Sunday, September 30, 2018

Angel Reading For Week of October 1st, 2018 & Honoring Your Ancestors!

Angel Reading

Healing Herbs & Oils For This Week:

Red Rose
St. Johns Wort
Dragon's Blood (Palm Tree)

Angel and Herbal Blessings Readers!!
Happy Manifesting & Namaste!

Jennifer J Barlow

Don't forget to check out my ETSY shop to prepare for Dia De Los Muertos!

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Angel Reading For Week Of September 24th, 2018 Is Here!!

Angel Reading
Week of September 24th,2018

Good evening readers! I hope you all had a great weekend! I know I did! Remember that the crystals I list to help you with the weekly readings can be used in a grid, like I have shown above, or you can place them in a medicine bag, carry with you in your pocket, purse, or however you want to use them. You do not HAVE to use these crystals either, if you feel drawn to using other's or you want to add in some, that is great! Go with your intuition! :) The oils an be used on you if you are not allergic, or to dab on your crystals to enhance their vibrations and your intentions. The herbs can be used within your crystal grids, or in your medicine bag too. Have fun with the metaphysical tools I suggest! And remember to cleanse and charge you metaphysical tools!! For more information on how to use the tools and to gain more knowledge on metaphysics, grab a copy of my book, "The Mystical World of Healing Crystals: A Metaphysical Guide" on, Barnes & Noble online, or Balboa Press online! It looks like this:
Here is your Angel reading for this week spiritual friends! Have a great week and feel free to message me on my Instagram, Facebook Group Page, or on here if you have any questions or wish to have a personal reading done. All my social media info will be listed below after the reading for this week. Namaste!
The resolution of difficulties. A weight lifted off your shoulders.
The end of an addiction or codependency. 

No more procrastinating! Your power comes from making a decision. 
Confusion that arises from overanalyzing the options.

It's time to take action!
Be fearless and happily pursue your most treasured dreams.
Amazing career opportunities.  

Angel Blessings,
Jennifer J Barlow

Instagram: @thejenn_barlow @the_divine_crown
FB Group: The Divine Crown: A Spiritual Community ~ Metaphysical Healing
ETSY SHOP: TheDivineCrown 

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Angel Reading For Week Of September 17th, 2018!!!!

Angel Reading For Week
September 17th, 2018
Good evening spiritual friends! I hope you all had a great weekend! All the healing crystals, herbs, and healing oils that I mention in my blogs can be used in a grid. Grids are such a great way for extending the energy to help you. Just add in a few clear quartz crystal points in the 4 directions, and you're good to go! Here's your angel reading for this week! Have a wonderful week and comment down below if you have any questions! 

Protect the fruits of your labor. 
Prepare for possible challenges that lie ahead.
Environmental conservation. 

A brilliant success!
The freedom to go in any direction.
A journey that is now complete.

An emotional fulfilling life with family or friends.
Raising children wisely.
People you can trust. 

Healing Oils/Herbs:
Sage, Jasmine, & Myrrh

Angel & Crystal Blessings!
Jennifer J Barlow

Grab a copy of my book at or Barnes & Noble online! 
It provides everything about metaphysics and talks crystals, zodiacs, candles,
herbs, oils, readings, pendulums, & more! It's a great book for beginners! 

Check out my ESTY shop! Let me know if there
is anything you need me to create specifically
for you! It would be my pleasure. (TheDivineCrown)

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Tarot Reading for Week of September 10th, 2018

Angel Tarot Reading For Week of
September 10th, 2018

Good evening spiritual friends and readers! I hope you all had a great week and weekend! Here is your reading for this coming week! I hope you all have another great week and weekend, I'm here for any questions or if you just want to start conversation! Have a great night & namaste!

News worth celebrating!
Announcements such as weddings,
graduations, or births.
Friends you cherish.
Crystals, Oils, & Herbs: Sunstone, Rutilated Quartz, Yellow Rose, 
Eucalyptus, Rose, & Peppermint

Seek out an intellectual solution to your problem.
The need to act quickly & decisively!
Sudden or unexpected changes.
Crystals, Oils, & Herbs: Tree Agate, Sunstone, Rutilated Quartz,
Peppermint, Eucalyptus, & Lavender

Be practical with respect to how you proceed.
The ability to make anything more beautiful.
Meeting someone who can help your dreams come true.
Crystals, Oils, & Herbs: Ruby, Garnet, Lapis Lazuli, Labradorite,
 Sage, Bay Leaf, Sandalwood, & Amber

Social Media & ESTY Shop

Visit my ETSY shop; TheDivineCrown 
I sell metaphysical tools and my book
to everything metaphysical. Perfect for
Visit my Instagram Pages
where I post my flower and quote of the day!
Knowing the spiritual abilities of flowers
is just as mystical as crystals. Come learn about
them here!

Grab a copy of my book on my ETSY Shop
or on or Barnes & Noble

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Reading For Week of September 3rd, 2018 - CALLING ALL SPIRITUAL TEACHERS AND STUDENTS!

Angel Reading For Week Of 
September 3rd, 2018

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This week calls for all the spiritual healers out there. This is conformation that your thoughts on creating and opening up a spiritual business is exactly what you need to be doing. You're on the right path!  This world needs your help and the angel's and God are calling each and every single one of you to step forward and take charge. Mother Earth and her people are in need of your love, light, and blessings. To spread the word and healing of the angels and God (source, your God/ God's of light and good). The Angles are asking you to take this week to start preparing for your spiritual business. Do your research, know exactly how you are wanting your business to run, and start taking the necessary actions to make this business a success. Get out a journal dedicated to your business and start creating your vision of your spiritual business. This weeks reading is quite short and simple, DO YOUR RESEARCH and write everything down. What do you need to know about starting a business? Research. We all need to come together and start spreading positivity and healing. This is a mission. All of us healers, spiritual teachers, and students need to come together and pick up those who need our guidance. Let's take a stand and stand up to the negativity and evil that dwells on this earth and push it out. Let's spread positivity, hope, faith, courage, strength, light, and love to each and every single charge that is brought to us by our angels. Let's suit up and do this!!! God needs our help. 
Healing Crystals:                                                                                        
Tiger Eye                                                                                                     
Green Aventurine                                                                                        
Golden Labradorite                                                                                     
Peacock Ore                                                                                                
Tibetan Quartz

Healing Herbs & Oils:
Bay Leaf
Orange Peel
Red Clover

Citrine, Green Aventurine, & Tiger Eye.
For protecting the finances of your business.

Need help suiting up to prepare for your business?
Visit my ETSY shop and I'll gear you up with
all the tools you need to manifest your goal. (TheDivineCrown)

Just beginning your studies on becoming a spiritual teacher?
Grab a copy of my book. A step by step guide to everything metaphysical. 
Crystals, herbs, candles, oils, crystal grids, and more! Order now from or Barnes and
If you order it through my ETSY shop, you'll get it 15% off. Just message me on ETSY.

Angel & Crystal Blessing,

Jennifer J Barlow