Sunday, October 9, 2016

Ascended Master of the Week: Ganesh (Ganesha)

Ganesh ( Ganesha)
(Hindu Deity)
Ganesha is most popular to people as "the Remover of Obstacles". But what a lot of people do not realize, is that Ganesh can do and help us with many other things. He can help us with our artistic side, allowing us to come up with great projects. He can also help us with attracting abundance. He is the god of wisdom and prosperity, can help with creating and maintaining harmony and peace within the household, and can help us with writing.
His energy is very calm, protective, loving, gentle, sweet, and uplifting. It is said that his father, out of rage, cut off Ganesh's head, and with Ganesh's mother there as a witness to this horrible act of rage, Ganesh's mother found the closest head and put that head on Ganesh's neck. The head she found, was the head of an elephant.    
Like an elephant, Ganesh is able to stampede through and remove anything that is holding you back from achieving a goal. Visualize Ganesh running through and crashing through any obstacles that are in you way, and call him forth so that he can help and assist you! He is said to work fast, coming through to you the moment you call to him for guidance.  
I find it very useful, to create a crystal grid on what you are trying to manifest, and placing a picture of Ganesh right by that grid with the intention that, he will be there supporting your manifestation, and helping in removing and avoiding any obstacles that may get in the way, making your path clear for your manifestations to work faster.
The way his trunk goes is important. If in the picture or statune, his trunk is circling to your left, then that represents removing obstacles, if his trunk is moving to your right, then that represents wisdom, prosperity, and abundance. Keep that in mind when working with him!
Well I hope that you enjoyed this post! If you did, give it a g+1 and share with others!
~Angel & Crystal Blessings,
Jennifer J Barlow

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