Monday, July 8, 2019

Daily Oracle Reading For 7/8/19

Daily Oracle Reading

The Solar Plexus is the area of your abdomen. This is the chakra which holds your inner will, personal power; solar power, and your energy center. The color which your solar plexus radiates is yellow and the element which it is associated with is fire. Which is why this card talks of the Sun. I do love Pyrite (shown above, silver mineral) for the solar plexus, but there are many other gemstones you can try using, such as: Citrine, Golden or Red Tiger Eye, Sunstone, Yellow Tourmaline, Yellow Fluorite, Yellow Apatite, Yellow Aventurine, … pretty much any yellow stone. Pyrite is not yellow, however the vibrational frequencies which it holds tends to open and activate the solar plexus. There are gemstones that are not yellow and are great for your solar, such as: Lapis Lazuli (royal blue with has pyrite inside), Orange Calcite, Carnelian, and many more. Choose the one or ones that you are called to. 

Anise (shown above, brown herb in shape of a star) is a great herb and oil to work with when it comes to your solar plexus, but so are many others, such as: Cedar Wood, Chamomile, Bergamot, and Rosemary, and more.

Good luck when working with your solar plexus today and tomorrow! Look for another reading tomorrow around this time. 

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Blessings and Namaste,

Jennifer J Barlow

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