Wednesday, April 29, 2015

A Quick Astrology Report 4/29 - 5/5/15

Hey everyone,

If you read my last post you know that I have been too busy to do a full on astrology report for you all but, for those of you who do like to read the reports and follow them, here are a few crystals that you cannot go wrong with. Just to make you feel a little better ;)

For when you do not know for sure what crystals to go for, you can never go wrong with Black Tourmaline, Black Onyx, and Black Obsidian. These crystals help to absorb and protect you from any negative energies and entities. We all have tough days and these crystals can help absorb those energies and even transform them into positive energies. Keep one with you and one at the front door so as to not allow or invite any negativity from the outside environment, into your home. Then there is Sun Stone. Sun stone is a great bright crystal that helps to just bring out the vibrant positive side of you and others around you. Then for the other crystal to carry this week, any crystal that will help you take action and to get after what it is you feel you need and also to help express that need in a positive way. Sodalite or Lapis Lazuli will work perfect for that!!

Sorry this one wasn't all in detail and specific!! But these crystals you will not go wrong with. If you feel other crystals work best for you, then great! Stick to those!! We all have different energy reactions to different crystals and their vibrations and energies. Do what feels best to you!!

Have a wonderful rest of the night!!

Crystal Blessings,

Smokey Quartz: Healing Properties

Good evening everyone!

Sorry I was not able to do a astrological report for you guys this week! I have been busy! Tonight I had a live chat with Contessa Miller on her YouTube channel called Contessa's Corner! Check that out if you like. So I had that late tonight. Now  I am doing this post and going to talk to you all about Smokey Quartz and its metaphysical healing properties!! Let's get started!!

The dark color on a Smokey Quartz is caused by radiation from the earth. Smokey Quartz is a very grounding crystal as it helps to bring you back down to the earths energies. It is great at absorbing from you and your surroundings, the negative energies. It is great to use to aid in the release of depression. It helps to focus and keep you from spacing off when in a really high vibration. It brings you back down and allows you to concentrate. Works great with the crown and root chakras! Go figure! It also helps to bring clarity to a stressful situation. Smokey Quartz is said to be a crystal that attracts spirits and entities from the spirit world.

Physically, Smokey Quartz is great for those that have a hard time getting any sleep (insomnia) and a great crystal for helping to relieve yourself of stress. Smokey Quartz is also good for those who are going through chemo and radiation as it helps to heal those body stresses that radiation comes with, it helps to balance the body. It can help with any issues of the back, legs, and stomach areas. It is also great for headaches.

Well I hope that you liked this post! Remember to give it a thumbs up and share it with other crystal friends of yours!! Also, come join my Facebook group The Crystal Manor: A spiritual Home ~ Healing Crystals and I will talk to you all soon!!

Crystal Blessings,


Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Lithium Quartz: Healing Properties

Good Afternoon!

Today's post is on the metaphysical healing properties of Lithium Quartz!

What makes the Lithium Quartz a Lithium Quartz is the tinted color which are lithium ions within the crystal. Lithium Quartz is actually a pure clear quartz but because of the lithium ions, it is called Lithium Quartz! Hope that makes sense. The lithium within the Clear Quartz is the same lithium that is used in antidepressants but, the lithium is formed into Clear Quartz.

This is considered an amplifier as well because of the Clear Quartz!  So when you use Lithium Quartz to aid in dealing or removing any issues that you may have, the energies helping you from the crystal are now automatically amplified!! Pretty cool huh!?

So have you guessed what this crystal can help you with?! (^^) This crystal helps to being peace to any emotional troubles. It can help you to stay calm and release any stress that you need to. It helps to relax you (duhh!). It may sound like this crystal hits hard to help with any mental or emotional issues but, this crystal is quite gentle. It helps to bring balance between your brain and emotions. Not only can this crystal help to heal any mental or emotional issues for you now, it can also be used to heal any past life emotional issues that may be resurfacing! So Lithium Quartz is a great and gentle healer for those going through some hard times. It also helps those who are going through some kind of loss whether it be a death, someone close to you moves away or moves on (relationships), this includes pets. Physically, this crystal aids in helping to rid of Eating Disorders, Transitions, ADD or ADHD, PTSD, Menopause, Depression, Panic Attacks, Mood Swings, Anxiety, and Anorexia.

Lithium Quartz is a great cleanser and activator for all the Chakra points and great for healing the aura. It is also said to even be so pure that it purifies water. This crystal is great for intense meditations and works great to open and heal the Third Eye and Heart Chakras.

Well I hope that you all enjoyed and learned a lot from this post! If you liked this post please give it a like and share with other's!! Hope you all have a wonderful rest of the day!!

Crystal Blessings,

Friday, April 24, 2015

Selenite: Healing Properties

Good evening everyone!

Today I thought that I would talk about the healing properties of Selenite! I love Selenite! Selenite is definitely a go to crystal for me when I am asking my spirit guides for guidance. I love to have it near me while doing a tarot reading also or when doing my angel cards. It helps to attract the guidance from my spirit guides or guardian angel.


In Greek means "moon glow" and is a form of crystallized Gypsum. This crystal should never ever be in water!!! As it will dissolve! When cleansing it, only use sage or incense that does not have any oily residue. Oils can ruin it as well. Selenite is great for spiritual work! It help to open the higher chakras and is great to remove any unwanted energies from your aura and helps to cut any ties that someone might have tied to you unknowingly or knowing, from their energies which could weigh you and your aura down. It helps to remove any energy blocks that you might have.

Selenite gives off peaceful and calm energies, great to have in your sacred space or any space to create a peaceful and calm atmosphere. It is also a great crystal to have when trying to enhance any psychic or intuitive abilities and helps to raise your vibrations. I am an intuitive and I like to use this crystal in my Reiki sessions to help open up my crown and third eye so that I can clear those areas out and be open in those areas to receive clearer communication from my guides. I am starting an intuitive class soon and will be carrying this with me! Selenite is also great for cleansing any space of negative energies, intentions, or entities.

Physically, Selenite is great to use if you have problems with your spine or entire back, your entire skeletal system, insomnia, PMS, tumors, and aids in strengthening your bones.

**Please note that crystals are only meant to help in aiding in your recoveries and is not to replace any directions given by your doctor.**

Well I hope that you enjoyed this post! If you did please share and give it a thumbs up down below!! I am on Facebook at The Crystal Manor: A Spiritual Home ~ Healing Crystals . Come join the group and share your crystals with me. I would love to see them and hear from you all!!

Crystal Blessings,

A Crystal Update!!

Hi everyone tonight I look forward to sharing with you another Crystal and it's healing properties! Tonight's Crystal will be on selenite!

Also I'm on Facebook: 
The Crystal Manor: A Spiritual Home ~ Healing Crystals

Come join and share your crystals with me!!! 

Lots of love! & Crystal Blessings!


Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Black Tourmaline: Healing Properties

Good evening everyone!

I thought that I would start a series of posts that only talk about the healing properties of a single crystal. Hope you like it!

Black Tourmaline or Schorl is a healing crystal that is highly protective and does a super job at protecting a person from negativity. Because it absorbs and pushes away from you, a lot of negativity within one use, I recommend that you cleans this crystal after every use!

It is great to protect against smog so keep it near your phone and/ or computer! A lot of electro magnetic fields! It helps to repel all that!

Black Tourmaline is also a very cleansing crystal. You can place it in the corners of a room and it will not only protect the space of negative entities and energies, but it also helps to cleanse that space as well! It is great for cleansing yourself so, wearing it will benefit you.

It is also a great grounding and balancing crystal as it helps to keep you leveled out and balances your aura.

This crystal is also great for physical healing as well. It can help with electromagnetic pollution, radiation, problems with addictions, the heart, root chakra, chemotherapy, anxiety, stress, and fear.


Crystal Blessings,

Astrology News 4/22 - 4/28

Good Evening Everyone!

Hope you all had a good and positive week last week. Did any of get any crystals? Share with me what they are!

So for the astrology report for this week:


We entered Gemini today (Tuesday) and then on Wednesday the moon will be entering Cancer! Same thing for Thursday!

Also on Wednesday, Mercury and Pluto will be in a trine. This means Mercury  and Pluto's energies will be supportive of one another. When in a trine, that is a time of acceptance. Mercury has energies of speaking the truth's and of communicating openly. Pluto's energies are of change and creativity.

So when Mercury and Pluto are supporting each other, you are going to go through something, a change. Maybe you are going through it now! Wednesday is that day to express what is going on with you and you are going to accept this change or transformation. This could be a good or bad thing. If it is a negative thing, take a step back and evaluate what is going on, recognize what the negative thing is and change it. This will be the time to do that and shift from whatever is bringing you down and transform into something positive. This may be a bumpy day for some of you, as you are moving toward that something positive. Use the energies of Mercury and Pluto in a positive way so that it benefits you! Use your creativity to find a way to lift yourself up and succeed.


Mars will be in a semisextile with Uranus. These energies together will cause you to feel impatient and annoyed with people around you. Don't fall off your chair! Recognize your negativity and take a few seconds to calm yourself and to help you think clearly. Perhaps you can put up a crystal grid in your space to help you feel calm and patient. Try to slow down and be kind to others. Face your obstacles with a clear mind!


With whatever plans in your life that you have, this day will fill you with some fear and doubt. This is because of the energies of Saturn. The moon is in a trine with Saturn. You will feel nervous and have anxiety. Stay calm, relax, and find a way to ground yourself. And think positive! You may start to see the negative side of things, but stop yourself and also think about the positive side!! Don't dwell too much on the negative. (Tip: Cleanse yourself with sage, nag champa, or frankincense)


The Moon will be in a square with Mercury. Being is a square at this time means tension between the Moon and Mercury. This can be a time, however, to take action and push yourself to achieve something or make your way to achieving something. With Mercury, you are going to find yourself thinking a lot. Probably thinking about how you are going to achieve something and day dream about your ways of getting there, for example. Stay positive and don't space off too much! Lol! Although it could be a good day to make a good and positive plan on how you are going to get to where you want to be. It is going to be a day of deep thought.

So for the crystals to carry this week:

To help see and think clearly, staying positive, and ease through anxiety; Any crystal that has the same energies and healing properties as a Lithium Quartz or Ametrine

To help with creativity; Any crystals with the same energies and healing properties as Citrine, Orange Kyanite, or Botswana Agate

To help with confidence and acceptance; Any crystals with the same energies and healing properties as Carnelian or Clear Quartz

Well I hope that you enjoyed this post! If you did give it a thumbs up and share with others!! Hope you all had a great day and talk to you all soon!!

Crystal Blessings,


Sunday, April 19, 2015

Just a Crystal Reminder!!

Hey readers,

Just  a simple reminder that I am on Pinterest! If you are interested in looking at all my crystals, take a look at my collection that continues to grow, on Pinterest and follow me! I also have other boards like The Secret Garden, Mandalas, Astrology, and The Sacred Space! Come visit!

Crystal Blessings,

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

This Weeks Astrology News!

Good evening everyone!

Hope you are all ready for this weeks astrology report! Let's get started!

Tomorrow (Thursday) -

We are still in our 4th Pisces sign. The moon will enter Aries and also Pluto will be in a retrograde. THEN, Mercury, Saturn, and Chiron will be in a transit. This energy with Pisces and Aries will make you want to act on your emotions. This is because of the Pisces energy. Then you have your Aries energies that will actually intensify how you show those emotions. You may come off a bit too enthusiastic and if you are not careful and don't calm down, you may end up offending or hurting someone's feelings and others the same to you. So please take a step back and reevaluate how you are feeling and think before you speak and act.

Friday -

Mars will be in a square with Jupiter. Mars energy is very strong and forward and you may find yourself picking on people and may not even realize that you are doing so. You will be picking a fight. Mixing with Jupiter energies, Jupiter has energies of being energetic...verbally. With Jupiter it opens the door for you to speak the truth. Mixing this energy with Mars energy will make you clash with others and argue. Don't do that!! Recognize when you are having these negative urges!! Fix it!

It may not be a negative day for some. Friday could be an eye opener in a positive way for many people! Having this energy of speaking the truth but recognizing that you could go a bit over board with your anger or frustrations, this could be a time for some to speak their truths and put an end to any sort of bullying! Put your foot down and tell it like it is, making sure you are getting your words across in an uplifting yet stern way. This is the time to accept yourself for who you are and not giving damn about what other's think. You just do you as long as you are doing it in a positive and loving way and it benefits you and your health!

Saturday -

Venus will be in a square with Neptune. Venus energy is very loving. It corresponds to our hearts. On this day you will want to show and give some loving and friendly energies and others to you! Great time to go out on a date.

Neptune can bring you insightful ideas! It provides creative energies. Use that energy and come up with some great ideas for whatever project you are working on!

Monday -

Venus and the moon will be working together. We just had the energies of Mars (yikes!) and then Venus and Neptune where you showed loving energies to others. Now it is time to settle down and take some time for yourself. Relax, have some soothing hot tea, get your nails done or watch your favorite shows on Hulu or Netflix and just snack. And if you have stuff to do but you are sure it can wait, then make it wait till later or the next day! Just take some space and reenergize!

Tuesday -

Tuesday will be a great day! It's the last day we will be in Aries. Mars and Pluto will be in a trine. These energies will allow you to be proactive and creative. Go with the flow for the day and your ideas will be great. You will find that the plan you had wont be as beneficial or cool than the creative ideas that you " just some how" came up with. Allow your natural creativity to flow and come out and express itself. You will find that you will actually come up with something better!!

So for the crystals that will help you this week!

For bringing in some insight and intuition: Any crystal with the same energies as Moonstone or Rhodonite

For helping you to communicate in a calmly manner, relax, keep you calm and helping you to slow down and keep yourself together: Any crystal with the same energies as Blue Fluorite, Blue Lace Agate, or Larimar

For attracting positive energies, increasing creativity and keeping yourself balanced: Any crystals with the same energies as Amber or Citrine

Well I hope that you enjoyed this post! If you did please share with others! I hope that you have a great rest of the night and if you have any questions or comments, just leave them below and I will talk to everyone soon!!

Crystal Blessings,

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Crystal Update!

Hello everyone!

I would like to share some exciting news..... I got my first large Amethyst Geode crystal! Yaayy!!! Here are a couple pictures of my new goodies! The other crystals you see below are a Citrine Tower, below that is petrified wood, to the right is a rough black tourmaline, and to the left is Amber with Green Calcite. So excited to add these healing crystals to my healing collection! I am most excited to use my tower in a grid while I finish up my book I am writing! It will be the center crystal in the grid to bring in creativity, success, and activity! Around that I will place my green, clear, purple, and blue fluorite to help bring in concentration and blue lace agate to help my words flow out of me softly. So excited!! My book is almost complete then I will ship my manuscript to the publishing company of my desire and hope and pray that they feel my book is worth publishing!! Wish me luck in this new found passion and journey!!

Crystal Blessings,


Tuesday, April 7, 2015

This Weeks Astrology News 4/8/15 - 4/14/15

Good evening readers and thank you to those who take the time to read my blog! Everyday I see you guys reading my blog and it means a lot that I am hopefully helping out some of you spiritually.


The Sun and Mercury will be working together to provide great energy. You will feel productive, motivated, and wanting to get things done, whatever that may be. Use this energy to get things done that you may have slacking on lately!


Venus and Pluto will be in transit working together to provide energies of the opposite from Friday. It will be a day of feeling not productive and energetic. It will be a day of low energy and disappointment. Work with the energy though, in a positive way! Take this opportunity to be aware of what is exactly holding you back and disappointing and work on it! How can you change the situation so that it will benefit you in a positive way. Take this day to set up a crystal grid to help you with staying positive and to help stay clear minded!!


Uranus and Venus will be in a transit. This will provide energies of... like free flow...if that makes sense. You will go with whatever ideas pop into your head. You will feel a little unbalanced and just free flowing. This is because you got Uranus energy mixing with Venus energy that is towards the sign of Gemini!! Typically Venus energy is very grounding but mixing with uranus and Gemini, you get a little up in the clouds. Please take a moment to step back and rethink your impulses. Will is benefit you in an uplifting and positive way? What consequences come with making this decision?

Here are the types of crystal that can help you out a little this week:

Any crystal that helps you deal or cope with disappointment and low energy- Something like in the Jasper family, Citrine, or a Snowflake Obsidian

Any crystals that will help with making clear choices and to help balance or ground your energies- Clear Quartz, Pyrite, or Black Tourmaline.

You do not have to use these crystals. You can any other crystals that you feel work best for you during this time!

I hope that you enjoyed this post and I hope that you all have a wonderful night!!

Crystal Blessings,