Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Astrology News 2/18 - 2/24

Good evening readers!

So tonight I just want to really quick mention that this month is going to be a little difficult for me to post more than like 1 once a week because my last class for college just started and I have to be sure that I am focusing on that last class before I graduate! I need a lot of study time for this class and with a toddler, that can be a little challenging. So with that being said, let's move on with the astrology news for this week!! Please bare with me as I am new to reading astrology and it takes me time to understand what is going on and reading up on it lol!!

Wednesday: Sun and Pluto will be working together to increase your activity. It will allow you to feel productive and give you some drive. This is good considering before we had some energies that made us feel a little questionable about life and what you are doing in you everyday routine and such. For some of us that was a bit of an annoying and confusing time while others worked with those energies in a positive way and took the time to make some changes for the better, so these new energies of being proactive is really good. It can be a tie to kind of...start over and reorganize yourself.

Sunday: Mars and Venus will be working together. This will allow some creative energies to surface and you will find yourself using more of your imagination. So any dreams that you may have or thoughts, write them down and figure out how you can bring those dreams to life. How can you reach them? What steps should you take to get there? Figure it out.

Monday: Saturn/ Sun Square Transit
This will help you to recognize what is holding you back from reaching the goals that you want to accomplish, or recognize what is stuck between you and your success. I have a saying that I say a lot and is something I heard Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson say, "If there is something coming between you and your success, move it!" That is what you are going to need to do! Move it! get rid of it, especially if it is something that is negative. Don't let it make you nervous or feel fear from it. Stay calm and stand up for what you want. Have some self power!

So for the crystals that you can carry with you this week ( you can carry any other crystal that give you the same energies!):

For bringing success and abundance - Citrine or Pyrite

To help bring the light where it is dark - Rose Quartz or Clear Quartz

To help bring out your inner strength and stability - Iris Quartz, or Tigers Eye

So for, this is Jennifer and I will talk you all soon!

Crystal Blessings!


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