This crystal helps to remove that "cord" ! Just set the intention that it will do so and relax and imagine the crystal literally cutting away the "cords", "string", or "rod" that is attached to you and that person. Sometimes this takes more that 2 tries!!! So do it about 3 times and you will feel so much better!!!

Physically it can help in aiding the removal of issues or discomfort with the bones, immune system, joints, reproductive system, fatigue, and skin. It is also great to use in times of stress and when you feel you need a bit of light and  motivation. It also helps someone to feel the need to take back and rule their life again.

Well I hope that you try out Orange Calcite if you do not have it already! I hope that you enjoyed this post. Give it a g+1 and share with others, and I will talk to you all later!!

Crystal Blessings,


Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Astrology News 5/20/2015 - 5/26/2015

Good evening crystal loves! Here is your astrology news for this week!

Thursday 5/21st -
Pluto and Jupiter will be in a transit. These energies will help you to see what is really there. Sometimes we try so hard to make something happen that, we cant see the reality. We cant do that! You have to know that everything will work out all on its own, you have to trust that! These energies will allow you to see clearly and understand what is reality. Don't play with your mind and thoughts! Keep it real! And these energies will help you to see that clearly. Let things fall into place like its suppose to.

The Venus will come into play later on towards the evening I believe and those energies are energies of freely expressing your feelings. You know the energies of Venus already if you have read my other posts! You have to be careful with this energy because as you are just starting to see things clearly, you do not want to say something that people will be like, "What on earth are you talking about?!" Be careful with what you say and be aware of those things that you really don't want people to know!! Zip the lip is what i'm trying to tell you. Think before you speak. You need to balance yourself and your emotions.

Saturday -
Venus and Saturn will be working together. You are going to find it difficult to put your faith and hope in others. You are going to have some trust issues with other's and that's ok. Recognize that and if you feel you need to be the person to get something done or started, go for it. It may not be the best day to try new things however, as the energies will make you feel like you wont have fun. It's just asking for your day to be ruined. Work with these energies in a way that you can make positive things happen. Be careful not to "take a leap of faith" on this day.

Sunday -
The Moon and Mars will be working together. You will be feeling good energies! This day will be the day to try that new thing you have been wanting to and take that "leap of faith".  On this day you are also going to feel motivated to go forth with passions and you are going to want to work on those passions. That is great!! Great day for commitment!

Monday -
Uranus will be in a square with Venus. You are going to be feelings excited and hyper and want to go out and do something to release this excited energies. Be careful with this! Don't be annoyingly excited and get carried away! Keep yourself clear minded and grounded.

When Uranus and Venus work together in a square, on those days people tend to have some sort of financial difficulties. Whether you accidentally over spent or you just do not have enough to do something you really want, those disappointments may cause some frustrations with you or between you and someone else. Stay calm and recognize those frustrations and just remember that next time around, you will be sure to not get yourself stuck financially  and be more aware of what you can spend and what your cant.

Crystals to help with your energies this week!

For personal and emotional balance - Any of the Moonstone's

For attracting abundance - Anything like a Citrine, Green Quartz, or Smokey Quartz

For keeping yourself grounded - Any black or brown crystal like a Smokey Quartz, Black Tourmaline, Black Onyx, Black Agate, Black Obsidian, etc.

Well I hope that you enjoyed this post! If you did please give it a g+1 and share with others!! Have a fantastic week and talk to you all soon!!
Crystal Blessings,

Monday, May 18, 2015

Moonstone: Metephysical Healing Properties

Hello again crystal loves! Tonight's crystal is on the healing properties of the Moonstone!! One of my favorite crystals ever! I just happened to have found a Moonstone ring today and I love it! I can't stop staring at it because I have wanted Moonstone to wear for the longest time and now that I am able to wear it, it just feels right. it has Jenn written all over it! Lol! Ok sorry for the ramble! Let's get to the healing properties!

The different colors of moonstone vary from milky, peach, pearly, or creamy grey and is more times than not, translucent. Moonstone is associated with the motherly and goddess solar energy of the moon. It carries and provides feminine energies. Moonstone is the crystal of intuition and embraces someone's intuitive abilities. This crystal is great for helping through emotional and stressing times. It helps to the emotions to become balanced. If you know anyone who is just angry all the time or they just have those angry tendencies, then Moonstone would be good for them to work with so that they can allow those angry energies to decrease and allow more calming and feminine energies to take over. I love working with Moonstone to help with my cramps while it's that "time of the month". It helps to balance those menstrual and hormonal cycles.

Because it helps to connect and channel your intuition and the divine, Moonstone is great for working with your Crown and Third Eye chakras. Moonstone is also great for working on bring out who you really are in a calmly manner. It allows your to express yourself freely. This crystal allows you to feel good in your own skin and accept what is when it comes to you. You feel good, you feel like a Goddess. Moonstone also helps to bring patience.

Physically, Moonstone can help in aiding in conceiving a baby and helps with the reproductive system.  It also helps with issues with childbirth, headaches, insomnia, skeletal system, pregnancy, puberty, menopause, and many other physical issues!!

I hope that you found this post helpful and I hope that you experience the feminine energies of the Moonstone! If you liked this post give it a g+1 and share with others!!


Crystal Blessings,

Goddess of the moon


Rose Quartz - Metaphysical Healing Properties

Good Evening Everyone!!! I feel like I am always apologizing for not being on and posting a lot lately but, that is because I am just always busy and I am taking my intuitive class. I have also been sick so that has been going on as well. So here I am now so, let's get started on the healing properties of Rose Quartz!

Rose Quartz I think is one of the most popular crystals that most people buy all the time, especially when one is just starting into crystal healing. People are just drawn to its loving and calm energies and its beauty. I have seen a popular celebrity always use her Rose Quartz wand a lot; Miranda Kerr a former Victoria's Secret Model.

Rose Quartz as you can guess, is the crystal of love! You could probably tell that just by saying its name and because of its color; pink. Rose Quartz energies and vibrations helps those to be open to accepting and receiving love. It does not only mean love between an intimate pair but, love between family, friends, co-workers, etc. Rose Quartz has a very gentle and calming energy which radiates off of it and is easy to sense and feel. Place under your pillow at night and it will help to calm your vibrations and fill you with loving energies as well. Great for getting into a relax state to help fall asleep. Also great when placed up high where they cannot reach it, for helping your kids and little ones feel relaxed, safe, and love when trying to fall asleep as well. It is very gentle and playful crystal.

Rose Quartz is great when working on your heart chakra....if you haven't guessed. It allows you to open and cleanse out any negative energy form that chakra and allows you to be fully open to receiving and giving love to others. It fills you with energies of compassion and helps to boost your self-esteem! It can bring balance to the emotions too.

I like to carry Rose Quartz with me. I give it the intentions I want for example, I would say something like, " I will have a great day full of loving energies and I will do my best to be kind to others. Help me in receiving and giving loving and positive energies today." And that is it. I carry it with me in my pocket or as my key chain and I am good to go knowing that this crystal will help me in having a good day.

Rose Quartz is great for those who are looking to rid of anger, jealousy, and greed. This crystal will help in releasing those negative energies. It brings peace to your mind and soul. Great when you feel your "heart is breaking" or when grieving over any loss and need something to help release those emotions.

Physically, Rose Quartz can help in the aid of issues with Alzheimer's, burns, PTSD, menstrual, headaches or migraines, a cough, bruises, or fatigue.

Use Rose Quartz alone or in a love grid to help attract love of any kind. Place it in an intimate area such as the bed room to attract new love and perhaps amplify those energies even more by giving the crystal a touch of rose essential oil and placing it on top of a rose petal.

Well I hope that you enjoyed this post! If you did give a g+1 and share with others and I will talk to you all tomorrow with another crystal or mineral to talk about!!

Crystal Blessings,

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Citrine: Healing Properties

Good evening everyone! Real quick before I get started on the healing properties of Citrine, I just wanted to share with all of you that I have finished writing my first book on a beginners guide to healing crystals and have turned in my manuscript to the publishing company! Please wish me luck and send prayers my way because I really need them as I am very nervous right now! Thank you all!

Ok let's move one!

Citrine provides energetic and warm energies to those using it. It is associated with the Sun and loves the sun light! It helps to ward off negative energies. It can help someone who is not very sociable and shy, to become more open and willing to talk! It just makes you happy and bubbly and helps you to see the positive side of situations. It helps to bring creativity and focus and is the perfect crystal to take with you when working out as it will help you keep your energy up longer. I love using citrine when working out! It is also good for attracting money and abundance. It wont just appear to you obviously, but it will allow you to recognize opportunities that can bring in that extra income! It attracts the opportunities. It helps to attract success! Perfect to keep in your working area as it will help you to do all these things; focus, concentration, creative thinking, thinking out side the box, more verbal communication, attracts success, brings opportunities, brings positive thoughts and actions and allows others around you to be the same. Great crystal!! Really!

It is great for working on the Root, Solar Plexus, and Sacral Chakras. Physically, Citrine can help with diabetes, any stomach pains, headaches, thyroid, circulation, eye problems, obesity, and problems with the tissues. I find that it helps with my nausea!

Citrine is also great for bringing courage, self confidence, and transform negative thoughts into positive thoughts!

I hope that you enjoyed this post!! If you did give it a g+1  and share with others! Talk to you all soon!!
**Remember to come join my facebook group! The Crystal Manor: A Spiritual Home ~ Healing Crystals ** Come share your crystals and spiritual growth with me! I would love to hear it all!
**Also come follow me on Pinterest and see my crystal and sacred spaces!! @TheJennBarlow **

Crystal Blessings,

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Astrology News 5/6 - 5/12 2015

Good evening everyone and here is your astrology news for this week!

Wednesday (tomorrow)-

Venus and Jupiter will be in a square. This is going to be a day you feel should be all about you. It ill be all about attention seeking! Be careful with this energy! You can become too much for a lot of people and those around you! You may even make a bad choice or two! Try tour best to stay calm and to stay grounded! Don't get caught up in wanting to be noticed! Control yourself!


Uranus will be coming forward and it will be a day of wanting adventure. This will be a day to relax and just have fun! Try something new, fun, and adventurous! This will be a day where being silly is ok! Uranus energy will be favoring that adventurous side!


Mercury and Neptune will be bringing forth energy that will slow you down. You could look at this as a day to wind down but, it's going to be a day where you will constantly in major thought and zoned out. You will be distracted by this. If you know you will be doing something that requires being active or being prepared and focused, then you are really going to have to snap out of it, find something that will help you to concentrate!


Mother's day. Already an emotional time for everyone. Venus and Saturn are going to be coming forward. This will be bring some emotional and sensitive energies.  Don't let this take control of you! This could be an overwhelming day if you don't watch how you let out your emotions. Stay calm and think before you day or do anything. This could also be a day of calming your emotions by calmly self expressing, easy flowing emotions that will help to heal you. Whether the issue be between you and a friend, or family member, or your personal relationship.  Just watch what you say and how talk to people and how you react.


The sun and chiron will be bringing in opportunities! Keep your eyes open so that you can notice these opportunities and so that you an take action. You will feel confident in taking that action and having confidence is great! Especially if it has to deal with finding a job or if you are interviewing! Just whatever it is! But keep your eyes open so you do not miss out!!


Something like Black Tourmaline to help keep you on your feet and grounded.

Also keep something like a Lapis Lazuli, Blue Kyanite, or Celestite for telling and expressing your truths and emotions in a calmly manner.

The last carry something like a Green Quartz or Green Aventurine for helping you in finding and noticing those opportunities and having luck in finding them as well!

Well I hope that you all enjoyed my post! If you did give it a g+1 and share with others! I hope to talk to you all soon! Have a good night!!

Crystal Blessings,